A Precious Tribute

I wrote this short piece a couple of years ago when someone special to me was suffering from a life-threatening injury. Thankfully, today that person is living a healthy life. I thought I would share it with you today. Try not to take life for granted. It can be taken from us quickly and without warning.

Days pass quickly; we watch and wait and wonder. We hope and plan and dream. In an instant, life can be shattered. All the wondering and dreaming comes to a screeching halt in an instant. Watch out for the interruptions.

I sit here silently listening to the voices in my head. What if? Why now? When will it stop or start? I think of all the things I still want to accomplish in my life. It seems a long one, yet now it’s as if I’m running out of time and will never complete…well, anything. Can life be this fleeting?

I say these things because I’m reminded today how precious life can be. I say these things as I remind myself that we should not take each other for granted. For tomorrow can bring a cold reality. I’m thankful that this will not be the case today or hopefully tomorrow, at least under these circumstances.

We don’t know what tomorrow will bring. I will pray that tomorrow will be a better day, and the light will shine brightly on the “subject” of my short dissertation.

We have many loves in our lives; we have our parents, our siblings, our children, our spouses, and our friends and extended family. Each love holds a special place in our hearts. Today I remember each love and am reminded of the special place they hold in my heart. But today, I’m intensely reminded that one of these loves suffers in great pain, and my heart breaks for her. I pray tonight for the miracle of healing and the grace of God to make it happen. Rest in peace tonight, my love, and regenerate. Return to us the compassionate, loving, intense soul that keeps us all waiting for the next “moment” I LOVE YOU!

Photo by Melissa Askew on Unsplash

A Love That Stands the Test of Time

Each of us, in our lives at some point, suffer the loss of a loved one. It’s never an easy path to walk.
It is said, the heart wants what the heart wants. The heart may want what it wants, but it doesn’t always get what it wants. Or, if it does, it can be fleeting.
Love is a deep feeling of the heart, not one that can easily be forgotten or released. Over time it may find a comfortable place deep within where it settles into a rhythm of what might have been.
Sometimes love isn’t lost; it just finds itself taking a detour. Giving the feeling a time to mature or grow or maybe find its way back to what should have been.
Other times it seems to come late in life when the noise of the world has settled, and distraction is set aside. Love comes when the time is right.
The heart may want what it wants, but love knows when it’s time for the heart to swell with the passion that brings two souls together.
Sometimes those souls connect for a moment in time, bringing joy, happiness, peace, contentment, and a deep love that is beyond the space of time.
Then it is gone. But is it?
It is that love that stands the test of time. It stands the test of that which is outside of space and time. It is what we call eternity. Love beats deep in the heart right through the soul of eternity.
When you lose a lover in this life, you should know that in that place outside space and time, the heart still swells with the passion that keeps you and your soulmate together.
Tonight, I think about a dear friend who recently lost what I believe is what I describe above. I hope you will find comfort in the words that cannot begin to make up or replace the gentle, loving heartbeat of that missing space in this lifetime.
I hope you can find peace in your memories.

Photo by Suresh Kumar on Unsplash