State National Interview With Brice and Emmie – Online

As promised, here is the interview.

As with my prior interview, this one will also be moved to Rumble because of the sensitive subject.

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The Amendment That Made Slaves of Each of Us

I’ve been writing and talking about what it means to be a State National, and about The Act of 1871 in my posts over the last year or two.

We’ve been told for, well, forever that we are a free People. That we are protected by our Constitution. And while we have been able to use the Constitution to our benefit in some ways, there are some things of which We The People have not been made aware. We haven’t done our due diligence in confirming or verifying the facts. We’ve been lulled into a false sense of security. Many people believe the government officials are in place to protect us.

Well, that’s not the case.

Today I want to share a little truth about the 14th Amendment. Many people believe the 14th Amendment was part of a Reconstruction Program to guarantee equal civil rights after the Civil War. But the reality is, it was put in place to make slaves of all of us.

We’ve been talking about how the united States for America was usurped and taken by the corporation ,”THE UNITED STATES”. Well, the 14th Amendment was one of the first tools that set that plan in motion.

If you look at Section 1 of the 14th Amendment, you will see how they use words to trick the People. A “person” is a term used in Admiralty law- he/she who pays the bill. The “United States” is the corporation. The Amendment makes the “person” subject to the jurisdiction of the United States (the corporation), calling the man or woman a “citizen”. We’ve already learned that a “citizen” is a municipal employee. The Document states that “No State shall make or enforce laws which shall abridge the ‘privileges’ of the ‘citizen’ of the United States”. The Amendment clearly states that the citizen (lower case and a municipal employee) doesn’t have “rights, but “privileges”. It states that the “citizen” is subject to the rules, regulations, statutes, and mandates of the United States corporation.

This one Amendment changed the course of our county. It stole from us the rights guaranteed to us by the Constitution, and made debt slaves of all of us.

Congress committed treason with this action as surely as they would do when they enacted the Act of 1871. They were elected (Free men and women elect our representatives. Employees vote for their superiors) by We The People, to protect our rights and uphold the Constitution.

It was this action that brought us to where we are today. It should make us all want to stand up and protest. We should all want to hold them accountable.

While we can’t hold responsible those who ratified the 14th Amendment, or “enacted” the Act of 1871, we can stand up and force our Representatives to return our country to its “People”. We can demand the return of our Republic. We must. If we don’t, we soon will be chained and shackled not only to the debt of the country, but we’ll be at the mercy of a global government who controls when and if we can breathe.

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State National Interview With Brice and Emmie

Well, I guess the interview with Brice was a success. I really enjoyed talking with her about the corrupt matrix. It’s nice to talk so someone who shares a similar viewpoint. Somewhere in the interview I mentioned something about becoming a State National. True to her nature, Brice’s radar went up and she said, “do you want to come back to talk about being a State National?”

For the last couple years, I’ve been researching what it means to be a State National. I started the process last year, and am getting closer to claiming my ‘minor estate”. I’m still a novice, though. I have a lot to learn about the laws of the land, air and water. But I figure “why not”? So next Saturday we will be doing another interview. This time with Emmie Simpson.  Emmie is a very talented Reiki Healer who I’ve come to know through her services. She’s a wonderful healer.

I’m not sure how the interview will go. There is so much information to consider when looking at the truth of God’s law. There is one thing to remember though. Congress made the Bible public law on October 4, 1982 (97-208). That should speak volumes.

We only need to remember that God gave man dominion over the land, air, and water. (Gen 1:26-28). God gave free men and women dominion. He didn’t give corporations or corrupt governments dominion. Yeshua despised governments, banks, doctors, and lawyers. What does that tell us?

Anyway, I look forward to the round table with Brice and Emmie. I hope you will tune in.

I’ll post the link when the interview goes live.

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Interview With Brice – Esoteric Atlanta

I’ve been writing post on this site for a few years, now. What started out as a blog to provide updates to my readers, fast turned into my posting about the conspiracies that though once some thought were “theories”, now we know them to be true.

