The Silent Children

There are evil things going on in the world that most people know nothing about. Human trafficking is happening and has been happening for centuries.

I’m sharing a video with you today about the world of human trafficking. The video I’m sharing is a documentary film that was started by Lisa Beane and Leroy Moore (Dave Matthews Band). Chris Cornell joined Leroy and Lisa as a financial backer to the project. Chester Bennington, Linkin Park producer joined as a collaborator.

To stress the severity of exposing human trafficking, I must tell you that the only person who worked on the documentary that is still alive is Lisa Beane.

Please pray for all those who continue to work to expose human trafficking. They take their lives in their hand every time they open their mouth.

A Love That Stands the Test of Time

Each of us, in our lives at some point, suffer the loss of a loved one. It’s never an easy path to walk.
It is said, the heart wants what the heart wants. The heart may want what it wants, but it doesn’t always get what it wants. Or, if it does, it can be fleeting.
Love is a deep feeling of the heart, not one that can easily be forgotten or released. Over time it may find a comfortable place deep within where it settles into a rhythm of what might have been.
Sometimes love isn’t lost; it just finds itself taking a detour. Giving the feeling a time to mature or grow or maybe find its way back to what should have been.
Other times it seems to come late in life when the noise of the world has settled, and distraction is set aside. Love comes when the time is right.
The heart may want what it wants, but love knows when it’s time for the heart to swell with the passion that brings two souls together.
Sometimes those souls connect for a moment in time, bringing joy, happiness, peace, contentment, and a deep love that is beyond the space of time.
Then it is gone. But is it?
It is that love that stands the test of time. It stands the test of that which is outside of space and time. It is what we call eternity. Love beats deep in the heart right through the soul of eternity.
When you lose a lover in this life, you should know that in that place outside space and time, the heart still swells with the passion that keeps you and your soulmate together.
Tonight, I think about a dear friend who recently lost what I believe is what I describe above. I hope you will find comfort in the words that cannot begin to make up or replace the gentle, loving heartbeat of that missing space in this lifetime.
I hope you can find peace in your memories.

Photo by Suresh Kumar on Unsplash

A Storm is Brewing

This morning I turned on my computer and stepped away for a moment while the programs loaded. When I returned good, old Windows 10 had once again given me an image to contemplate. Maybe it’s a sign.

I wasn’t sure what I would write about, but when I saw the image in front of me, it became clear. I saw before me nature unfolding dramatically. I saw in the distant a storm brewing. The clouds were accumulating; gathering as if preparing a scheme, planning its attack. As the clouds became darker and darker, the rumble began. The orchestra of sound was escalating and bringing to life the air that had become stagnant. The change became more than clear as the lightning struck the rocks below.

The clouds rolled in faster and faster, and the sky grew dark, and the rains fell. The pitter-patter of rain slowly became a pounding that drowned out the sounds of the birds as they scattered to find a haven from the storm. The lightning followed by the booming crash of thunder that resonated across the sky; the vibration absorbed by the earth below.
As I studied the image, a thought came to my mind. This scene that played out in front of me was so similar to the life we are experiencing today. As we sit back and study, the course of recent time we see the parallel between the storm in the sky and what we are living through right now. Stormy energy has been brewing for a long time. Humanity is about to unleash its wrath just as the lightning emitted in the sky. The booming anger of humanity is drowning out the beautiful sounds of nature. We can’t see the forest through the trees because we have become so focused on negative energy we can’t let our guard down and let in the light.
What a comparison. Think about it. As the clouds accumulate and absorb the negative energy; humankind is absorbing all the surrounding negativity. Negativity begets negativity. It grows like a plague unleashing itself on society and kills the kindness we have been ignoring. The storm in the sky unleashed on the earth, and we have natural catastrophes all over the globe. On a human level, we are doing the same thing. We have unleashed the negativity on each other, and there is very little peace.

I believe the calm before the storm is long gone now. We are amid a storm that is out of control. Maybe if we change our energy, it will affect the surrounding energy. We as humans have a responsibility to love and protect. We have forgotten that as we sling negativity at one another. Maybe it’s time the tides turn. If nature can do it, we can as well.

Photo by Max LaRochelle on Unsplash

The War Within – Operation Mind Crime – Book I

The War Within was supposed to be a a romance novel. I started writing the novel and found the more I wrote, the more research I needed to do, to make sure I was being accurate in my portrayal of time.

What started out as a romance, ended being what I consider historical fiction with a twist of suspense. That’s quite a leap. Why you say?

Well, the more research I did, the more I kept running into terms like MK Ultra and Operation Paperclip. When I looked at the riots that occurred, I began to wonder if the CIA had anything to do with behavior that prior to the sixties was unheard of. So I dug deeper.

