Hunter Biden – Now Who’s Being Hunted?

The Deep State didn’t want Hunter Biden’s laptop surfacing while Joe Biden had his eye on the White House. So they swept the whole mess under the rug, avoiding the conspiracy of the year.

I’d say the century, but when people start talking about Hillary Clinton’s emails and the evil on her server, heads will spin.

For today, it is Hunter’s laptop we will discuss.

I don’t know if any of you have taken the time to look at his emails (you can find them here). If you have then you know.

280,000 emails. That’s right. Just a brief scan of the emails reveals that his financial problems were developing when his Burisma salary is reduced. Causing his problems to get progressively worse from 2017 through 2019.

Many names are revealed in the emails, including Hunters Bankruptcy lawyer, George Meires. You can read more about him in these links.


Many people are taking advantage of the link to these emails. A former Trump White House staffer uploaded more than 120,000 to a searchable database on the website: You can find more information here.

If you continue to research what exists on the laptop you will find links to Ukraine. You will learn about the property Joe Biden owns and the corruption that takes place int his underground bases. Child trafficking is terrible. There is evidence of that and much more.

You can see how financially deep the Biden’s are in that country.

Now we know why Biden keeps sending money to Ukraine. That’s how they launder the money that goes in their pockets.  They funnel money into Ukraine through the CIA, BLACKROCK money laundering system. Here is the list of money sent to Ukraine so far.

…and they’re requesting more!

This has to stop. Whoever is pulling the strings to the puppet in the White House needs to stop.

It’s time to take back the Republic.

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