Boston Union President Alleged Child Molester

Child molesters are being forced out of the woodwork. It’s too bad that it has taken years and many victims for the truth to be revealed.

Former officer Patrick Rose was charged in August after a teenage daughter confessed to her father that Rose had molested her from the age 7 to 12. Five more people came forward within weeks of the initially filed claim.

You can watch the video footage here.

I’m curious to know why he remained on the job after in 1995 the Boston Police Department filed criminal complaint against Rose for sexual assault on a 12 year old girl. The Department refuses to release the records pertaining to the 1995 case.

It makes me wonder why the case was dropped, and why, even though the Department concluded Rose likely committed the crime, he was allowed to remain on the force for another twenty years.

Something else to research.

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Jesuit Priest President at Regis High School Removed

The abuse continues. This time a Jesuit priest, 59, who was president of New York’s prestigious Regis HS has been removed a result of ‘sexual misconduct claims against adults in the community’.

Regis HS is a private all-boys school that is tuition free. Tuition is funded by the generous contribution by its alumni, one of whom is Dr. Fauci.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, who counts himself as one of Regis HS alumni is pictured meeting with New York City's Regis High School students and ousted school's president, Daniel Lahart, in 2019
Image provided from Regis High School Facebook page

‘The Board of Trustees has determined, based on the findings of a third party investigator, Fr. Lahart engaged in inappropriate and unwelcome verbal communications and physical conduct, all of a sexual nature, with adult members of the Regis community, including subordinates,’ states a letter sent to parents.  ~ Daily Mail

You can read the article here.

Or Here.

We are seeing more and more people coming forward with claims of abuse. I pray that parents and children will continue to do so. This is the only way to rid the world of the evil that has been praying on our children for centuries.

Time to wake up.

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Marines Refusing the Vaccine

The vaccine has become quite a topic of conversation. 

I feel the topic has caused more than division among the people. It is beginning to breed hate. Which is what the elite want. If they can divide us, then they can keep us distracted long enough to strike.

By then we won’t know what hit us, and it be too late to realize what their true goal is. Ultimate depopulation.

Well, there are still some of us willing to stand up and say “no”. And according to CNN it looks like 40% of the marines are declining the jab.  Watch the video below.

You can read more here.

I encourage you to read additional resources related to any vaccine related conversation. There is much controversy related to both the virus and the vaccine.

I hope you will all have the conversation and do your research before getting the vaccine. I’m reading a lot of information and have watched many videos of people who have had bad reactions or have been left with serious injuries. There are many doctor’s speaking out now too.

Please see some of my other posts related to the vaccine for more information.

As always do your research. Don’t listen to the MSM when it comes to your health.

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More Arrests – Manchester NH

New Hampshire isn’t immune from the Child Trafficking and abuse that we’re seeing around the country.

Seven Men Arrested On Rape Charges In New Hampshire Youth Detention Case

The Manchester facility, formerly the Youth Development Center, has been under investigation since July 2019, when 2 ex-counselors were charged with raping a teen boy 82 times in the 1990s. Those charges were dropped last yr in order to strengthen the expanded investigation, BUT both men were arrested again now, along with five others based on allegations from 11 victims from 1994 to 2005.

If you look at the lawsuit filed last year you’ll see that 200+ men & women allege they were physically or sexually abused as children by 150 staffers from 1963 to 2018.
Children were gang raped by counselors, beaten while raped, forced to compete for food in “fight clubs” set up by counselors & locked in solitary confinement for weeks or months.

You can read the article here

NH, Mass. Men Arrested On Rape Charges In New Hampshire YDC Case

I continue to post about Child trafficking and abuse in hopes those still asleep will finally see the reality that gets missed every day.

It’s time to wake up.

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National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program

In 1910 Abraham Flexner wrote and published, under Carnegie Foundation, the Flexner Report. The report compiled findings from medical education facilities in the United States and Canada.

The report was written at the request of John Rockefeller after, in 1910  scientists discovered “petrochemicals and the ability to create many chemicals from oil. The scientists discovered various vitamins and they assumed they could create many pharmaceutical drugs from oil.

Of course, John Rockefeller found this to be a great opportunity to monopolize oil, chemical and the medical industries. So, he contacted Carnegie and the rest is history.

And the history is sorted. It wasn’t long before Rockefeller controlled the medical community through grants. First, He created a “Standard” of medicine. This controlled how doctors treated their patients. Second, he used the grants as a means of control the institutions,the Doctors, and what they taught. Soon doctors were treating patients with pharmaceuticals instead of natural or herbal remedies. It wasn’t long before doctors were prohibited from treating patients with any means other than Rockefeller’s drugs.

Fast forward to 2020 and we are seeing a similar scenario. Doctors are being forced to follow the protocol set by the elite, whose goal is to depopulate the world. I know there will  be those who disagree with me. And that’s okay. We still have the right to an opinion. At least for now.

The point I’m trying to make is we should educate ourselves before we put anything in our body. That includes products labeled as “vaccines”. We should also know how others have reacted to said shot, and if there are deaths associated with it.

