The shot heard around the world.
The catalyst that birthed our Nation. One that protects life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
In 1775 on a bridge in Menotomy Massachusetts between Concord, Lexington and Boston
history tells us of the first bloodshed of the Revolutionary War; the first shot that began a war that lasted for seven years. If you’re a faith driven person you may find a reference to that number. Seven, the number of perfection. The perfect amount of time to cleanse the people of the evil connection to a mad king. Not to mention the Masonic law that ruled the world up to that point.
Unfortunately, our Constitution would not allow for the disconnect from king and Crown. We would be held captive until 2019 when the corrupt corporation would be dissolved through bankruptcy (are you surprised?). To know more about this you will have to review my post about the act of 1870 (1871). There you will find a brief history about the lies we’ve been told. The lie goes far beyond that though.
Today we will focus on Patriots Day, so we can revisit for a moment the sacrifice made to ensure we could live as a free Nation. I could discuss the Battles of Lexington and Concord and the Battle of Menotomy (now Arlington). I could mention that it also was where the American Civil War lay claim to it’s first victims in the Baltimore riot of 1861. It’s a good research project.
The history this still young country has to share is extensive. Yet, I fear that to many are blind to it’s existence. Some want to wipe out our history completely. I’m hoping that the situation we are living through today will change the lack of interest in our history.
I believe that those who want to wipe out our history or any connection we have to it, are trying to destroy any evidence of hope for a better life. They don’t want to know the truth. They are driven by those who are using them to destroy that truth, so they can rewrite history as they want us to see it. If you don’t believe me tell me who owns McGraw Hill?
Our forefathers took up arms because they had a vision of living a good life. One that was disconnected from taxation without representation. They saw people keeping what they worked for and living free from a tyrannical government. They had a vision of a Nation prospering and enjoying their lives, not living to support the elite.
Today I look around me and see us experiencing exactly that for which those who lived before us, lost limb and life.
In a way, we’re in a similar position today. If we don’t stand up now to defend ourselves and the liberty we believe we possess, we’ll lose all hope of ever being able to get back those liberties for which so many gave their lives. Even today we have family members defending our Constitution so we can be a free nation. We owe it to those men and women to do our part and help them defend our freedom. We must or we will perish.
Take some time to research some of the topics I mention in this post. Get to know your country through its history.
It’s time to wake up.
Photo by Matt Briney on Unsplash
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