So, I set aside the book updates for something I felt was more important. The Great Awakening.

Well, I’m not saying I will stop posting about the corruption of the Cabal. But for today I wanted to let you all know I will be talking to Brice about my work. The interview will be aired on her YouTube Channel. But I believe it will be moved to her Rumble Channel due to the sensitive topic.

It will be the first time for me to be in front of a camera so it should be interesting. I hope you will take a listen and offer your support.

I know I share some pretty intense information. Information that some might disagree with. And that’s OK. We should be able to voice our opinions, constructively. That’s what living in a Republic is all about.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy the interview.

Thank you for your support.

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Legalized Child Kidnapping

By now, we know that our government is corrupt. It’s been operating outside our Constitution for hundreds of years. Yes. That’s right. For three years the united States of America operated as a free nation, before being taken over by the Crown.

Th e corruption goes so deep, one would think it impossible to ever make things right.  We have to pray that behind the scenes that is exactly what is happening.

One thing that many might not know is that Child Services in every state is part of the corruption. They are a private for profit corporation. They are in business to make money.

Here’s another surprise. The Federal Government gives 80 billion dollars a year to States so they can kidnap children, through the Human Services division within the State, known as Child Services.

If you’ve been reading my post’s you’ll remember the birth certificate scheme that made us all slaves. You will remember my telling you that through the birth certificate, your children become wards of the State. It’s scary to think about what can happen. What is happening.

If you ever thought the State had the best interest of your children at heart, then listen to the clip below.

Look into Obama Care. That system wasn’t put in place to give us all affordable or free health care. It was put in place to traffic children. It’s the perfect way to keep track of everyone’s children. To know if they’re male or female, black or white, blond hair blue eyed, WHERE THEY LIVE, etc. Most hospital’s have Child Services offices in the building.

This is another one of those rabbit holes that will make your head spin. The information in the video above is only a drop in the bucket. There is so much more.

Do your research. There is do much to learn about all these corrupt organizations that claim to have the best interest of our children at heart.

Save The Children.

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What is The Federal Reserve?

To understand the big picture about the “Fed”, we need to go back to the beginning. And while the precursor to the scam started well before the Act of 1871 was “enacted”, I believe it is safe to say that the plan was solidified in 1886 when the island (named after Sir Joseph Jekyll) was purchased by the Jekyll Island Club.

It became a resort for its wealthy members like Joseph Pulitzer, William Rockefeller, JP Morgan, William K. Vanderbilt, and Marshall Field. There were only one hundred shares available in this club. And each member was required to buy two shares. So, the “Club” was exclusive.

Now we jump forward to 1910 where the secret meeting took place. On November 10, 1910, Nelson Aldridge, A Piatt Andres, henry Davidson, Arthur Sheldon, Frank Vanderlip, and Paul Warburg met at The Jekyll Island Club to put in place the plan that would reform the nation’s banking system. When I say banking system, I mean the Federal Reserve. All the men at the meeting had ties to Wall Street. And so, the scheme took shape.

The meeting came to an end when the men developed a plan for a Reserve Association of America. This would become a single central bank with fifteen branches across the country. Each bank would be governed by a board of directors. They would be elected by the member banks in each district. The larger banks would get more votes. The branches would be responsible for the following:

  • Holding reserves for member banks
  • Issuing currency
  • Discounting commercial paper
  • Transferring balances between branches
  • Check clearing and collection

The national body would set discount rates for the system as a whole and buy and sell securities.

In 1911 Aldrich presented the plan to the National Monetary Commission without telling them how the plan came together. One year later a final report went to Congress and was presented with minor changes one of which was the name of the institution. National Reserve Association.

There were objections from members of the Commission. They stated that larger banks would have more influence on central bank leadership. The plan was tabled temporarily when Woodrow Wilson was elected.

The key to the plan fell on Col. Edward Mandell House who met with Warburg and leaders of the Democratic Party who were interested in reforming the banking system. They proposed draft legislation (supported by Woodrow Wilson with Warburg consulting), which was sent in a memorandum to Woodrow Wilson. On January 10, 1913. The final bill known as the Federal Reserve Act was passed by Congress on December 23, 1913, and signed by Woodrow Wilson.