Here is the link to the national Vaccine Injury Compensation Program

And here is a video explaining how you can find the numbers, including the adverse reactions and deaths associated with the shot.

Please research this shot. There are many reason’s not to get it. But as I said in prior posts. I respect everyone’s reasons for doing what makes them feel safe.

I’m praying more people wake up soon.

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So, yet again we are learning that the CDC got it wrong when it comes to COVID-19 deaths. They are now admitting that at least 96 percent of deaths reported as COVID-19 related, were WRONG. Why isn’t the mainstream media reporting this information to the public?

The reality is that most deaths originally reported as COVID-19, were actually deaths caused from influenza, pneumonia, heart attack, and cancer. The information reported by the CDC shows that the numbers they report can’t be trusted.

If the numbers can’t be trusted, then can anything they tell us be true?

It makes me wonder if the CDC has another agenda. If you look at Fauci’s connection to Wuhan Lab.

Something else to consider. While the CDC was chartered by Congress, it’s not  a government agency. It’s a private, nonprofit organization classified as a 501(c) (3) public charity. They can be influenced by any person, corporation or entity. What is really going on with them?

Here are more reasons to research more about COVID-19 and the CDC.

Just saying.

Time to wake up.

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Sorry, Soros – Myanmar Seized Assets

If you know the history of the man behind the Open Society Foundations, you’ll realize he has an agenda that is not good for America.

When you look at the OSF you’ll find that he donated $220 million to kick start the racial equity agenda. Don’t get me wrong I completely believe in equality for all. We are all equal in the eyes of God. However, the agenda that Soros’s has isn’t to provide minority groups with equal rights. Soros’s goal is to get the minorities the rebel and riot. To destroy their neighborhoods so he can go in and buy up those devalued properties and drive out the minorities, so he can build high rises that benefit the elite. He stands with the elite, agreeing that depopulation will benefit the 1%.

In this N.Y.Times article final paragraph they state clearly that “The Open Society Foundations will invest an additional $70 million in local grants supporting changes to policing and criminal justice. This money will also be used to pay for opportunities for civic engagement and to organize internships and political training for young people.” Is the political training of young people teaching natural law and civics or is the training geared to support his agenda?

His grant supports the de-funding of Law Enforcement across the board. Do you know why? So they can bring in the UN peace keepers and finalize the New World Order.

Soros’s goal is to have two classes. The ultra rich, and the poor. The middle class will disappear. His actions are criminal.

It appears that the Military Junta in Myanmar feels the same way. They seized the assets of George Soros Foundation’s Bank Accounts. There must be a reason. You can read about it here.

We need to be careful what we believe. Who we put our trust in. The ultra elite, the 1% are using the MSM (which they own) to manipulate us so we feed into their agenda, without realizing we have sold out.

Keep doing your research. Learn more about George Soros, the Rockerfeller’s, Rothschild’s, and Bushes. You will be shocked when you research the Clinton’s, the Obama’s and many of the elite (such as many in Hollywood).

I know, right now you think I’m a conspiracy theorist, but when the truth is completely exposed, you may think differently.

Time to wake up.

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No Jab For Me

I know there are many people who feel that getting the vaccine will make or keep them safe. I don’t share that view, but I respect them for theirs.

I don;t believe that by respecting them, I must bow to the will of the NWO and get the jab. I stand firm. I will not be inoculated. There are many reasons for this. I’m going to share a few videos and articles to show why I feel the way I do.

I share this article because I believe the author speaks reason. Even if you’re mind is made up, you should read it. It may help you understand those who don’t share your view.

18 Reasons I won’t be Getting a Covid Vaccine – Christian Elliot

Aborted Baby Parts   – MRC-5 in COVID (and childhood) vaccines pituitary gland, lung, skin, kidney, spleen, heart, tong  – see video below

This video explains how to access the CDC web site to see the vaccine reactions, disabilities, and deaths

The information above should be enough to get you started in your research. Maybe you’ve seen some of what I’ve included in the post. If so, great. I’m glad you’re being informed.

I hope readers don’t think I’m being a bully about the vaccine. If you think that getting the vaccine will protect you then I respect your decision. I put this information out there for those who want to research, but are not sure where to begin. If you look as the above information you may find information within that will prompt you to dig further.

You can also look at other posts to find additional information.

Keep digging. We can never have too much information.

We’re all waking up.

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updated 4/21/21

It’s Worth Fighting For

I am compelled to write this post to speak a truth that more and more people are realizing, every day.

Can you hear me. It’s time to unite. It’s time to take a stand against the Establishment, the Deep State, the Cabal, what ever you want to call it.

There are those who adopted this mentality many years ago. They saw this coming for decades. They set aside their lives to bring forth and help us realize true freedom. Freedom like we’ve never known. I thank them here and now for all they have done, and what they continue to do to free the world from tyranny.

We have been existing in a state of sleep for too long. It is time to wake up and live the life God meant us to live. We need to raise our awareness, our vibration, to match the love that God offers us. To live the life he promised us.

In order for that to happen, we must do our part. We must be willing to speak out, remove the masks, and deny the jab. We must demand the return of our civil liberties and protect them moving forward. We must chose love.

