Church Committee Was About More Than Mind Control

In “The War Within” I tell the story about not only the struggle of our United States of America, but the deep secret that I believe has shaped our country to be what it is today.  The dissension we see, and experience today is brought about because of mind control programs. In “The War Within” I talk about MK-Ultra but there was much more going on during those years and continuing through to today.

Project Mockingbird began with television and the movie industry. I am sure the CIA owns Hollywood. Those running the CIA clearly stated that the television could be used for nothing more than entertainment. If that is the case, then what do you call the new media outlets, fake news? Maybe President Trump is right. We will put that aside for now. This post is not meant for political bashing.

Some of the government programs that we know about are Project Paperclip from which came many other programs. It began when World War II ended, and the Nazi Scientists were removed to the United States (and Argentina and possibly Antarctica) to conduct these mad science projects that would result in mass murder over the years.

If you are not familiar with the Church Committee you should do some research. It is amazing what you find out when you dig. Anyone who believes or trust in their political officials should step back and look clearly at how they operate. You could start by looking at what they blatantly did to our Constitution in the 1870s.

In the early 1970s the press began reporting some troubling information concerning the activity in the intelligence community. From spying on the civilian community, to the government being involved in schemes to assassinate foreign leaders (such as Ngo Dinh Deim – South Vietnam). There were many reasons to begin an investigation. Unfortunately for us the government was already corrupt and swept most conspiracies under the rug. They then continued to manipulate the public through propaganda and chemical manipulation. We will save that for another conversation.

The Church Commission named for chairman Frank Church, learned many things, beginning with the 1950s discovery that the CIA and FBI began intercepting and opening (and photographed) over 215,000 pieces of mail by 1973 when it was shut down, related to the HTLINGUAL program. Research “mail covers” program for more information.

The final report was published April 1976 and was comprised of six books. Much of the report was classified (are you surprised?) but some 50,000 pages were declassified in 1992 (see President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992).

I encourage you to research some of this information. We have all been guilty of assuming our government officials are working in our best interest. Unfortunately, that is not the case. There is a darker side to our government. I think some choose not to see it because if they see it they have to do something about it.

Be careful, complacency leads to assumed consent. Consent leads to a loss of civil liberties and the loss of the freedom we assume we still have.

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What Happened to the Constitution?

We live in a country that, has lost it’s moral compass. I don’t mean to say that everyone has lost their way. But based on what I see in the world today, something is just not right.

When I was in junior high school (what they now call middle school) we had to study American History. We were required to learn about the Constitution. We memorized the Preamble, which I still remember to this day. We had to memorize the Bill of Rights (first 10 amendments) and learn about the history of the remaining amendments.

If the schools teach their students about our American history in this way today, I wonder why so many people can’t tell you anything about our founding fathers, our Constitution, and the truth behind the fight.

I don’t mean to be critical but if we as Americans don’t have an understanding of where we came from and what we represent, we are doomed.

How many people do you know who can tell you about the Revolutionary War, The War of 1812, or the Civil War? How many people know what really happened during that time. What about the Paris Peace Treaty, or the Treaty of Ghent? How about the Geneva Conventions, or the Treaty of Versailles? What do they represent?

Do any of you know how the United States became part of the corrupt United Nations? Do you realize that we didn’t win World War II? Yes, Japan surrendered, but we were at war with Germany, among others in Europe too. What happened? If you begin your search, you will learn about the United Nation Charter, where Roosevelt sold out America. He handed the united States of America to the organization that would become the New World Order, on a silver platter. Do some research on Roosevelt and his policies. Plans he put in place to protect the American people, were plans to weaken the country and its people. Remember the old saying. Beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing.

The UN was created to prevent future wars, so they say. Since the creation of the UN how many wars have there been? I’d say they didn’t succeed. I might go so far as to say they create wars to divide the people of the world. Did you know that the united States of America has only been at peace for 21 years since its birth? There have been over 251 wars since 1945, when the UN was created. That doesn’t include smaller conflicts. Amazing.

This post provides a small bit of information. Placed strategically, to entice you to research what I wrote. Find out what is truth and what is fiction by putting on your thinking cap. And digging deep.

We are all learning to be responsible Americans. We can start by reeducating ourselves on who we are and what Natural Law means. We need to be secure in our papers, know who we truly are. Myself included. Let’s take back the Republic.

