Words or Weapons

Sometimes we don’t realize what we say affects those around us. I thought I’d add my two cents worth as relates to the topic.

We all have so much to learn. It’s dialogs like this that can help us realize how are words can be weapons.


Thank you for listening

Author Dana Lyons – Interview

Today I interviewed Dana Lyons, author of “No Longer Cinderella”.

We talked about her book and her ministry. She shared a bit about her journey, one that put her on the path to healing and setting her ministry in place.

I hope you enjoy the conversation.

Thank you for listening.

Sound of Freedom – Do you Hear Their Cries?

Taking a look at the movie many are talking about. If they’re not talking about it, they should be.

I heard someone at the movie theater say the story line in the movie isn’t real. Not meaning any disrespect to her, I wonder if she might be able to tell me what happens to the 8 million children EACH YEAR, that go missing and are never recovered?

Reality is about to hit hard, those who choose not to see.

Adding a Podcast

I recently started a podcast where I’m hoping to showcase authors from many genre.

I’d like to talk to authors of fiction to explore their story lines and learn a bit more about the author.

I’d also like to interview authors who have been on this journey of self discovery. Many who have much to offer those of us who are still on that journey.

I hope as I move forward with this project that you will listen and support those who have chosen this creative outlet to entertain and help us heal.

Presidents’ Day

Today we celebrate another Presidents’ Day.

While I feel we should celebrate those who led our country to greatness, I also want to voice my opinion that there are very few presidents that fit into that category.

We’ve all been hearing about corruption in our government. Our country was usurped not too long after the Revolutionary War. As a matter of fact, we only experienced three years of freedom before being forced back into the fold of Great Britain. Some may be surprised to hear this. But those of us who have been paying attention, those of us that have been doing our research, know the cold reality.

So, today I tip my hat to all the Presidents who tried to do the right thing. Most of all I’d like to thank President Trump for putting himself in the line of fire for the people of this country.

There are people who speak badly about President Trump. But I fear it is through ignorance that they let hateful words pass over their lips. They must not know what they are defending. Certainly not the children.

Donald Trump restored our Republic when he took office. His campaign promise to “drain the swamp” was one he took to heart, it’s one he took many a blow for. I don’t know another person who would have been able to stand up to the abuse that was inflicted on him.

If you really want to know what he did for this country, and the world for that matter, then you only need to look at the Executive Orders he signed. I mentioned a few of them in my July 21, 2021 post.

Our children are our most precious resource. President Trump put his career, his life, and the lives of his family on the line for all of us. It may be years before we know to what extent he went, to save us from the evil that has been running not only this country but the world.

And while President Trump had many people working with him to take down the Deep State, it is he, who put his neck on the line. It is he who took the heat, and was a target of those hoping to use their lies as a weapon to remove him from office, so they could continue their evil agenda.

Today, I am thankful for our true President, our 19th President of the united States for America, the Republic has returned.

Thank you President Trump.

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State National – A New Beginning

There’s been a lot of talk in our circles lately about “how to become an American State National”.

I’ve had a few friends and followers ask me what you must do to become a State National. While it is a time-consuming process, it is one that is worth the freedom that is acquired with that Status.

The first step in becoming a State National is to create your “Affidavit of Repudiation”. You will need a certified copy of your birth certificate for this process.. Once you have completed the Affidavit of Repudiation, send it off to the Secretary of State (federal and State levels). The Affidavit should be sent via Registered mail (that would be the red label, not the green one). You will need to send the Affidavit “return receipt” so you have proof it was received. Once you receive the proof of service, wait 21 days before proceeding to record.

While you wait you can work on your Deed of Re-conveyance and your Declaration of Status or Patent of Nativity. The Patent of Nativity is basically your family tree. You would go back to when your forefather to set foot on American soil. I was able to trace my father’s line back to the 1600s when they came to Massachusetts. If you can’t trace your line back that far, you would prepare a Declaration of Status.

Once the 21 days have passed, you can prepare your documents to be recorded. All documents will need to be notarized. Redact Birth Certificate number and SS# before recording. Complete a Notice of Default Certified “Judgement” of Un-Rebutted Affidavit. Fill out and print out the Recording cover sheet. Then record your documents.

Next, you will prepare to get your Passport. If you have a passport currently, you will still need to have it replaced because you are changing your Status. That Status needs to be reflected on your new passport.

Once you receive your passport, You have corrected your Status!

Now you’re ready to take back what belongs to you.

Now that you’ve changed your Status, you can address things like

  • The IRS
  • Rescinding your marriage Certificate/Annul through the State
  • Revoke your voter status (State Nationals elect, Corporations Vote)
  • Rescind your birth certificate
  • Set up your God Family Trust
  • Land Patent
  • Trademark/Copyright your name
  • Maybe set up a PMA – for business owners.

I know all this sounds overwhelming, but it doesn’t need to be. There are resources out there to help you get through the process.

I’ve posted videos and other resources on the”State National” tab on my website. An below are links to two resources that can walk you through the process.

The State National Community – is a resource where you can find the Documents and information created by David Straight.

The ASN Study Guide is an awesome resource for all your question. You will find the experts, here.

I went through the process to become a State National and you can to. I’m not special. I’m a normal woman who realized it was time to stand up and make a difference. I don’t it all. As a matter of fact, I’ve barely begun to learn what I need to know to be “well versed” in the history of our country, and the documents that can keep us free.

I’m excited to keep learning though. I’m hoping the State National numbers will increase and take over the country. When we do, we stamp out the cabal corporation and return “We The People” to the Republic as was meant to be.

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The Act of 1871 – A Round Table Discussion

We the People have had enough.

Everyday more and more people are standing up to speak out against the injustice that’s been done to enslave humanity.

While we know the powers that be have been at this for thousands of years, it was in 1871 in the united States for America that the die was cast and we were tricked in to thinking we are free, all the while the elite were slowly taking our rights and enslaving all of us.

We talked about that very thing on Esoteric Atlanta’s channel.

You will have to watch the full episode on Rumble because of the topic.

I also want to correct and expand on a statement I made toward the end of the video, about the United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political rights, and Russia. 1992 was the year Russia signed the Covenant, However, they did not refer to the Constitution for the united States for America to create their new Constitution.

The Covenant on Civil and Political rights document was written by a private person and taken to the Hague to try and create rights world wide with every country that was a member of the United Nations.

It took 10 years for it to be presented to the Hague before it was adopted. Then another ten years before it was heard and signed.

Every country was given ten years to sign the Covenant. The US refused to sign until Russia signed. Russia signed it in 1992. They went home and rewrote their Constitution based on that document. I misspoke when I said they used our Constitution as the basis for their new Constitution.

I apologize for my error.

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Kelly Thiel: NXIVM Cult Survivor

I’ve been researching conspiracies for many years for the books I’m writing.

I’ve been talking about many of the conspiracies throughout this blog. One of the most disturbing things I’ve come across is the process of mind control. Mind control takes form in many ways. The controllers use it to get people to submit to their will. This could be by way of government, throughout the education system and in the human trafficking industry.

Human trafficking runs way deep throughout the world. NXIVM is only one cult that has taken control of the minds of its members to force them to submit to their will.

Please watch the video below to learn more about how subtle these cults can be. How they can trick you to believe they are doing things for the higher good.

This video should be shared far and wide. To save people from falling for these cults.

Thank you Kelly for speaking out.

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