The deep sleep I speak of was induced by those who are determined to bring us to our knees and keep us in a state of sleep so we wouldn’t know what they were doing. Over the next few days, weeks, months, possibly years, we will see things we never thought we’d see, hear things we never thought we’d hear. We need to prepare ourselves mentally and spiritually for what is to come.

We have an opportunity to live a wonderful life, but that can’t happen unless we open our eyes and see the reality that we have ignored for decades. Please take this opportunity to realize the truth. Don’t let ignorance or pride keep you from searching for the truth. That could be your downfall.

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: (Matthew 7: 7-8)

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Two Constitutions


Assaults on sovereignty are, indeed, assaults on the very freedom that anchors the Western ideal.  ~Sec Pompeo

We have been asleep for a very long time. Most of us may not be aware of what was done to the American people. The crime was orchestrated and played out so long ago and the evidence was covered up so as time passed, the people wouldn’t know what was done to them.

Let’s start with this. There are two of everything in this country. We will begin, with the two Constitutions.

The first Constitution was suspended in favor of a Vatican Corporation in 1871. That’s right,

Since 1871 the United States president and the United States Congress has been deceptive in their politics. Operating under a different set of rules and policies.

Our first Constitution was signed in 1776 a testament to the newly independent states birthing the united States for America. No more King, no more crown. 95 years later that freedom came to an end when in 1871 the original Constitution for the united states for America” was changed to the “THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA”.

Congress made a deal with the devil when they realized the country was in financial straits. They sold out the American people to the international bankers aka the Rothschild’s of London. When I said Congress made a deal with the devil, I meant it. The international bankers weren’t about to lend money unsecured. Especially one that was almost bankrupt. The bankers devised a way to take control of the united States via the Act of 1871. The Act was passed with no constitutional authority to do so.

The Act of 1871 created a separate form of government for the District of Columbia. The corporation has it’s own flag, with 3 red stars to represent a city state within the three city empire. those being London, the Financial center, the Vatican being the spiritual center, and the District of Columbia would become the military center. All this controlled by the Vatican who claims to offer spiritual guidance to the world. You see, all religions answer to the Vatican. The three separate cities are one interlocking empire (“Empire of the City”)

The District of Columbia has it’s own  constitution. which operates under Vatican law (“Les Fori” -local law).

When congress passed the Act of 1871 it created a separate Corporation known as the UNITED STATES. This allowed the District of Columbia to operate outside of the original constitution of the United States. It operates as any corporation would. Set up as follows:

  • Chief Executive – president
  • Governs with a board of Directors – Cabinet officials
  • And managers – Senators/Congress
  • The POTUS operates as a vassal king – taking orders AGAIN from the City of London through Royal institute of International Affairs (RIIA)
  • The RIIA was founded by the illuminati (Society of Jesus or Jesuits -military order headed by the Black Pope) in 1919. The American equivalent to the RIIA is the Council on foreign relations (CFR)

The Act of 1871 created THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (all caps as in corporation). It is the constitution of the incorporated UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. It was put in place to fool the American people to believe it governs the Republic. By enacting The Act of 1871 congress committed treason against the Republic and the American People.

The second constitution took away our un-a-lien-able rights and gave us “relative” rights and privileges. It’s all a joke. We’ve been duped into believing this farce.We don’t need a drivers license to travel on the roadways. Our property should be ours by land patents not warranty deed. And the tax system is fraudulent. All government contracts are fraud.

So next time you hear someone refer to the Shadow Government, know that they are referring to the corporation created by the Act of 1871. It was put in place to steal from the People. To allow them to control those who should be self governed. We are sui juris (you, in your sovereignty).

Additional points to ponder

  • The Corporation of the UNITED STATES is a Crown Colony
  • King James I is responsible for signing the “First Charter of Virginia” in 1606 – granting our forefathers license to settle and colonize America. The charter guarantees future Kings/Queens of England would have Sovereign authority over all citizens and colonized land in America.
  • When the Treaty of Paris was signed (after America declared independence) on September 3, 1783, the Treaty identified the King of England as prince of U.S “Prince George the Third, by the grace of God, king of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, duke of Brunswick and Lunebourg, arch- treasurer and prince elector of the Holy Roman Empire etc., and of the United States of America“

When we stop to consider the information in this post, it becomes clear that government is not being conducted in accordance with the united States for America Constitution, or within the States, according to state constitutions. Our country has been invaded and overtaken by the bankers, the Crown and by treasonous acts of Congress. It is time we take back our country and return the Republic to its People.

I recommend each of you do some research related to what is posted here. You will find much more information in our founding papers than you ever dreamed. What you find will solidify our standing as Americans and give us the ammunition we need to defend ourselves from the Shadow Government. I provided some links within the post. But I want you to do your research. Don’t just read what I include. We need to get into the habit of double checking everything. Not because we shouldn’t trust each other, but because information changes over time. Or new information could be discovered to change the view of the person making the statement as discussed.

Many are becoming investigators. I hope you will join the lot of us so we can restore the Republic.