Old Glory – An Essay by Evangelo Morris

We are living in a time that will ring in the Great Awakening. We are waking up. Some of us sooner than others. Some being brave in the face of fear. While other stand back, questioning, still trying to figure out where they will fit in. It doesn’t matter where you are in the process of this period of awakening. It only matters that you keep your eyes open. That you don’t bury your head in the sand. We all need to question what we read, or watch on TV. We all need to politely listen to each other and search for the answers that await us. We are in the same boat. We all share our human connection. And here in the united states of America we share a flag. I hope Mr. Morris doesn’t mind my posting this video on my blog. When I listen to him speak about Old Glory he reminds me that our flag represents more than the aspiration of freedom. It represents our ability as a Nation to come together. To come together as individuals, that as a collective, form the fabric of our great Nation. We are woven together, many colors standing strong as a People and nothing can put us under. Now is the time for us to come together as the great Nation the rest of the world sees in us. We set the example that others want to follow. Let’s show them how it’s done. God Bless America. Fair Use Notice: This article could contain some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add their photo.

The Plot Thickens

By now I feel as though I’m being pulled in multiple directions. So much is going on in the world I don’t know what to write about first. I remain awake. I write these posts in hopes that those who read them will question what I write.

I’m hopeful people will research, not attack. We all see things differently. We all process information at a different pace. Some see the truth sooner than others. Some read into things that aren’t there. We should work together to get to the truth.

Some of the things I want to write about today are:

  • Human trafficking (specifically the tunnels and bases that are being cleaned out)
  • The claims of fraud in the election process
  • The robbing of the American people through the incorporating of the District of Columbia
  • Cloning (You say what? Yes, it’s happening and not just dolly the sheep)
  • COVID -19 the scam to instill fear in the population of the world
  • The vaccination that won’t save the world, but destroy it.

Can you see my dilemma?

How many of you are looking at the above options and saying “What to h@#$?” Well, I reacted the same way when I learned about each one of the above evils? I’ll tell you each one was difficult to digest. I needed to slowly work my way through the horrors and corruption. I didn’t want to believe it, but it’s true.

I’m not going to go into detail about these very real situations today. But I suggest you chose one and research it. Take your time and verify facts. You may have time to digest what you learn before it is all made public.

I have written novels about situations that I’m now finding are real. I’ve been researching some of this for years. Please, don’t discount anything. Don’t push aside something because you think it might be a conspiracy theory or because someone else told you it was. Don’t ignore things because they don’t fit into what you might consider normal.

The world is changing at an ever increasing pace. And as it changes we too must adapt. Not only to the changes but to the situations we learn about and all the information that has been kept from us. Some good, some not so good.

It’s time to wake up. We’ve been living in a dream, a nightmare, really. Only we didn’t realize it. Many people say we are living in the time of the Great Awakening. The age of Aquarius. Whether you believe in any of that, you have to admit something is happening. Let’s find out together.

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D.C. What?

What did you say? Why is everything always Trump’s fault? Maybe in this case it is. I wonder though?

I’d like to comment on this further, but I need to wait until I have more information. I will say I’m confused about the insurrection claim. I listened to the speech and I distinctly recall the President telling the crowd to protest peacefully.

Trump supporters gathered on Wednesday, Jan. 6, to show support for the President, as he and many others voiced claims of election fraud following the November election. Trump spoke as Congress met to certify the votes of the Electoral College.

Demonstrators stood outside the Capitol building displaying both Trump flags and American flags as they waited, supporting Trump, as Congress began the process to certify the vote. I’m curious why Pence would stand with Congress when he knew fraud was involved in the election process. Sounds like a red flag.

I’m curious why DC Mayor would tell law enforcement to stand down the day before the supposed riot. You can read about that here.

I think I smell a rat.

For now I’ll remain open minded. Let’s watch how things unfold.

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We The People

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the united states of America.” ~ Preamble to the Constitution of the united states of America

And so the Constitution is introduced. The words become those that are the fabric of our Nation. They weave together all that is required to live together as we form a more perfect Union. The Republic. A place where we can live together, not in perfection but perfectly, imperfect, accepting each other’s imperfections while working together to strive for a better life.

Our forefathers knew this as they compiled the words that would save this great Nation. That has never been more clear than it is today. George Washington knew what he was doing when he oversaw the task that would protect us from our enemy.

It’s too bad that it took the degree of turmoil we are experiencing today, to bring to light the scam that is about to change who we are not only as a country, but as human beings. In my last post we discussed the history of the scam known as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (the corporation). If you’re coming late to the table, please go back and read the post from April 18, 2020 to learn about the secret corporation that is trying to destroy our sovereign Nation.

In this post I ask that each of us remember our forefathers and the blood they shed so we could live as free people. It’s sad to think that our ancestors only lived in that free state for 95 years before our Country was hijacked. Does that surprise you?

Well we must learn a lesson and remember those who deceived us and manipulated their way into making us believe we are still a free Nation. We must stand together and use what remains of our Constitutional rights and make our representatives listen to us. After all they are our servants, not the other way around.

