Coming Soon!
Murder in My Hometown
~Returning home never felt so bad~
“It’s sad, isn’t it?” Megan jumped as the voice behind her broke into her thoughts. She turned to see Tom gazing down into the box that would be her friend’s permanent resting place. She looked at Tom, watching and waiting. He stared down at Emily with a lost look on his face. Megan began to wonder what the connection was between the two.

Coming Soon!
“Dancing With The Devil ” (Book Three – Operation Mind Crime Series)
~The way men create and fight wars change with the times. They are stealth and lethal. How will we survive? ~
The world is changing. The way it is ruled is about to change too. The New World will be under an Order that keeps it’s agenda hidden from the public. At least for now.

Remember the Kiss
~When her memory wouldn’t serve her~
“He studied her as she stood there, her lips forming a slight smile. And he wondered what she was thinking, what would make her look so lovely and carefree. He was captivated by the innocence of the woman that he knew must be old enough that she probably couldn’t be innocent.”

“A Dangerous Truth” (Book Two – Operation Mind Crime Series)
~I never want to experience the pain of war again ~
Times have changed but the secrets of the past return with a vengeance. Just when Kathleen thinks things are returning to what she calls a “new normal,” her life is turned upside down.

“War Within” (Book One -Operation Mind Crime Series)
“All of you have one thing in common, and with me.” She paused, and then continued: “Each and every one of us has a concern for our sons, our husbands, our brothers, and even our fathers because as long as this war continues, each of us has something to fear.”