The war on child trafficking continues.
Here is the latest partial list of arrests related to child trafficking and pornography. The arrests continue.
Texas man who produced thousands of images of child porn is sentenced
Houston bounty hunter sentenced for running international sex trafficking conspiracy
Harnett county man pleads guilty to production child pornography
Convicted sex-offender sentenced nearly 20 years for possessing images and videos depicting
Lisbon man indicted production and distribution child pornography
Colorado man sentenced for sexual exploitation of children in Guatemala
Anchorage man for sentenced 10 years possession of child pornography
Registered sex offender pleads guilty child pornography charge
Former law enforcement officer sentenced over 18 years federal prison child
There are many more arrests and convictions happening each day. If you want a better idea of how bad the child trafficking problem is, search child trafficking through multiple search engines.
People have been asleep far too long. It’s time to wake up.
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