Bio-Labs in Ukraine – Democrat Connection

This morning I came across some interesting information related to the US Coordination of Biological Laboratories and Research in Ukraine.

I know. Some people will label this another “conspiracy theory” but it is actual fact.  Research the connections to the image below.

I was amazed to read the series of posts by BioClandestine on Telegram. I am re-posting the information below with his permission. Please note any research done is credited to

Photo recognition software was used to find out who the logos represent in the below image.

Ideologues: The following entities were facilitating the operation:

Democratic National Party

  • -Barack Obama: Launched Biological Threat Reduction Program in 2005
  • -Hilary Clinton: Spearheaded the adoption of US strategy to counter biological threats and promoted legalization of Dual Use Research
  • -Joe Biden: Coordinated the activity of the Executors of the military biological program, involved in financial fraud in Ukraine
  • -George Soros: Major sponsor of military biological research in Ukraine and lobbyist for Big Pharma

Organized by the Executive Branch and Academic Centers: Aforementioned “ideologues” abused their positions to “set tasks” for Executive controlled agencies. Weaponizing these agencies to carry out the bidding of the ideologues. They are as follows: 

  • -US Dept of State
  • -US Dept of Defense
  • -US Dept of Agriculture
  • -US Central Intelligence Agency
  • -US Threat Reduction Agency
  • -US Center for Disease and Control
  • -US International Development Agency
  • -US Army W. Reed Research Institute
  • -US Army Fort Detrick, Medical Institute of Infectious Diseases

Sponsors: Aforementioned US Agencies funneled their money through a series of Non-Government Foundations and Organizations, known as “Sponsors”. They were tasked with “Allocation of Funds” before directing them to the biological laboratories themselves. Otherwise known as “money laundering”. The Sponsors assisting in the money laundering scheme, are as follows: 

  • -The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
  • -The Clinton Foundation
  • -Rosemont Seneca (Hunter Biden)
  • -Open Society
  • -Soros Fund Management
  • -Civil Research Development Fund
  • -The Rockefeller Foundation
  • -Ecohealth Alliance
  • -Pilot Growth

Executors in Ukraine: Aforementioned Sponsors “washed” the money being sent from US Executive Agencies, and sent them to the “Executors”. The actual biological facilities themselves. The labs were given “Funding for Dual Research”. They were tasked with: 

  • -Creating elements of selective biological weapons
  • -Use of Ukraine as a bio-polygon
  • -Clinical Trials of New Medicine

The Executors involved are as follows:

  • -US Embassy in Ukraine
  • -Ukrainian Scientific and Technological Center
  • -Ukraine Ministry of Defense
  • -Ukraine Ministry of Health
  • -Black and Veatch
  • -Metabiota (Hunter Biden)
  • -CH2M Hill Jacob’s Engineering
  • -Skymount Medical

Here is the link to the English translated version of the slide show.

Below is the link to the Russian Military full brief (Yeeun Min).

Read the whole piece here. While reading note the following:

  • Biological Threat Reduction Program were creating and trafficking biological weapons
  • Special Russian Military Operation revealed biological weapons via pathogens, and they confiscated drones equipped with 30 Litre aerosol containers for spraying pathogens. Not only is that creating the pathogen, but they created a vessel to use as a weapon.
  • The Biological weapons as well as Pharmaceutical activities were all held in Ukraine, and the ideologues behind the scheme are the ruling families of the DNC.
  • Not only are AMERICANS conducting this kind of research, but so are Germany and Poland.
  • Dissemination of pathogens on Ukraine was done so on their civilians, in the form of disseminating biological material by handing out counterfeit money contaminated with pathogens.
  • Russia finds evidence of Pentagon inhumane experimentation on psychiatric patients in Ukraine.
  • Veterinary laboratories like in Mariupol were being used as stash houses for pathogens to circumvent oversight.
  • US shipped mass amounts of biological protective gear to Ukraine, proving their knowledge of bio activity.
  • The US DNC was facilitating an OFFENSIVE biological weapons program.
  • Russia claims they put an end to all criminal experimentation on civilians (think Nuremberg).

The credit for researching the above information goes to BioClandestine.

I’ve seen this information a few times today through different news outlets. I thought I would pass it on.

I hope it helps to wake up those who still need a little nudge.

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Hunter Biden – Now Who’s Being Hunted?

The Deep State didn’t want Hunter Biden’s laptop surfacing while Joe Biden had his eye on the White House. So they swept the whole mess under the rug, avoiding the conspiracy of the year.

I’d say the century, but when people start talking about Hillary Clinton’s emails and the evil on her server, heads will spin.

For today, it is Hunter’s laptop we will discuss.

I don’t know if any of you have taken the time to look at his emails (you can find them here). If you have then you know.

280,000 emails. That’s right. Just a brief scan of the emails reveals that his financial problems were developing when his Burisma salary is reduced. Causing his problems to get progressively worse from 2017 through 2019.

