Writer’s Block – No, Not Again!

Writing will not flow today.
My mind is blocked, it’s lost its way
I have so many things to say
But life has gotten in the way
Do not despair, don’t go away
The blog will return in a couple of days
~Lee Woods

A little humor on a day when I have a case of writer’s block.

When Hospitals Killed People Who Didn’t Die From Covid

Through the years many people have made statements about what I call “false flags’. Statements such as, “911 was an inside job” (which it was).

Some people think the mass shootings over the years were staged events to get us to give up our guns. Once they take our guns they win. They’ll never take the Second Amendment right to maintain a well regulated militia. Not only that but the Dick Act 1902, which can’t be repealed, makes gun control forbidden That means we keep our guns.

Well, for the purpose of this post, we won’t be reviewing any of the above. But we will be talking about the current Covid scam. Yes, I said scam. And while that might be my opinion, there is proof that the “scamdemic” was planned to take out (I believe) 90 percent of the world population. Check out the Georgia Guidestones, if you have any doubt.

The below article from The True Reporter exposes the truth about Midazolam.


If you do some research, and look up Attorney Renz and  Dr. Artis you will see their posts and interviews exposing hospitals that are using Remdesivir for the same reason.

You might be surprised by the image below that shows how much hospitals make for every patient they “code” as a Covid patient. Pretty convenient, isn’t it?

The information above is at the very least disturbing. The extreme would indicate there is an agenda to hurt or even kill people for reasons that make no sense. “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.” That’s what the Georgia Guidestones say.

If you think this is crazy, well, you’re right. It is. However that is the agenda of the elite. Do your research. Look up, Agenda 2030, the World Economic Forum, IMF, UN, etc.

We are living in unbelievable times. If I had been told years ago, that we would be experiencing the science fiction life we are seeing today, I would have said, “no way.” But today, I see with my own two eyes, the corrupt government agenda that is killing the world population. I see the chemtrails, masks, 5G, and gene altering jabs, they call a “vaccine”.

I hear about the child trafficking and see the list of arrests growing daily. I am encouraged by this because that means the criminals are being caught.

I keep hearing patriots say, “when you know, you know.” Well I know, yet I’m sure there are still things that are yet to be revealed. We wait and hope that this madness will end soon.

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Maricopa County Update

So, we continue to monitor the voter fraud situation in Maricopa County. Many things are coming to light.

We now know that the adjudicated ballot files were deleted from the Database. This is what we learn from Karen Fann’s letter.

“We have recently discovered that the entire “Database” directory from the D drive of the machine “EMSPrimary” has been deleted. This removes election related details that appear to have been covered by the subpoena.  In addition, the main database for the Election Management System (EMS) Software, “Results Tally and Reporting,” is not located anywhere on the EMSPrimary machine, even though all of the EMS Clients reference that machine as the location of the database. This suggests that the main database for all election-related data for the November 2020 General Election has been removed.”

We have learned that Adriane Fontes, Former Maricopa County Recorder used Social Media to isntruct voters to cross out errors on their ballots if they made a mistake. The Arizona Supreme Court specifically ordered voters not to do this.

You can find the article confirming the error process here

It has been confirmed that Kelly Dixon, Maricopa County Election Assistant Director and Training, instructed election workers to hand out Sharpie markers to voters. Many Republican voters were forced to cast their vote using a Sharpie. This resulted in a higher error rate. making for many “spoiled” ballots which needed to be adjudicated. The ballots cast in Sharpie were also easier to identify and separate.

The number of adjudicated ballots in Maricopa County were as follows:

  • Total Ballots Tabulated in Maricopa County: 2,089,563
  • Total Ballots Sent to Adjudication: 235,392 (FEC allowable rate 0.0008%)
  • Total Ballots Sent to Adjudication, No Action Taken: 103,191

When looking at the adjudication process for Maricopa County it is clear that it is currently designed to allow voter fraud through changing votes from one candidate to another

GP New Article on Deleted files: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/05/breaking-exclusive-data-drives-deleted-maricopa-county-included-adjudicated-files-votes-changed/

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The Truth About The Scamdemic

Many people are under the impression that the jab is safe. They are starting to persecute those refraining from taking the experimental injection.

I’m not sure how many of those pushing the jab, really know what they are asking of those who know better. Below I’m including some resources that you can share with those who still need a little education. It may be that they just don’t know where to look. These links are a place to start. Hopefully they will provide a starting point, a launching pad for those who want to research further.

Global Research This site provides further links that provide Death and Injury stats.

Anthony Fauci Corona Bioweapon Emails – This isn’t the only place you can find the Fauci emails, but it’s a start.

Rothschild 2015 Covid19 Patent

Charles Lieber 5G Corona Virus Patent

The Cure : SURAMIN / PINETEA – The cure could be as close as your back yard.

Graphene Oxide – In the Jab

You can go to 3:38 minutes into the video for information about Graphene Oxide.


The above should give you a place to start your research. Please take the time to learn more about what you’re putting in your body.

