A Storm is Brewing

This morning I turned on my computer and stepped away for a moment while the programs loaded. When I returned good, old Windows 10 had once again given me an image to contemplate. Maybe it’s a sign.

I wasn’t sure what I would write about, but when I saw the image in front of me, it became clear. I saw before me nature unfolding dramatically. I saw in the distant a storm brewing. The clouds were accumulating; gathering as if preparing a scheme, planning its attack. As the clouds became darker and darker, the rumble began. The orchestra of sound was escalating and bringing to life the air that had become stagnant. The change became more than clear as the lightning struck the rocks below.

The clouds rolled in faster and faster, and the sky grew dark, and the rains fell. The pitter-patter of rain slowly became a pounding that drowned out the sounds of the birds as they scattered to find a haven from the storm. The lightning followed by the booming crash of thunder that resonated across the sky; the vibration absorbed by the earth below.
As I studied the image, a thought came to my mind. This scene that played out in front of me was so similar to the life we are experiencing today. As we sit back and study, the course of recent time we see the parallel between the storm in the sky and what we are living through right now. Stormy energy has been brewing for a long time. Humanity is about to unleash its wrath just as the lightning emitted in the sky. The booming anger of humanity is drowning out the beautiful sounds of nature. We can’t see the forest through the trees because we have become so focused on negative energy we can’t let our guard down and let in the light.
What a comparison. Think about it. As the clouds accumulate and absorb the negative energy; humankind is absorbing all the surrounding negativity. Negativity begets negativity. It grows like a plague unleashing itself on society and kills the kindness we have been ignoring. The storm in the sky unleashed on the earth, and we have natural catastrophes all over the globe. On a human level, we are doing the same thing. We have unleashed the negativity on each other, and there is very little peace.

I believe the calm before the storm is long gone now. We are amid a storm that is out of control. Maybe if we change our energy, it will affect the surrounding energy. We as humans have a responsibility to love and protect. We have forgotten that as we sling negativity at one another. Maybe it’s time the tides turn. If nature can do it, we can as well.

Photo by Max LaRochelle on Unsplash

A New Journey

I step into the arena of a new existence. The path in front of me is vast, with many twists and turns. It’s a road that leads to nowhere and everywhere. Adventure awaits. Walk with me as I step into the land of the living and dead. Journey with me to a time where truth, lies, love, hate, and suspense each touch the heart, mind, and soul. Let me tell you a story about…