Many names are revealed in the emails, including Hunters Bankruptcy lawyer, George Meires. You can read more about him in these links.


Many people are taking advantage of the link to these emails. A former Trump White House staffer uploaded more than 120,000 to a searchable database on the website: You can find more information here.

If you continue to research what exists on the laptop you will find links to Ukraine. You will learn about the property Joe Biden owns and the corruption that takes place int his underground bases. Child trafficking is terrible. There is evidence of that and much more.

You can see how financially deep the Biden’s are in that country.

Now we know why Biden keeps sending money to Ukraine. That’s how they launder the money that goes in their pockets.  They funnel money into Ukraine through the CIA, BLACKROCK money laundering system. Here is the list of money sent to Ukraine so far.

…and they’re requesting more!

This has to stop. Whoever is pulling the strings to the puppet in the White House needs to stop.

It’s time to take back the Republic.

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The IRS is falling apart, which is great news. Right?

Anyone reading this may be saying, “this is music to my ears”.

The Treasury Inspector General for the Tax Administration admits that the IRS is systematically destroying data for around 30 million filers. This comes with the struggle by the IRS to hire and maintain staff to process the backlog of paper returns. While some are happy to hear this news, those in the tax community are angry.

For years, maybe decades, people have reluctantly reported income and filed returns. Thinking it to be the duty of the taxpayer. If they knew it was a voluntary system, they would be livid.

If you consider the history of the 1040 form, you would know that the form was created by President Lincoln in 1861 as a means to raise money during the war. It was never meant to be permanent. But as with any government program, if it benefits the elite and file their deep pockets, it will remain in effect as long as the people comply.

When we research the taxation in the form of the Income tax return, we learn that it’s unconstitutional. Congress repealed income taxes in 1872, but they were revived in 1894.

In 1895, however, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled the income tax to be unconstitutional. That didn’t stop Congress from proposing it again as the 16th Amendment, where they set in place the federal income-tax system we see today. It was illegally ratified by the corporate Government in 1913. Conveniently, right around the time the Federal Reserve Banking system took effect. See Jekyll Island for more information on the Fed.

Everyday we learn something new. That is, if we take the time to do our research.

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Yuma County Voting Fraud

“2000 Mules has been out for almost a week. We’ve discussed the documentary briefly.

I suggest you watch the documentary if you haven’t already done so.

Let that sink in. Twice as many votes as voters. How does that happen? Fraud. Massive election fraud.

Yuma County, Arizona is in the spotlight today, as they continue to deal with the fraudulent election of 2020. They are still working to examine the cases of fraud perpetrated during the election.

You can access the Yuma County  PRES RELEASE here to learn more about the fraud they are seeing.

We’ve been saying all along, the election was stolen. Let’s share this information, and all information related to election fraud as it comes available.

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Covid – 19 Jab Injuries in Children

The conspiracy is real. Not a theory. Real.

We are seeing more and more health issues in children who have been jabbed. Read the below article from February where a 7 year old boy in Seattle died from the jab only days after being injected.

7-Year-Old Boy Dies from Heart Attack After Pfizer Injection

Milo Edberg’s doctor said the 6-year-old needed the COVID Vaccine. He now has myocarditis and can’t walk.

“Milo Edberg is a six-year-old child who received the COVID-19 injection on Dec. 10. Within two days, he was back in the hospital, where he remains, unable to even swallow his own saliva.

He was a healthy 6 year old before being injected. You can read more about Milo below.

Doctors said a 6-year-old needs the COVID vaccine; now he has myocarditis and can’t walk

I could go on, listing injury upon injury of the helpless children. Parents who should be protecting their children for m this evil, are not equipped to do so because they have been brainwashed to believe these jabs are the best protection for their kids. If only they’d listen to the rest of us. I continue to pray that an antidote will become available to those who still have the hope of recovering.

Please do your research before injecting these poisons into the veins of your most precious gift.

If you’re one of those who see the damage these injections have done, please speak out. Help us to save the children.

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Durham – Update

I’m not an attorney. And glad of it.  Glad for many reasons, none of which I will go into today. This post is to remind readers about the Durham Report. The MSM fails to report on many important events occurring in the world. Durham’s Report is one of them.

If you take the time to research Durham, you will find some interesting information. Some may not like what they see, because it will change the way they see the people they vote for. It will change the way they view many aspects of society.

I’m posting the short video below to share the video of Chris Yoon giving a quick summary of what is next as relates to the Durham investigations.

Durham has been working tirelessly to uncover the crimes of those in power. While the accused work to manipulate the information.

It would benefit you to do a little research into what Durham has been working on. We as men and women, have spent too many years trusting that our government officials will take care of us.

The reality is, they are out for themselves. We are a means to an end.

It’s past time, we must now go into the world with open eyes. Better to read and listen to these things, than to be so shocked when the truth comes out, that you never recover.

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True the Vote – 2000 Mules

Last weekend 2000 Mules was available on live stream. The movie appears to be creating quite a buzz, in the circles I follow.

