I Will Rescue You – Save the Children

Many people are still in the dark about what has been going on underground on our planet. Some may have heard the term deep underground military bases (DUMB). Yet, may not know what goes on in the deep caverns of the earth.

These bases have been used for decades, no centuries. Some are older than that. Think back through history, back to Babylon and the pagan rituals of child sacrifice. There is your first clue. It is a horrifying concept but the reality is, these satanic rituals are still being practiced today. The Satanic cults of the elite are sacrificing children at an alarming rate. This video shows images of of the tunnels that lead to the bases. You’ll see the equipment used to power through the earth to connect tunnels to bases around the world. Then you’ll see images of military rescues.

It is terrible to think that people don’t know this is going on. Yet, it’s true. Think of Haiti. All the children who were taken from their homes to adopt out after the earthquake. The story of children without parents being scooped up to be “adopted”. Those children were not going to be adopted. They were to be taken to these places and tortured for adrenochrome to feed the addiction of the Hollywood elite, politicians and global elite whose desire to stay young over powered there sense of morality. You may think I’m crazy as you read this, but the truth will be exposed. Where are all your favorite stars?

Eight million children go missing every year. They are being abducted and placed in cages and tortured, scared almost to death until their adrenaline is ripe for the harvesting.

There are many things going on around the world right now. Little of which is being reported through the media.  Much of what I’ve been writing about relates to these atrocities.

We need to be praying for our military. The war they are fighting is nothing like anything we have ever witnessed. We need to pray for them and their families. Pray for their safety and health, and their sanity.

Some people don’t like President Trump but he has done much to combat the problem of child trafficking. Here are a few executive orders  he signed during his first term to protect human life.

·         Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Improvements
·         Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States
·         Enforcing Federal Law With Respect to Transnational Criminal Organizations and Preventing International Trafficking
·         Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption
·         Protecting America Through Lawful Detention of Terrorists
·         Protecting Vulnerable Newborn and Infant Children
·         Strengthening the Child Welfare System for America’s Children

You can find a complete list of President Trump’s executive orders here. 

By year, below.

Remember none of what is going on in the world is about President Trump. It is about fighting the evil that has infiltrated the earth. Don’t turn your back on your family, friends and neighbors because you don’t like a person. That person may be the one who turns out to be the good guy. None of us are perfect. Would you want your peers to disregard all your good qualities and contributions because you don’t sugar coat what you say?

We need to take back our planet. For our children and the sovereigns of the world.

Stay safe and healthy.

I didn’t create the video in this post. I don’t have the name of the person who created it. If you created the video, please let me know so I can give proper credit. Thank you.

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