Katherine was a new mother who’s husband died in Vietnam. Death is a life changing event, one that sent Katherine back to work at the local University . Where she stumbled upon the program that we know as MK-ULTRA.

The Church Commission supposedly investigated programs such as MK-Ultra and Operation Mockingbird. In the end the people were lied to and told such programs were no longer operational. I think we know different. Or do we?

The War Within is not only the struggle for mankind to survive the scourges of war, but it also looks at the inner struggle we all face when we realize the ravages of evil really do exist in the dark recesses of space and time.

I continue to research the topic of MKULTRA and other programs that I’ve been told are conspiracy theories. When you read The War Within you can decide.

A New Journey

I step into the arena of a new existence. The path in front of me is vast, with many twists and turns. It’s a road that leads to nowhere and everywhere. Adventure awaits. Walk with me as I step into the land of the living and dead. Journey with me to a time where truth, lies, love, hate, and suspense each touch the heart, mind, and soul. Let me tell you a story about…

United Nations and Child Sex Trafficking

When President Trump took office, he made a pledge to end human trafficking. I’m not sure if watching the below video has anything to do with  his promise. I’m sure he knows more than I do about the degree of trafficking that occurs around the world. There are many ways children are trafficked. We should all know about the trafficking that is taking place around the world today. And we should all find some way to inform others about the children being trafficked. And educate ourselves on how we can recognize signs of trafficking.  We’ve been in the dark about this topic for too long. The video below is only one way that children are being trafficked. The United Nations peacekeepers have been receiving sex from children in exchange for food. What a terrible thing to do. A child has to chose between food and sexual abuse? This should never happen. Especially at the hands of people who claim to be protectors of the people. This video is the beginning of your trail. Its the rabbit hole where you start to research this topic. It has ties to everything going on in the world today. We are becoming a world aware. We are waking up to the corruption and evil that has held us all in a state of numbness for long enough. We are ready to take back our humanity. Let’s go. Fair Use Notice: This article could contain some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add their photo.


Many of us now know that THE UNITED STATES is a foreign corporation. Or should I say a bankrupt foreign corporation. In any case this can be a complicated  conversation. Below is a bullet list to help us understand the madness. I’ll leave this one here. As I learn more I hope I can be of more help with this conversation.

UNITED STATES is a foreign corporation to the states of the union.

19 C.J.S. Corporations § 953 Definition of foreign corporation

  • A foreign corporation is one that derives its existence solely from the laws of another state, government, or country and the term is used indiscriminately, sometimes in statutes, to designate either a corporation created by or under the laws of another state or a corporation created by or under the laws of a foreign country. 1
  • A corporation incorporated in a United States possession is foreign, not domestic. 2
  • At common law, a corporation may be deemed a person, 3
  • and statutes providing that corporations are deemed persons include foreign corporations within the definition of person. 4
  • Generally, the status of a corporation as either foreign or domestic is determined solely by the place of its origin, without reference to the residence of its stockholders, 5
  • or incorporators, 6
  • or the place where its business is transacted. 7
  • However, by express enactment, a corporation, a majority of whose stock is held by aliens, is, for some purposes, deemed to be a foreign corporation. 8
  • On the other hand, a domestic corporation does not become a foreign corporation merely by accepting from another state a grant of the right to own property and to transact business in such other state. 9
  • Federal corporations. While there is authority that a federal corporation operating within a state is considered a domestic corporation rather than a foreign corporation, 10
  • the creation and organization of a corporation by an Act of Congress does not preclude such corporation from being a “foreign corporation” as recognized by a state venue statute, which expressly includes “a corporation created by or under the law of any other government.” 11
  • The United States government is a foreign corporation with respect to a state. 12

28 U.S. Code § 3002 – Definition, 15,  A

United States.

(15) “United States” means—

(A) a federal corporation;

(B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or

(C) an instrumentality of the United States.

The United States is a District of Columbia corporation.

In Volume 20: Corpus Juris Sec. § 1785 we find “The United States government is a foreign corporation with respect to a State” (see: NY re: Merriam 36 N.E. 505 1441 S. 0.1973, 14 L. Ed. 287  Since a corporation is a fictitious “person” (it cannot speak, see, touch, smell, etc.), it cannot, by itself, function in the real world. It needs a conduit, a transmitting utility, a liaison of some sort, to “connect” the fictional person, and fictional world in which it exists, to the real world.

YOU are the transmitting utility.

What is a Transmitting Utility?

The FIRST M. LAST all caps name listed on the Birth Certificate.


JOHN M. DOE signature is the transmitting utility. this is an example.

As we move forward in time we will continue to learn more about all that has been hidden from us. All will come to light.

We must remember, it’s up to us to shine that light in the darkness, so that the many will see the truth and the few will no longer control that truth.

It’s time for the Republic to return.