Remember When We Stood For The Truth?

There was a time in history when we as Americans stood for the truth.

Depending on your age, you may remember learning about world history. You may remember learning abut how the Germans  turned a blind eye to what was happening during WWII, while the American troops rescued those in concentration camps.

I’m not sure the German people supported the Nazi agenda. I think more than anything they just didn’t care. They had what they needed in their life and didn’t look beyond the end of their nose. Before Hitler became Chancellor, Germany was is a state of poverty. Hitler pulled the Germans out of the gutter and put them back to work. He gave them back their dignity.

Unfortunately, I’m thinking we may have heard or been exposed to what might be “staged” history. I’m not saying for sure that what we learned was a bold lie, but the more I look into historical events, the more I wonder if we really know what happened in the past.

I won’t use this post to talk about how fake our history could be, today. The purpose of this post is to bring to mind how easy it is to brainwash people. I don’t mean that statement to be disrespectful to anyone. I only want to speak to the facts. About how over time people can be manipulated to believe that which those in power want you to believe.

Many people call me a conspiracy theorist. That’s okay. I’m a writer of fiction, so I suppose I could imagine some pretty strange things.

Here’s the thing, though. I’ve spent many hours researching information for a couple book that initially were to be fiction. The deeper I dug, the more I realized that most of the circumstances that people consider conspiracy theories, is actually fact.

Take mind control for example. Go back and research the Church Committee. Dig deeper into Operation Paperclip. As you dig you will realize that the scientists who were experimenting on humans during the War and beyond, were brought to the United States to continue their research. MK-ULTRA is a subprogram of of Paperclip that took innocent people and tortured them beyond anything most of us would think possible. I posted a blog earlier in the year about MK-ULTRA here if you’d like to read it.

Look up Ewen Cameron and learn about his “psychic driving”. His attempts to brainwash innocent victims caused permanent damage. Death in some cases.  You can read about that here.

The point I’m trying to make, is this. We, today, in this country are where the German people were during World War II. Many people are turning away from the insanity that some are calling normal.

It’s not normal to traffic children, to sell  them to the satanist so they can sacrifice them. It’s not normal to put them in cages and torture them to near death, to harvest adrenochrome to sell to Hollywood and global elite, so they can stay young. It’s not normal to abduct young women and use them to breed babies to harvest and sacrifice. Do you think this is horrific? Well it has been going on for centuries and it’s time it stopped.

I’ve written many posts about this topic. Help is on the way, but we need to be diligent. We need to become aware of what is going on and recognize the signs of those who try to tell us they are being kept against their will.

Look us HAARP. Our weather has been manipulated for years. Research the topic. You think global warming is a “thing”. Well any issue we have with our atmosphere or ionosphere  has more to do with what scientists have done than anything.

Chemtrails are a “thing”. The chemicals they have been dumping on us at least since the late 1950s is killing us. Do your research.

Much of what we are experiencing in society today is a result of manipulation. The CIA has been using the television to brain wash us. To believe the media, who couldn’t tell the truth for any amount of money. Research that. Who owns all the media companies. I think you’ll find they all filter into six mega media giants. They are:

  • Disney
  • Viacom
  • CBS
  • News-Corp
  • GE
  • Time Warner

You might be surprised to find out who owns them. Let’s just say the CIA and Mossad have direct control over what we see on television.

There are many aspects of society today that we have been manipulated to accept. Look around you. I’ll let you decide how things have changed in, even the last forty years. I never thought I would see the looting and rioting that I’m seeing. I never thought I’s see the blatant lack of respect for humanity that is running rampant across the country.

Something has to change. We are on the edge of extinction. That may sound dramatic but our humanity is at stake. I hope you are all waking up so we can take back the world and live together the way we were meant.

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Project Paperclip

When I wrote “War Within” I started going the proverbial “rabbit hole”. I was writing a book about the MKUltra program and as I began my research, I came across documentation on Operation Paperclip. I have to tell you I wasn’t prepared for what I found. I know many people think I’m a conspiracy theorist, but most of what I found and continue to find shows me that while these events might be conspiracies, they are certainly not theories. Much of what I found can be backed up in declassified government documents and interviews done with victims of these crimes or their families. Today I want to share with you a video about Project Paperclip. Before You watch it I want to give you a brief overview of the Program. At the end of World War II, when we all though the Germans surrendered, they were really performing a mass exodus. There were some 9000 scientists and doctors who left Germany and found a new home in the United States of America. That’s right. Those who should have been tried for crimes against humanity for the role they played in their experiments on human beings, were continuing their research in the USA on American citizens. Some Germans escaped Germany and went to Argentina where they prepared themselves for a new life. New identities, plastic surgery, whatever was necessary to remain under the radar. You should research the bush family. President George Bush Sr, I don’t believe should have been President of the the United States. According to our Constitution an anchor baby can’t be president nor can an immigrant. Research the Scherff family. George Bush Sr was really George Scherff Jr. Could be true could be a conspiracy theory. Do your own research. Many of our military were subject to experimental studies. Some involving LSD. Others involving shock therapy and other torturous methods. Some people who searched out medical care for depression found themselves used as guinea pigs in the MKUltra program. Children too, became a target. Today we are seeing the result of torture and mind control programs that targeted children and adults for the CIA. We are living in a world of chaos. Some people might not know it because the media isn’t reporting many things happening around the world. You might say this is another “conspiracy”. Much will come to light in the near future. I hope you are all researching the many odd things going on. I will leave you with one final thought. Before you believe what you see in the sky or around your community, you should research Project Blue Beam”. Have fun with that. Stay safe and healthy.Fair Use Notice: This article could contain some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add their photo.