Listen to this video to learn more about how the vaccine is affecting the human body.


Did you hear that? 77 more vaccines under development, 78 under animal studies. We are the experiment.

Listen to what she says about the J&J shot. They shell out the adenovirus and take an already made virus, and place it in the shell. In order to make it grow they are using aborted fetal tissue. That’s just the beginning.

Please know my persistence is only because I love my fellow human beings and want the best health for everyone.

Please set aside ego and educate yourself about this EXPERIMENTAL depopulation jab. I’m sorry I can’t say anything better. I just don’t believe the government should be forcing people to be vaccinated against a virus that the medical community cant even isolate.

I pray for the health of our Nation.

We really need to wake up.

This is not a vaccine!

To quote Dr. Larry, “there is nothing in the vaccine that is designed to protect us from a virus infection”.

So, that out of the way we have to question, why?

Why is the CDC and WHO pushing this jab? Why is it so important to be vaccinated against a virus that no one has be able to isolate?

If there is nothing in the shot that will protect us from a “Covid/SARS virus there must be a nefarious reason for this scam.

Now, fast forward in time. So, Covid-19 isn’t a natural born virus. But hundreds of thousands of people have taken the jab. The results have been eye opening. In addition to blood clots, cardiac, and respiratory illness, we are now seeing something called the “spike protein”.

Hear we go. According t Dr. Larry, the spike protein is a man made weapon. It is not a virus. It may be attached to a virus but is not a virus. It is a poison of the blood. The spike protein can attach itself to cells all over the body. The brain, the heart, the lungs, the kidneys,  the male and female reproductive systems It is a poisoning of the blood.

They now know the spike protein is what is making people sick.

This jab is creating spike protein. Once the spike protein enters the body, it makes more of these spike protein.

Now they are talking about shedding. No one knows what is being shed, but they think it is the spike protein. They don’t know how it’s being shed. What we o know is that it’s producing the following symptoms

  • Covid-19
  • Bleeding
  • Miscarriages
  • Death
  • And more…

This is an experimental injection. It’s not approved by the FDA. It’s never been used in injections before. They are capable of passing any material it’s attached to into the liver, the kidney’s, the brain, the heart the sperm and the female reproductive system.

We have crossed the line. It’s time to admit that this jab is a bio-weapon.

Here is a short video where three medical professionals discuss the shedding and reinforce the statement that this is a bio-weapon.

Here you can listen to Dr. Christiane Northrup talk about shedding and the bleeding women are experiencing based on the shedding of spike protein.

Please take a few minutes to watch the video. Educate yourself on this topic.

Wishing everyone good health.

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Patriots Day – April 19

The shot heard around the world.

The catalyst that birthed our Nation. One that protects life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

In 1775 on a bridge in Menotomy Massachusetts between Concord, Lexington and Boston history tells us of the first bloodshed of the Revolutionary War; the first shot that began a war that lasted for seven years. If you’re a faith driven person you may find a reference to that number. Seven, the number of perfection. The perfect amount of time to cleanse the people of the evil connection to a mad king. Not to mention the Masonic law that ruled the world up to that point.

Unfortunately, our Constitution would not allow for the disconnect from king and Crown. We would be held captive until 2019 when the corrupt corporation would be dissolved through bankruptcy (are you surprised?). To know more about this you will have to review my post about the act of 1870 (1871). There you will find a brief history about the lies we’ve been told. The lie goes far beyond that though.

Today we will focus on Patriots Day, so we can revisit for a moment the sacrifice made to ensure we could live as a free Nation. I could discuss the Battles of Lexington and Concord and the Battle of Menotomy (now Arlington). I could mention that it also was where the American Civil War lay claim to it’s first victims in the Baltimore riot of 1861. It’s a good research project.

The history this still young country has to share is extensive. Yet, I fear that to many are blind to it’s existence. Some want to wipe out our history completely. I’m hoping that the situation we are living through today will change the lack of interest in our history.

I believe that those who want to wipe out our history or any connection we have to it, are trying to destroy any evidence of hope for a better life. They don’t want to know the truth. They are driven by those who are using them to destroy that truth, so they can rewrite history as they want us to see it. If you don’t believe me tell me who owns McGraw Hill?

Our forefathers took up arms because they had a vision of living a good life. One that was disconnected from taxation without representation. They saw people keeping what they worked for and living free from a tyrannical government. They had a vision of a Nation prospering and enjoying their lives, not living to support the elite.