Stay safe and healthy.

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Election Fraud – Your Voice Should Be Your Vote

You’d have to be living under a rock not to see that the united States along with much of the world is going through and insane shift in many ways. In the last eighteen months we’ve seen COVID-19, election fraud, child trafficking and satanic ritual practices, and the Jab; the injections being passed off as a vaccination.

I’ve been concentrating on the jab and child trafficking. But today I must bring to your attention, if you’re not aware that we experienced a form of election fraud during our 2020 election. That information is slowly trickling into the media. Mostly through alternate media sources because the main stream media is involved in the cover up of everything I mentioned in my introduction. People are starting to wake up. I’m hopeful that by sharing the video I can contribute to helping others see the truth.

There are those who will mimic the canned response to my statement. “Conspiracy theorist”. Well, I would say to you, “do your research”. Listen to the evidence.The videos below are part one and part two of “Deep Rig”. You will hear expert interviews that should prove fraud. YouTube has taken down this video. They are censoring the voice of the people. You could be next. It is my opinion that people who silence others have something to hide.

Pay attention to the emotion of the people who have spend a massive number of hours researching and reviewing information related to the voting system throughout the country.

Ask yourself the question. Why would people manipulate an election? Beyond that ask what is the agenda of those who manipulate the election? And finally, what are they hiding; what is their intention, and why would you want deceit running ramped through our government? If they lie about one thing they will lie about everything.

Remember, this conversation isn’t about left or right, republican or democrat, its about right and wrong, truth and deceit.

We as a nation at this moment are at a point in history when we can save the Republic. If we do nothing, the united States will be lost. If we finally stand up and hold those accountable for the manipulation that will change the course of history in this country.

What starts with one party will eventually spill over into other parties and groups of people who don’t agree with that of those in control, those with the power and the money to manipulate the outcome of history. It wouldn’t be the first time that has happened.

Please research all these things. We need to take back control of our country, our states and communities. It’s time for each of us to ask, “How can I help expose the truth?”

Stay safe and healthy.

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The War Within – Ready To Role

I’m ready to publish “The War Within”.

The work is going through it’s final edit and I’m preparing to publish the book by September.

I thought I’d submit this post with the author’s notes so you could become familiar with what will be included in the book.

Author’s Notes

The War Within” is a historical novel that begins during a volatile time in our recent history. It’s a time that most of us will remember. It’s also a time many would like to forget. For fifty years people have fought to make sense of the morality and political gain of this struggle. While the struggle is no longer considered a current event, the lessons are still being learned today; this once war is now one that is the comparison for current wars and struggles in the Middle East. As you read the story, you will see the many similarities shared from generation to generation. If you are of the generation that remembers, you will be able to relate to some of the key points.

The story takes place in Madison, Wisconsin where Kathleen Stewart is a professor of history at the University of Wisconsin. This university gained a reputation for being quite a radical campus during the 1960’s:  students marched in protest, confronted army recruiters, and burned draft cards throughout the war. Teach-ins were organized in 1965 at its beginning. In 1967 UW students protested, against Dow Chemical, the maker of napalm. Both these situations are mentioned in “The War Within”.

By reading “The War Within,” you will be able to revisit the struggle shared on both shores. Military and civilian alike were finding their voice in a time when many fought for rights. Civil rights brought to light a struggle on the home front while our young men fought a war in Southeast Asia that didn’t concern the American people. In Wisconsin alone, more than 57,000 residents served in Southeast Asia. Of those 57,000 1,239 did not return home.

While reading “The War Within,” you will find many intriguing aspects that may require you to ask, “did that happen.” Well, I challenge you to research and explore your history because you may be surprised. Of course, we all remember the sorrow felt with the loss of President John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr., as well as the many other victims of the time. But there were many things going on behind the scenes that some may not remember.

We all recall “Watergate,” but do we remember MKULTRA, Operation Paperclip, and Operation Bluebird, and the many other programs that were a topic of debate and discussion? What happened and what might be a conspiracy? While MKULTRA is mentioned in “The War Within” I leave to you the broader research where you can confirm or deny the facts related to the mind control experiments that occurred from 1947 to possibly the current day.

Beyond the historical events mentioned in “The War Within”, you will find the story; the story of a family that struggles through this time of change and upheaval. You will read about the loss and pain that was experienced by many during that time in history. You will see the similarities in the emotion that are shared throughout history as war continues to plague our planet and destroy the hope of peace. While the people in the story are fictitious, the pain and suffering are very real. Just ask those who lived through it.

There were many events that I touched on in “The War Within“, but much more that were not mentioned. That is not because they weren’t important. Every incident that occurred, every life affected whether lost or maimed or mental dysfunction, each voice is important. I discount no ones suffering. I had to choose what to include in a novel that would be readable as entertainment rather than a history book that could be studied. So please take from this novel anything that will cause you to desire to help those who suffer from the pain and loss of war, any war. War is a terrible thing. However, it is a reality. So long as we have governments and men who desire power and control, we will experience the pain of war. Let the rest of us help those that suffer from the pain of war to heal. Peace will only come from love. Love will only come if we offer it to the world.