Something to consider when it comes to E.M. House

  • Helped pick the charter members of the original Federal Reserve Board
  • He was a friend of the Klu Klux Klan
  • He helped make 4 men governor of Texas (James Hogg, Charles Culberson, Joseph Sayers, and S. W.T. Lanham. He acted as unofficial advisor to each. James Hogg gave House the title “Colonel”. House was not in the military.
  • He controlled the country by being the “kingmaker” so-to-speak
  • He established a secret society in America – Inspired by the Round Table SocietyCouncil on Foreign Relations
  • He was a member of the secret society of Cecil Rhodes Round Table Group whose pet projects were; graduated income tax, a central bank, the creation of the CIA, and the League of Nations
    • The Round Table group would take control of the bank -controlling money. They controlled the State Department – so formulated government policies. They controlled the people by having the government tax people, and deposit their money in central banks.They controlled the CIA

Edward Mandell House told Woodrow Wilson in private, “[Very] soon, every American will be required to register their biological property in a national system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging. By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will effect our security as a chargeback for our fiat paper currency [that is, money that isn’t backed by any precious metals, such as gold or silver, and thus susceptible to elasticity, or in other words money that can be artificially controlled in order to create inflationary, or depressionary states in any country’s economy] Every American will be forced to register or suffer being unable to work and earn a living. They will be our chattel, and we will hold the security interest over them forever, by operation of the law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions. Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, forever to remain economic slaves through taxation, secured by their pledges. They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or two should figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability.

After all, this is the only logical way to fund government, by floating liens and debt to the registrants in the form of benefits and privileges. This will inevitably reap to us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave every American a contributor to this fraud which we will call “Social Insurance.” Without realizing it, every American will insure us for any loss we may incur and in this manner, every American will unknowingly be our servant, however begrudgingly. The people will become helpless and without any hope for their redemption and, we will employ the high office of the President of our dummy corporation to foment this plot against America.”

In case you haven’t figured it out yet, The Federal Reserve is not part of the united States of America. They are a private bank. They print fiat dollars that don’t discharge debt. They tender it to a later date.

You can learn the real history of the Federal Reserve in the video below.

There is much to learn about the corrupt private bank called the Federal Reserve. I could go on all day about the agenda of the family behind it. The global elite have controlled our world for hundreds, maybe thousands of years. While I could go on sharing information about this group, I will end the post with this statement.

Their time has come and gone. It is now time for the Republic to return. It’s time for We The People to take back our God given rights.

Who’s with me?

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All Wars Are Bankers Wars

What a statement.

All wars are bankers wars.

This has been the case for hundreds of years. The Revolutionary war was fought to free the American people from King George’s Currency Act. The Colonist’s won the war and the people remained free for 3 years. The Central Bankers, with the help of Alexander Hamilton, successfully set up the first Private Bank of the United States in 1791. This was the beginning of the total enslavement of the American people.

When the Bank almost bankrupted the country, Congress decided not to renew the contract. When they followed through and didn’t renew with the bankers, they threatened the united States for America with war.

In 1812 the bankers followed through with their threat. The War of 1812 cost the country not only in lives, but financially too. Congress was forced to contract with the Bankers and the second (private) bank of the United States was born.

This story continues on. When Andrew Jackson tried to fight the bankers, they tried to assassinate him. When Lincoln created the green back, the bankers assassinated him.

In 1913 the bankers met at Jekyll Island to hatch a plan that became the Federal Reserve Banking system. Where the bankers took control of the country once again. They created many “Acts” that enslaved the American people.

By the 1960s the united States of America was under the thumb of the bankers. They controlled every aspect of life. President Kennedy knew this. He swore to take down the CIA. The CIA was and is controlled by the Bankers. I’m sure by now you’ve realized the bankers are the Vatican, Crown, and District of Columbia.

