There are many products on the market that people use without realizing they are not good for the human body. Vicks Vaporub has been around many years. And while the menthol, rubbed on the chest seems to open the air passages, allowing you to breath better, it is also poisoning you.
Remember petroleum products are toxic to the human body. There are many safe and effective products that can provide the same, or better result than adding more toxins to your already taxed body system.
Interestingly enough, researchers from the Wake Forest University School of Medicine point out that Vicks VapoRub does not actually remove congestion, but only makes the brain think the airways are open by use of menthol, camphor and eucalyptus oil. If this is the case, why use it?
Vicks Vaporub is a product produced by Vicks Chemical Company. Yes, chemical company. It contains Petrolatum, which is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons derived from the distillation of petroleum (also known as crude oil which is refined into various kinds of fuel). Laureth 7 is another ingredient in Vaporub. It’s derived from ethylene oxide, is used in pesticides and considered a cancer-causing substance.
I could go on, but as always I like to leave some research for my readers. Check out the active and inactive ingredients in all products you use. You might be surprised to find that many cosmetics, and over the counter skin care products contain ethylene oxide, Sodium-lauryl-sulfate, and Polysorbate 80.
Vicks is a chemical company, like many companies, such as the pharmaceutical industry, they pose as companies that want what;s best for the consumer. What they really want is what’s best for their pocket book. Protect yourself and your family. Research the ingredients in any product you put on or in your body.
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