Another Milestone!

What a year it’s been. From mask mandates to forced jabbing, it’s never ending. Yet I chose to ignore the madness.

I will not comply. I will stand my ground and protect my family whether they share my view or not.

While it’s been a struggle to live under this cloud, I have chosen to find the silver lining.

My grandson met his first big milestone. We celebrated his first birthday in style. He was surrounded by his family, who showered him with gifts, yes. But more importantly, love.

He is growing so fast. I watch him with wonder, knowing he will have a major role in our great awakening. He is still a baby, even at one year old. Yet, as I watch him, I see the wheels turning. I see in his eyes a strong soul who will do wonders in this world that needs healing.

I continue to watch him grow. Knowing he is a wonder. He is a blessing that will continue to surprise all of us as the years pass.