When you watch the video below, keep in mind that Bill Gates is not a doctor. The second thing to remember is that by his own admission, the “business” of vaccines is a very profitable venture.
After listening to the above interview, you might think USA residents are at great risk of dying from COVID-19. But when you listen to the video below you will see that the vaccine is NOT a vaccine but a biological weapon. He clearly states that a piece of DNA will be removed and replaced by a piece of code (in Bill Gates words) “that instead of putting the shape in, you put instructions in the code to make that shape“.
If you’re putting code in a vaccine then you are clearly manipulating the jab. It is stated that the jab will not keep you from getting COVID-19. If that’s the case why would you get it?
Lets take this one step further and look at the video where Gates admits hes taking (Gates words)”genetically modified organisms and shooting them into little kids arms. We just shoot them into the vein.“
Now if you look at all the children in India and Africa who were victims of Gates experiments, you’ll see he is a mad man. He has no respect for human life. As a matter of fact he is a proponent of depopulation.
You may say these claims have been fact checked and debunked. If that’s the case then why would Bill and Melinda Gates, and the bill and Melinda Gates Foundation be listed in the following indictment and judgement of crimes against humanity from May 6, 2020. You can review the judgement here.
I can’t help but wonder about the agenda these two have as relates to humanity. It looks to me like they truly are mad.
If you’d like to see what the doctor’s are saying about the vaccine, read this.
I hope you will take the information I’ve posted here and use it to guide you in your research. We need to get to the bottom of these issues and return our wold to the people who want to live peacefully.
I hope you’re waking up.
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updated 04/13/21