I hope this book will be well received by my readers.

Thank you

You can find the book on Amazon here.

Georgia Election Fraud

The topic of election fraud keeps creeping into the news. I say “creeping”, because we see little bits and pieces of information, even proof. Yet the mainstream media won’t report on it.

Monday Georgia dismissed a lawsuit that attempted to overturn the win of Senate Democratic runoff election in that state.

We continue to see similar situations in other States. There are many patriots across the country fighting the fraud. In most cases unsuccessfully. Not because there was no fraud, but because those who perpetrated the fraud, remain in positions of power.

You can read the following article to learn more about the deception.

You can also watch the video below to learn how those working to expose the election fraud are making it happen.

The above information is the tip of the iceberg. There are many people working within all 50 states to expose the fraud. They are risking their lives to uncover the corruption that holds those living in this country, and around the world, prisoner.

It’s time we take back the Republic. We all need to do our part to expose the corruption.

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Dr. David Martin Exposes COVID Patents

Stew Peters talked with Dr. David Martin in an interview that will make your head spin. Dr. Martin presents indisputable facts that should be seen by the entire world as an absolute end to the COVID narrative.

If you would like to hear the complete interview with Reiner Fuellmich and Dr. David Martin The video is below.

If this information doesn’t blow your mind and convince you that the jab is a bio-weapon then you are still asleep.

Please wake up.

Stay safe and healthy.

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Say No To The Global Reset

The media isn’t our friend. Many of us are awake enough to know they are only interested in serving the agenda of the global elite. There are many issues, problems, and agendas being intentionally created in the world. Most of them are in our faces yet most people don’t see what they are really up to.

The television is a devise used to brain wash people from birth to do the bidding of those whose desire complete control, and planto depopulate the world. I know, another conspiracy theory. NOT! Eventually you will wake up and see it, or you will become a statistic in their plan. I’m hoping you wake up.

Anyway. I’m posting the video below for you to watch. Don’t let the heading of the video fool you. Watch it and learn how the world population has been duped.

Continue to research all these things and you will realize we’ve all been played. It’s not too late to save the world from these tyrants. Stay positive and educate yourself.

Stay safe and healthy.

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I Will Rescue You – Save the Children

Many people are still in the dark about what has been going on underground on our planet. Some may have heard the term deep underground military bases (DUMB). Yet, may not know what goes on in the deep caverns of the earth.

These bases have been used for decades, no centuries. Some are older than that. Think back through history, back to Babylon and the pagan rituals of child sacrifice. There is your first clue. It is a horrifying concept but the reality is, these satanic rituals are still being practiced today. The Satanic cults of the elite are sacrificing children at an alarming rate. This video shows images of of the tunnels that lead to the bases. You’ll see the equipment used to power through the earth to connect tunnels to bases around the world. Then you’ll see images of military rescues.

It is terrible to think that people don’t know this is going on. Yet, it’s true. Think of Haiti. All the children who were taken from their homes to adopt out after the earthquake. The story of children without parents being scooped up to be “adopted”. Those children were not going to be adopted. They were to be taken to these places and tortured for adrenochrome to feed the addiction of the Hollywood elite, politicians and global elite whose desire to stay young over powered there sense of morality. You may think I’m crazy as you read this, but the truth will be exposed. Where are all your favorite stars?

Eight million children go missing every year. They are being abducted and placed in cages and tortured, scared almost to death until their adrenaline is ripe for the harvesting.

There are many things going on around the world right now. Little of which is being reported through the media.  Much of what I’ve been writing about relates to these atrocities.

We need to be praying for our military. The war they are fighting is nothing like anything we have ever witnessed. We need to pray for them and their families. Pray for their safety and health, and their sanity.

Some people don’t like President Trump but he has done much to combat the problem of child trafficking. Here are a few executive orders  he signed during his first term to protect human life.

·         Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Improvements
·         Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States
·         Enforcing Federal Law With Respect to Transnational Criminal Organizations and Preventing International Trafficking
·         Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption
·         Protecting America Through Lawful Detention of Terrorists
·         Protecting Vulnerable Newborn and Infant Children
·         Strengthening the Child Welfare System for America’s Children

You can find a complete list of President Trump’s executive orders here. 

By year, below.

Remember none of what is going on in the world is about President Trump. It is about fighting the evil that has infiltrated the earth. Don’t turn your back on your family, friends and neighbors because you don’t like a person. That person may be the one who turns out to be the good guy. None of us are perfect. Would you want your peers to disregard all your good qualities and contributions because you don’t sugar coat what you say?

We need to take back our planet. For our children and the sovereigns of the world.

Stay safe and healthy.

I didn’t create the video in this post. I don’t have the name of the person who created it. If you created the video, please let me know so I can give proper credit. Thank you.

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