I hope each of you will find time to view the documentary that shows verifiable proof that the election was stolen.

Some people might read this and get defensive because they voted for the underdog. If you are one of those people, please stop, take a deep breath, and think.

This isn’t about Republican, Democrat, left or right. It’s about the right of the American people to elect their public servants. Yes, I said servants. They serve us, the people. Our right to fair election has been subverted and disregarded so the Deep State might continue their agenda. We’ll save that for another post.

The documentary uncovers the fraud that True the Vote has been working to eliminate. Dinesh D’Souza did an amazing job presenting the information that clearly shows the “steal”.  He is right about the mules. Law Enforcement officials now know who the mules are. They should be arrested and tried for TREASON.

2000 Mules focused on certain key states. They began tracking the mules in October, before the election took place. They tracked them through the election, using GPS from their phones and other technology.

They tracked 1,100 mules in Philadelphia alone. Each mule visiting an average of 50 drop boxes, trafficking over 50,000 illegal drop box visit. GPS tracking indicates that many of the mules traveled across the border from New Jersey.

If you want to watch the documentary you can find out where to access the video here.

You can also find additional information at RSBN here.

When they said they have it all on video, they weren’t kidding.

This video footage was taken during broad daylight. This amazes me.

How many ballots are you allowed to drop before it’s considered treason?

I could go on about the fraud. I think you should watch the movie. Your eyes will be opened to what the corrupt Deep State will do, the lengths they’ll go to so they can remain in power.

I encourage you to share the information with your fiends and family.

We need to take back the Republic. This is a good place to start.

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Marco Polo Report on the Hunter Biden Laptop

The Biden crime family is front and center in the media right now. Oh, wait. no they’re not. At least not the main stream media, anyway.

They don’t feel compelled to air the dirty laundry of the man installed as the country’s administrator (versus President), thanks to election fraud.

We are beginning to hear more about Hunter Biden’s laptop. Joseph Biden, Hunter’s father, claims he doesn’t get involved in his son’s business affairs.

Well, I beg to differ. Below you’ll find a link to a website where (if you dare) you can see for yourself what should be reported. Please note, there is graphic content in the documents on the below site. Access at your own risk.

This link is one of those links I hate to post because of the content. I’m not encouraging anyone to view the information, but for those of you who want to know the truth, you’ll probably find it here.

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The Takedown of the Cabal from A to Z ~ All 4 Movies

I’m reposting this information to offer to those who cant find this series the opportunity to watch it.

The Takedown of the Cabal from A to Z ~ All 4 Movies

These are the 4 Parts of our Takedown of the Cabal Series, which are all blocked on Youtube, so you can only find them on our Rumble Channel…this is the whole journey to take the “Uninitiated” of the Truth down this Fantastical Journey of the Rabbit Hole…this series changed the way that many viewed Organized Society, seeing for the first time the HORRORS of the world we have been living, and how a group of Divine Families came forward to stop this insanity and send these Demons straight to Hell…

I feel compelled to offer this warning. These movies aren’t for the faint of heart.

This is Part I of the Series, the famous show with Mark Devlin the showed the whole Takedown of the Cabal from A to Z, this video has had a combined 5+ million views worldwide…

This is Part II of the Series, The New Silk Road/Adrenochrome…the Takedown of the Cabal, which had over 750,000 views before Youtube shut us down…

This is Part III of the Series, Cutting the Head Off of the Hydra with Mark Devlin, that showcased the Q Team Capturing the Palaces of the 13 Bloodline Families in Venice on Dec. 24th, 2016…

And this is Part IV of the series, a BRILLIANT condensed Video version of my Takedown of the Cabal From A to Z, following Trump from the Beginning to the End of his World Tour to become the King of the World…

Research everything. Learn the truth. IT will set us all free.

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Below you’ll read some valid points that sum up the nightmare that was Pfizer’s Covid-19 (so called) vaccine.

▪︎Pfizer’s COVID vaccine was NOT 95% effective as they claimed. The data shows it has a 12% efficacy rate for the first 7 days…then falls to less than 1% (0.84%)

▪︎There were no human clinical trials to determine if the experimental COVID vaccines were safe for pregnant women. They were excluded from all the trials. Instead, they tested it on 44 rats before claiming it was “safe”

▪︎There are a total of 9 sites revealed so far (as of May 2, 2022) of 158. Under 6.6% of the Subjects are accounted for. Where did the data relating to the hundreds of other Subjects/trial participants go?

▪︎Where are the 25,706 patients missing from the Pfizer data?

▪︎The lipid nanoparticles were found to have distributed throughout the body — in the liver, ovaries & other vital organs 48 hrs post injection

▪︎The latest release can be found via the database here or at the ICAN site here.

Please take your time going through these pages. There are 80,000 of them so it may take a while to read them. If you only skim through the pages you’ll find enough information to show the evil that has been inflicted on those who were manipulated to take the jab.

I am still hopeful that healing from the jab can happen.

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