Today I look around me and see us experiencing exactly that for which those who lived before us, lost limb and life.

In a way, we’re in a similar position today. If we don’t stand up now to defend ourselves and the liberty we believe we possess, we’ll lose all hope of ever being able to get back those liberties for which so many gave their lives. Even today we have family members defending our Constitution so we can be a free nation. We owe it to those men and women to do our part and help them defend our freedom. We must or we will perish.

Take some time to research some of the topics I mention in this post. Get to know your country through its history.

It’s time to wake up.

Photo by Matt Briney on Unsplash

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More Child Trafficking Arrests

I wish I could say there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I have no way of knowing that. I’m praying that the large number of arrests we’re seeing in recent months is an indication that we are moving in the right direction.

Below you will find another list of arrests related to child trafficking. Included you’ll see the links to articles about each arrest.

I know it’s a difficult topic, but please remember the children. Thank you for those who work to make the arrests and convictions a reality.

Photo by Bill Oxford on Unsplash

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US Govt Caught Trafficking Fresh Aborted Baby Body Parts For Experiments

I know there is major controversy over what our tax dollars pay for. I think we should be concerned with what programs our money funds. This post is a difficult one.

US Govt Caught Trafficking Fresh Aborted Baby Body Parts For Experiments

I wonder who many people know that the FDA is buying aborted babies. Click on the image below to read the article.

Here is another article revisiting Planned Parenthood’s business plan that includes harvesting and selling aborted baby body parts.

What is Planned Parenthood really up to? I know people have the right to do what they will with their body. No matter if we agree with it or not. I realize this is one of those topics where there will always be disagreement. We, each of us, need to reconcile our conscience to our actions.

Having said that we need to ask the bigger question. Is it morally right for an organization that claims to do what’s in the best interest of the woman (or family) to be selling the babies they are killing?

I pray for the babies and the women who fall victim to the scheme set in place by the devil. I hope you will pray for them too.

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It’s About The Children – Human Trafficking

I started this blog over a year ago to promote my writing. My novels to be exact. However, I’ve found many other (more important) things to write about.

We are going through a great awakening throughout the world. This awakening isn’t like anything we’ve experienced in the past. We as human beings are waking up to the fact that our humanity has been hijacked. We’ve been floating through life, half asleep, not seeing the horrors that are happening right before our eyes.

One such horror I refer to is human trafficking and pedophilia. A crime against humanity. We must not allow it to continue any longer.

I know some people don’t like President Trump. This issue however, is one  that requires that you set aside your bias and focus on what’s important. The children. No matter what you think of him, President Trump has been working to rid the world of these horrific crimes. He has been working on this since 2017. Within the first week of his presidency, there were over three hundred arrests made regarding human trafficking. We are witness to the many people arrested for human trafficking.

Here are links to information related to some arrests made. These arrests are a drop in the bucket compared to the arrests worldwide over the course of the last four plus years.

If you can imagine, this list doesn’t scratch the surface of the true number of arrests happening.

Over 800,000 children a year go missing in the United states alone. We’re looking at 8 million world wide. If you look at some of my other posts you will learn more about human trafficking. I must warn you some of what you will read will be graphic.

You will also learn more about who is responsible. It’s a terrible thing. And I’m sure many don’t want to know the truth. But we must open our eyes to see, we must hear, and listen, so we can make a difference and stop these crimes against humanity.

We must pray. And finally wake up.

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“Pausing” Johnson & Johnson Vaccine

The debate continues as to the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine. With the passing of each day we see more and more proof that the vaccine is NOT ready for FDA approval. REMEMBER THE VACCINE IS STILL CONSIDERED EXPERIMENTAL.

And now we see the Johnson and Johnson vaccine being “paused” as more and more people experience what J&J call “an extremely rare disorder involving people with blood clots in combination with low platelets in a small number of individuals who have received our COVID-19 vaccine.” Here is the link to their site where you can read more about the statement made on April 13, 2021.

You can also visit FDA.GOV to read more about the decision to “pause” the vaccine.

And here you can read more about the COVID-19 Vaccine at

I understand we each have our specific views when it comes to the vaccine. I’m not judging anyone for the choices they make. I’m only asking you to research, look for facts from reputable sources.

You can start by listening to this doctor. Listen to his point of view.

Then listen to her opinion.

And then there is this. Ex Pfizer VP: ‘Your government is lying to you in a way that could lead to your death.’

And keep going. Search and research before making a decision that will change the quality of your life, one that very well could be a change for the worse.