It’s time we stood up and reminded those we elect that they represent us, not the special interests. Remember what Edward Bulwer-Lytton said in 1839. The pen is mightier than the sword. Write to your Congressmen and Congresswomen and remind them that we the people represent the majority, and we can remove them from office.

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The UNITED STATES versus the united states of America

Do you understand what this means? You will when we’re finished walking through the web of lies that became The UNITED STATES. I will first begin with a business lesson. When articles of incorporation are written the name of the corporation is written in all capital letters. That is your first clue to the rabbit hole that we will will be exploring. Next, you might remember from your junior high history lessons that the the District of Columbia is not part of the united states of America. it was set up in 1790 and fully chartered by 1801. The Act of 1871 created a foreign nation within the District of Columbia. It is it’s own separate territory. Similar to the Vatican. The country of Italy gave the Vatican it’s own land within their borders so the Catholic Church could operate within the country of Italy outside the laws of the country. And another thing, the Vatican has it’s own banking system and military. Have you ever heard of the City of London? Same thing. It is a foreign country within the boarders of England. Again it operates outside the laws of Great Britain. And is controlled by the Bank of England which is  owned by the Rothschild family.  Keep reading. Did you know that in 1870 the international banking community (Bank of London; Rothschild family) sabotaged our country with their sneaky business deal that was supposed to finance our country, get us back on our feet after we spent ourselves into poverty which was the result of war. The Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the Civil War, to name a few. Did you know the Civil War was financed on both sides by these central banks? Think about that as we continue. The Forty-First Congress is where the majority of the fraud started. It has been suggested that the deceit began as far back as 1856 (remember what I said about the Civil War). But I will use the Forty-Forth Congress as the launching date for our demise. That is the year our Representatives weaved the web that formed illegal corporations in a foreign State (the District of Columbia), that allowed for fictious power over the people. Now listen to this statement. There has been a Breach of Trust which renders any action taken since the inception of said Corporation as null and void, fraud, and is in violation of the Constitution of the united states of America. In plain language, the people never gave the fraudulent corporations the power to create such corporations. There’s more, but it will have to wait. You may have heard of the Act of 1871, which wasn’t actually an “Act”. It was a series of “Acts that together in 1871 set in motion a series of illegal events that brings us to the financial state we find ourselves in as a country.  Notice I said ILLEGAL. Lets revisit the international bankers who so kindly “bailed us out.” At least that’s what they wanted us to believe. To make a long story short, they created a corporation which they called THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (notice all capital letters).  Within that corporation there are many sub-corporations which I won’t go into here. This process took some time which is why there were many “Acts” in 1871. The Act of 1871 was repealed in 1874, but was replaced by others until the Federal Reserve was create. When a bank lends money, there is always a catch. They want to secure that loan with some form of collateral. We are that collateral. Do you have a birth certificate? No. If you want your birth certificate, you request a certified copy from vital statistics within your state. You don’t hold your birth certificate. The Central Bank does. That’s another story for another time. Now we go deeper. Through out the remainder of the 1800s and the early 1900s, the banks manipulated the people through the Great Depression(s) and World War I until the Federal Reserve was born. So we’re clear, the Federal Reserve is not part of the government of the united states of America. And our sovereign nation is no longer in operation. The illegal corporation has been running the country. Are you surprised? I’d like to clarify something else. the united states of America elected eighteen presidents. All remaining presidents were voted in under the corporation of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. We the people haven’t elected a president in over a hundred years. Also, the last amendment to the Constitution of the united states of America was the 13th amendment, that which abolished slavery. Let me remind you that the 16th amendment permits Congress to levy income tax. I’d say since the amendment is written under the Constitution of the corporation, and the corporation is illegal, then the income tax is illegal. Thoughts? We have been living under a corrupt constitution. We have allowed an illegal corporation to rule over us when government in the united states of America was never meant to rule over the people. Well, things are about to change. But only if we the people stand up. In a nutshell, the corporation of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (and it’s sub-corporations) can only operate if we allow it. Have you heard of Civil Roman Law. Let me explain. It allows deceit and doesn’t punish the deceivers as long as the victim remains deceived. When the fraud is discovered and the victim objects to it.. well lets say then the shoe is on the other foot. Now that we know their secret fraud we can invoke their own law against them. We can do that by speaking up. There is so much more that needs to be discussed to be able to answer questions that should come up. Like the voting process.  If we were living as a sovereign nation we wouldn’t vote. Voting is for corporations. We would “elect” those to represent us. That is another conversation. One that should be discussed considering the fraudulent voting practices we are experiencing today. I’d like to continue this conversation. If anyone would like to know more, please politely comment and we can start a dialogue that will hopefully teach us all  something we didn’t know (me included). Photo by Anthony Garand on Unsplash Photo by Caleb Miller on Unsplash Fair Use Notice: This article could contain some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. 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