I’m including this page on my site, so my readers will be able to see the books or resources, I used as reference material in my writing. In addition to that information used, you will find additional resources that I have read and will be using in my work as I move forward.
You will notice many of the Gnostic books on the list, which I feel are important in finding a more complete “knowing” of our God, and the history that I believe has been kept from the general public.
You will also find many links to historical documents that have affected humanity. Once you read them take time to dig deeper, learn more about the united states of America (not the corporation), and those who sacrificed so much to make freedom a reality for the many who previously lived in fear.
You should also spend some time learning about the corporation that has ruled this country from at least 1871. Did you know that? Did you know that most States are incorporated too? What does the Constitution say about that?
While you’re at it, what does the Constitution say about gun control? Have you researched the Dick Act of 1902? If you want to dig deeper on this topic, you can start with Congressional Record, House, Page 640 – 1917
I will also be including links to sites I have visited to research material you will find in my books. Links are at the bottom of the page.
Please take what resonates and research what doesn’t. I’m including this information as reference only. Always research anything you are told. We are all learning to uncover the truth. As more information comes available, we all may change our view. Remember, you are responsible for what you know. You can’t expect anyone to feed you information if you want to be sovereign.
This page is a work in progress. I have many more works which I will be adding to this page as time allows.
History – Keep in mind that our history has been written by the victors. So, we may find at a later date, some of what we’ve been taught is fabricated to benefit those who have controlled the world for centuries.

Constitution for the united states of America – This is a link to the archives where you’ll find the Constitution of the united states of America. You’ll notice my copy is a little worn.

The Federalist Papers – Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison – 85 Essays written between 1787 and 1788 as a means to urge New Yorker’s to ratify the proposed united states Constitution. Originally published anonymously (pen name Publius).

Treaty of Paris 1783– Notice in Article 7, it is agreed there will be a “firm and perpetual peace” between the united states of America and Britain. That didn’t last long.

Treaty of Ghent 1814 – This Treaty of Peace between the united states of America and Great Britain, that ended the war of 1812, was signed on December 24, 1814. It was signed in Ghent, Belgium.

The Geneva Conventions 1864-1977 – The conventions are intended to make better the effects of war on soldiers and civilians.

Treaty of Versailles 1919 – The Treaty of Versailles was signed in 1919 at the Palace of Versailles in Paris at the end of World War I to solidify peace terms between Germany and the Allies. This is a good topic to research. You may find more than a peace treaty. Look at the time in history. Remember other events, and documents that were signed in the early 1900s that, in my opinion prompted the beginning of the NWO agenda. Research, Research.

Treaties between the United States and Great Britain 1871 – Pay special attention to the act of 1871 while you research treaties, and any agreements between the united states of America and Britain.

The American Supreme Court – Robert G. McCloskey

Our Cosmic Origin – Ishmael Perez

Moses and Akhenaten – Ahmed Osman

The Hebrew Pharaohs of Eqypt – Ahmed Osman

The Russian Revolution – Alan Moorehead

Caught in The Russian Revolution – Helen Rappaport

The Forbidden Archeologist – Michaela Cremo

Ancient History – Eric Brown

The Age of Reason – Thomas Paine
Government Conspiracies (not theories… truth)

Operation Paper Clip – Annie Jacobsen

Lab 257 – Michael Christopher Carroll

C.I.A Manual of Trickery and Deception – Keith Melton

PTSD – Cathy O’Brien

Pentagon Brain – Annie Jacobsen

Area 51 – Annie Jacobsen

How to Break a Terrorist – Matthew Alexander

Trance Formation – Cathy O’Brien

Elite Fighting Units – Howard Watson

Declassified – Thomas B. Allen

Military Intelligence – Jeremy Harwood

A Bright Shining Lie – Neil Sheehan

Viet-Nam Witness – Bernard B. Fall

Vietnam – Nigel Cawthorne
Political Science

Worse Than Watergate – John W. Dean

The FBI Story – Don Whitehead

Five Great Dialogues – Plato

The Republic of Plato

The Last days of Socrates – Plato

Plato The Law

Symposium of Plato

The Trial of Socrates – I. F. Stone

Aristotle Ethics

Aristotle’s Politics
Secret Societies

The Freemasons in America – H. Paul Jeffers

The Freemasons – Jasper Ridley

Return of the Divine Sophia – Tricia

Eastern Body Western Mind – Anodea Judith

The Law of One – The RA Material

Jesus and the Lost Goddess – Mothy Freke and Peter Gandy

The Kybalion

The Sophia Code – Kaiara

The Lost Gospel of Q

Mary Magdalene Revealed

Awakening Higher Consciousness

Pistis Sophia – G.R.S. Mead

Paths to God – Ram Dass

Bhagavad Gita

The Emerald Tablets – Translated by Doreal

The Nag Hammadi Library

The Mysteries of Mithra

The Lost Book of Enoch

The Book of the Giants

The Gospel of Judas

The Magdalen Manuscript – Tom Kenyon & Judy Sion

The First and Second Book of Adam and Eve

The New Complete works of Josephus

The Book of Jubilees

The Gospel of Mary Magdalene

Bloodline of the Holy Grail – Laurence Gardner

Tao Teh Ching – Lao Tzu

The Book of Jasher

The Other Bible

The Egyptian Book of the Dead- E. A. Wallis Budge

The Forgotten Book of Eden

The Anunnaki Bible – Donald M. Blackwell
Links – This list is extensive yet only the tip of the ice berg. Research these topics further to learn the truth that has been hidden from you.
U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
Library of Congress Affiliated Archives – Here you can find any registered document –
USA.GOV – Start here to navigate through the government site
U.S. Department of Treasury – Look here to find the true source of where our money should come
US Patent and Trade Mark Office – Look up any patent
United States Courts – What’s going on in the Court system?
U.S. Department of Education – Find out what the power’s that be are forcing on your children
White House.Gov -Legislative – Check up on the Legislative branch of the corporation
Public Congressional Data – Look up any public record that relates to Congress
Current Legislative Activity – Review what is going on in Congress. Find out what they’re really up to.
Congressional Hearing Data – Find congressional hearings back to the 85th Congress
Center for Disease Control and Prevention – And by the way, they’re not a government agency
Flat Earth Society – Research it. Even if you don’t believe it.
Secret Government Programs – This is just the beginning. Research further on your own
U.S. Government Mind Control Experiments – Only one article in the ocean of information
The Church Committee – Research more on governmental mind control as investigated in the Church Committe
Where to look for information.
- Universities – Public thesis papers
- Government Agencies
- Science Community
- Medical Community
- Journals and Digests
- Blogs and websites on specific topics
- Search on Qwant and Brave search engines among others
- Repositories – Although these require a fee (more here)
- There are many more- Use your imagination