Voter Fraud – Pennsylvania

There are many issues plaguing our nation today. So many in fact, that I don’t feel I have time to write about each issue on a regular bases, and do justice to each cause.

The conspiracy theories of yesterday are today’s realities.

Let’s take voter fraud, for example. Now, don’t turn away because you don’t like Trump and you didn’t vote for him. This goes far beyond President Trump. We are talking about election integrity. You take the time to vote for a specific candidate, believing that the process works.

Well it doesn’t. Look at Pennsylvania for example. A presentation was done by a team of data scientists and programmers with experience working for the US Navy, the CIA, the National Counter-Terrorism Center, and a Big-Four Accounting Firm.

First, they looked at the data for Allegheny County. They found 145,000 absentee votes were deleted from Trump. More than 27,000 were removed from Trump’s election day votes. That totals 172,000 votes.

Second, they looked at Chester County, Trump votes missing include 41,000 from his election day votes and almost 50,000 votes from his absentee votes. That totals over 91,000 votes.

Third, in Leigh County they found that Trump initially received 66,179 votes, that later disappear from his total. A loss of 66,179 votes.

Listen to what these local officials have to say about the above discrepancies.

  • “A Trump presidency would significantly weaken the US, driving us into a lengthy recession. Using the title ‘President before the word ‘Trump’ really demeans the office of the presidency…”-SOS Kathy Boockvar
  • “Pennsylvania had a fair and secure election free of intervention, and our commonwealth will not tolerate these senseless attempts to silence the voices of millions of Pennsylvanians. It’s time to accept reality and move on.”-Gov. Tom Wolf
  • “It’s January 2, 2021, and this is a reminder that no amount of frivolous, meritless legal filings, chest-thumping by sycophant congressmen or tweets by the sitting president is going to change the fact that in 18 days Joe Biden will be sworn in as our new President.”-AG Josh Shapiro
  • “I said the other day and I’ll repeat. I don’t know if they need a surgeon to repair their spines or a psychiatrist to examine their heads but something is wrong with these people that are willing to follow Donald Trump as far as he is trying to take them.” -AG Josh Shapiro

The people quoted above, have no interest in performing an audit to find out where these 423,116 votes went. They aren’t interested in finding the errors. That makes me wonder why? What happened to transparency?

We have similar issues in other States. See the links below to listen to evidence that shows negligence or fraud in our voting process.

This issue is not new. We are only now seeing the problem because someone was brave enough to speak out. I know some don’t want President Trump in office because of what the main stream media have portrayed him as. Well, the MSM is part of the problem. They are working with the foreign governments and corporations to destroy our country (no this is not a theory).

Some may not want to hear this. I’m okay. with that. If you want to bury your head in the sand and ignore the truth, go ahead. But know, that when the fraud is exposed along with all the other crimes (including the jab and child trafficking), you, too will be part of the problem.

We all need to research, research, research. Don’t believe what you hear from ANYONE. Verify what you hear and see.

The Great Awakening is on the horizon. Do yourself a favor and start researching all the issues labeled as “conspiracy theories”. You will be surprised to find many of them have been proven true.

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Another Voice Another Vote

The citizens of the United States of America are empowered with rights that could move mountains. Such rights should cause us to race to the polls and vote. Unfortunately, not everyone takes this right seriously.

In recent years we have seen a vast change in how we view politics. This blog is not going to be infused with politics in any form. I can’t mention voting without mentioning the elephant in the room. It is the reason we vote. I believe it is also the reason we are see an increased interest in voting and the voting process.

There is a long history of suffrage in this country. One equal to that of the vote. The topic has shaken up the masses at different times in history.

The first vote took place within hours of the landing of the Jamestown voyagers on April 26, 1607, according to their calendar. It was the first attempt at voting on American soil. It was also the beginning of corruption. The commanders of 105 colonialists of Williamsburg unsealed a box containing a list of seven men picked in England who would be the colony’s council. They would select one of the seven as president.

We all remember Captain John Smith. They denied him a seat initially on suspicion of concealing a mutiny. Because they eliminated John Smith from the vote, that left six men, less than six percent of the population, to take part in the choice for president. Six men were the voice for the 105 colonists. Ninety-nine voices remained silent, choked out by the king’s rule.

This country has come a long way from colonial Williamsburg. We have suffered many growing pains. In the early years, they allowed only wealthy white men to vote. Male landowners controlled the interest of the population. Eventually, that changed, and it allowed all white males to vote.

In 1870 they granted the African American male population the right to vote through the fifteenth amendment. Many things didn’t change for this demographic, but it was the beginning of change. It would be almost a hundred years before the civil rights movement would cause a greater change.

We went through the woman’s suffrage movement. This movement broke down the barriers that had, for centuries, snuffed out the voice of women. They finally gave women the right to vote on August 18, 1920, when Congress ratified the nineteenth amendment.

The United States is a melting pot of ethnicity. “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” (Statue of Liberty). This country welcomes the masses, through its gates (by means of citizenship). In welcoming them we give them the right to be a voice for themselves as well as for the country.

I hope each one of you finds the time today to make your voice heard.

Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

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