I only speak of these things because I’m concerned about our population. I worry about all people of the world. Please take the time to listen to both sides.

It’s time to wake up.

Photo by Steven Cornfield on Unsplash

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MK Ultra Conspiracy to Control

Many people hear MK-Ultra, and they think “conspiracy theory”. Well, a theory is an unproven act or idea. The MK Ultra Program has been proven. The CIA continues to use the statement “it’s a conspiracy theory” to throw people off their track. To keep them from digging further.

I say for this instance, you should review the Church Committee documents, which confirm the government was (and I believe still is) manipulating the minds of individuals against their will.

In “The War Within” I write about the MK-Ultra Program. Bringing to light how in some instances the innocent are coerced into participating in criminal acts. Then there are those who are forced without consent to have their minds wiped clean so they can be used to perpetrate crimes and manipulate many of us into doing things we wouldn’t normally do.

A perfect example of the criminal behavior would be one Phyllis Goldberg who died in 2011 after spending twenty years institutionalized. She lacked the faculties to perform the simplest of acts – a vegetable- she is called, because she was a shell of a woman. In 1945 she was admitted to the Allan Memorial Institute for treatment of a mild case of depression. She was nineteen years old. You can read about Phyllis here.

While Phyllis was a Canadian citizen, it is important to note that Dr. Ewing Cameron was the chairman of the World Psychiatric Association and president of BOTH American and Canadian psychiatric associations. He was recruited by the CIA in the 1940s after they heard about his “psychic driving” concept.

Dr. Cameron was reportedly paid $69,000 between 1957 and 1964 to conduct MK-Ultra experiments. These experiments were illegal. Dr. Cameron used paralytic drugs, shock therapy, LSD, medically induced comas, and alleged sexual abuse.

MK-Ultra is a Conspiracy. Men in power conspired to manipulate, injure and in some cases kill innocent people to benefit their Deep State activity. There is much more to that than has been discussed openly.

I will leave it to you to decide if MK-ULTRA is an actual conspiracy or just a theory, a figment of my imagination or that fictitiously portrayed on the screen. To make us believe it isn’t a reality.

Time to put on your research cap, and wake from the media induced slumber.

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Here is Proof That We Can Make a Difference

There is power in numbers. The people have spoken and Cocoa Cola is backing down. It appears their profit margin is being affected by those who don’t agree with their business practices. See the article below to find out how Cocoa Cola is being forced to eat their words.

Long live the united states of America.

Backtracking? After Denouncing GA Election Integrity Bill, Coca-Cola CEO Now Wants To Find “Common Ground”

We still have some control over what happens in this country. Keep up the good work, and for those who have yet to realize what’s going on.

It’s time to wake up.

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The Dick Act of 1902 – Gun Control FORBIDDEN – Can’t Be Repealed

I’m not sure how many of you know about The Dick Act of 1902. For those who aren’t aware, it’s the “Act” that FORBIDS GUN CONTROL. It Can’t be repealed.

I’m not sure how Congress could overlook such an important “Act”. It’s time for us to remind them. Don’t let them get away with their little manipulation.

If you want to do some research, The Dick Act is also known as the Efficiency of Militia Bill H.R. 11654, of June 28, 1902. This bill invalidates all so called gun control laws.

The Dick Act also divides the militia into three separate entities.

The three classes are:(H.R. 11654)

  1. Organized Militia, “henceforth known as the National Guard of the State, Territory and District of Columbia” – The militia encompasses every able-bodied male between the ages of 18 and 45
  2. The Unorganized Militia – all members of the unorganized militia have the absolute personal right and 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms of any type, and as many as they can afford to buy.
  3. Regular army

Also, The Dick Act of 1902 can NOT be repealed. Any attempt to repeal would violate bills of attainder and ex post facto laws which would violate the united states Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The President has no authority here. Not without violating the Constitution.

The National Guard Militia can only be required by the National Government for limited purposes specified in the Constitution (to uphold the laws of the Union; to suppress insurrection and repel invasion). These are the only purposes for which the General Government can call upon the National Guard.

Read more here. Know your rights.

And Here

We need to spend time reviewing our Constitution. It’s the only way we’ll know what our true rights are. We now know our Congresspeople only have their interests at heart. They don’t care about informing the people.

Remember, the President swore to uphold and abide the Constitution. If he tries to ban or repeal The Dick Act of 1902 he will be committing an impeachable offense.

For more information see Dick Act of 1902 at

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