In 1910 Abraham Flexner wrote and published, under Carnegie Foundation, the Flexner Report. The report compiled findings from medical education facilities in the United States and Canada.
The report was written at the request of John Rockefeller after, in 1910 scientists discovered “petrochemicals and the ability to create many chemicals from oil. The scientists discovered various vitamins and they assumed they could create many pharmaceutical drugs from oil.
Of course, John Rockefeller found this to be a great opportunity to monopolize oil, chemical and the medical industries. So, he contacted Carnegie and the rest is history.
And the history is sorted. It wasn’t long before Rockefeller controlled the medical community through grants. First, He created a “Standard” of medicine. This controlled how doctors treated their patients. Second, he used the grants as a means of control the institutions,the Doctors, and what they taught. Soon doctors were treating patients with pharmaceuticals instead of natural or herbal remedies. It wasn’t long before doctors were prohibited from treating patients with any means other than Rockefeller’s drugs.
Fast forward to 2020 and we are seeing a similar scenario. Doctors are being forced to follow the protocol set by the elite, whose goal is to depopulate the world. I know there will be those who disagree with me. And that’s okay. We still have the right to an opinion. At least for now.
The point I’m trying to make is we should educate ourselves before we put anything in our body. That includes products labeled as “vaccines”. We should also know how others have reacted to said shot, and if there are deaths associated with it.
Here is the link to the national Vaccine Injury Compensation Program
And here is a video explaining how you can find the numbers, including the adverse reactions and deaths associated with the shot.
Please research this shot. There are many reason’s not to get it. But as I said in prior posts. I respect everyone’s reasons for doing what makes them feel safe.
I’m praying more people wake up soon.
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