I recommend you watch the video above. It goes into great detail about how we have all been duped. How we’ve become slaves, and how they manipulated the true history so we wouldn’t know the truth.

So much has been hidden from us over the years. Our history books have been rewritten. Our holistic healing centers were banned, and replaced them with medical facilities that promote the drugs that would poison us. Our churches have been invaded, turned into 501 C 3 organizations that are controlled by the corrupt corporate government. Every aspect of our lives is controlled by the elite.

It’s time we take back our un-a-lien-able rights. We the People have had enough of the evil that has controlled the narrative for centuries. We’re tired of being sick, and tired. We want what is rightfully ours. We want our constitution back, and the freedoms they guarantee. We want our children and grandchildren to have better lives than that which the globalists have planned for them.

It’s time for the return of the Republic.

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Shadow Work Challenge

Anyone who follows this blog knows that I’m an author of fiction. If you’ve been reading my posts, you also know I’m big on talking about conspiracies.

Well, today I’m going to do something a little different. I’m joining Esoteric Atlanta’s Brice Watson as she guides us through her 30 Day Shadow Work Challenge.

If you’re not familiar with the term “shadow work”, then let me help you understand. Some of you may not subscribe to this mindset, and that’s okay. You can let go of what doesn’t resonate with you, and politely read the post while being respectful to those who find value in what I write.

We are all born into this 3D matrix by our design. We plan out the lessons we want to learn. We participate in a soul contract whereby we will experience ideas, places, and lesson so our soul can grow and learn. We come into this world in a state of amnesia, which gives us the opportunity to experience this life without prejudice.

Included in this decent into 3D, is the memory of all that is experienced in all our incarnations. Those memories and experiences, which we agreed to, now leave a shadow on our soul. This is our shadow work. We listen to our body, we experience pain and heal it so our soul can move up and we can complete the lessons.

While this is only a summary of how I see the idea of shadow work, it is a starting point. Anyone who wishes to join us on this journey can do so by contacting Brice at

I am excited to uncover and bring into the light that which has remained hidden. That which is keeping me from moving to the next phase of my life.

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Death Is An Illusion

There was a time when you would be hung for believing anything not sanctioned by the church.

Today however, people are becoming more aware of the state of energy and how it affects the human body. It has been said, we are what we eat. Of course, we can relate to that because food is physical. We can see it, smell it, and taste it. When we consume it, we digest it, and it becomes part of our body. At least temporarily.

If we eat junk food, our body gets sick. If we eat healthy food, we notice we feel more alert and have more energy. Of course, there are exceptions to that, but you understand what I mean.

In recent years, we are hearing more about neuroplasticity, brain waves, and neurotransmitters in the brain. We are learning that we can reprogram our mind,  building or changing those neurotransmitters, to change our habits, and attitude. Now, we hear, you are what you think. We should explore that in another post.

The argument is that everything is energy. Our physical body is energy. It appears to be solid because we are living in a third dimensional space, causing us to vibrate at such a low frequency, that we become solid mass. As we learn to change our way of thinking, and we are able to heal old trauma, we will increase that vibration causing us to eventually transform to light beings. Of course, that will take many lifetimes.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. ~ Nikola Tesla

In any case, the point I’m trying to make is, if we are made of energy, and energy can not be created or destroyed, then we have always existed, and we will never die. We will only change form. Making death an illusion.

This may seem like a wild  concept, but if you think about it it makes sense. Maybe we should reconsider reincarnation. At least those who might discount it as possibility.

We’ve been robbed of many things throughout our lives. The elite have kept much information from us. A means to keep us under control. We are standing on a precipice now. The elite are about to meet their maker. We are about to be free.

I can’t wait to learn more about the human species and what we are truly capable of. One day, we may be like the Marvel characters, able to leap tall buildings, and bend metal, and fly. I know, It sounds much like sci-fi and hard to believe. We’ll see.

Keep digging. The information is out there.

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Constitution of The United States of America – Article II & IV

Many people will be shocked by the statement I make here. “Donald J. Trump is the President of the united states of America”.

