Words or Weapons

Sometimes we don’t realize what we say affects those around us. I thought I’d add my two cents worth as relates to the topic.

We all have so much to learn. It’s dialogs like this that can help us realize how are words can be weapons.


Thank you for listening

Author Dana Lyons – Interview

Today I interviewed Dana Lyons, author of “No Longer Cinderella”.

We talked about her book and her ministry. She shared a bit about her journey, one that put her on the path to healing and setting her ministry in place.

I hope you enjoy the conversation.

Thank you for listening.

Sound of Freedom – Do you Hear Their Cries?

Taking a look at the movie many are talking about. If they’re not talking about it, they should be.

I heard someone at the movie theater say the story line in the movie isn’t real. Not meaning any disrespect to her, I wonder if she might be able to tell me what happens to the 8 million children EACH YEAR, that go missing and are never recovered?

Reality is about to hit hard, those who choose not to see.

Adding a Podcast

I recently started a podcast where I’m hoping to showcase authors from many genre.

I’d like to talk to authors of fiction to explore their story lines and learn a bit more about the author.

I’d also like to interview authors who have been on this journey of self discovery. Many who have much to offer those of us who are still on that journey.

I hope as I move forward with this project that you will listen and support those who have chosen this creative outlet to entertain and help us heal.