This is evident for anyone who has eyes that WILL see.

There are many things going on in our country now. Much of what is manifesting in reality has been in the works for years. For those who have no idea what has been happening, I’m going to share a few things here to help you do some research.

Article II of The United States Constitution for America

“The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; he may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any Subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices, and he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.”

President Trump remains our Commander and Chief because he won the election. SCOTUS will announce this information publicly. So, don’t be surprised.

Article IV of the United States for America (section 4)

“The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

Our country has been under attack for decades. It is by President Trump’s desire to assist in our freeing ourselves from a tyrannical government, that we witness his defense of “We The People”. Congress has been compromised, therefore isn’t capable of protecting us. Leaving President (Donald J. Trump) to step and bring peace back to our beautiful nation.

Executive Order 13919—Ordering the Selected Reserve of the Armed Forces to Active Duty

On April 30, 2020 President Trump activated Executive Order 13919, thereby placing the Armed Services on active duty. The only person who has the power to activate the Armed Services on a federal level is the President of the united states of America. The link above will allow you to read President Trumps words.

Those who don’t believe in Trump as a man who has the best interest of the people at heart,  may scoff at this post. I hope they will set aside their conditioned feelings and look at the facts as revealed in these documents. The Executive Order was filed with the Office of the Federal Register on May 1, 2020.

When mobilized (or activated) under Title 10 U.S.C., you are directed by the President to report for active duty in an official capacity. You are being activated for federal active-duty military service. When in federal service, Guard personnel typically participate in military operations and are entitled to the same pay, benefits and legal protections as active military members.

Title 32 – You Can Read Title 32 Here 

When the National Guard is activated under Title 32 U.S.C. It directs the Governors two work with the President to protect “We The People”. The National Guard becomes “Federalized” allowing the President to maintain our safety through our Military. Each State’s National Guard is called up to protect the people of the State, yet because they have been “Federalized” they are compensated  (ie. pay and benefits) by the Federal Government.

Note that Executive Order No. 13528, Jan. 11, 2010, 75 F.R. 2053,  issued by President Obama established the Council of Governors to “strengthen further the partnership between the Federal Government and State governments to protect our Nation and its people and property”. Although he may have intended the Order to benefit his Administration and that of what would become the NWO, it became a tool for The Trump Administration to strengthen “We The People”.

Read more about Title 32 here.

Stafford Act

Signed into law November 23, 1988; amended the Disaster Relief Act of 1974, PL 93-288

In 2020 President Trump, under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act of 1988, declared a national emergency because of the Covid-19 pandemic. The Act has been used under Clinton, Bush, and Obama. It’s been invoked many times in recent history. From the Oklahoma City bombing, to 911, to hurricanes and flooding, as well as during times of diseases (ie West Nile and H1N1). I think if you look into this recent declaration, you might find it encompasses more than Covid-19.

Presidential Emergencies Act (PEADs)

PEAD’s include Proclamations, Executive Orders, and Messages to Congress. Were instituted during the Eisenhower Administration, as a secure means to defend the country in the event of a nuclear attack. This article may explain better the idea of “PEADs”

47 US Code 606,

47 US Code 606, titled “War Powers of the President,”  Here you can review 47 US Code 606, “War Powers of the President”. Review the below links to realize that Donald J. Trump is still the president of our restored Republic.


You can read all of President Trump’s Executives here. Click on each link to read why each one is important. If you have children, are human ,and are not interested in depopulation, you will be thankful for his ability to fight for the majority of the population.

I know some people may not want to research this information. But I ask that you set aside the idea that President Trump is a bad human being, long enough to look in to some of these things. I fear that if you turn a blind eye to the truth you may be shocked beyond belief when you realize what has been going on for centuries, and by who such evil has been perpetrated.

It’s time we all open our minds to the possibility that the powers that be have manipulated us long enough. When Trump refers to “draining the swamp” he is referring to more than you can imagine, at least until you do some digging.

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