State National Interview With Brice and Emmie – Online

As promised, here is the interview.

As with my prior interview, this one will also be moved to Rumble because of the sensitive subject.

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State National Interview With Brice and Emmie

Well, I guess the interview with Brice was a success. I really enjoyed talking with her about the corrupt matrix. It’s nice to talk so someone who shares a similar viewpoint. Somewhere in the interview I mentioned something about becoming a State National. True to her nature, Brice’s radar went up and she said, “do you want to come back to talk about being a State National?”

For the last couple years, I’ve been researching what it means to be a State National. I started the process last year, and am getting closer to claiming my ‘minor estate”. I’m still a novice, though. I have a lot to learn about the laws of the land, air and water. But I figure “why not”? So next Saturday we will be doing another interview. This time with Emmie Simpson.  Emmie is a very talented Reiki Healer who I’ve come to know through her services. She’s a wonderful healer.

I’m not sure how the interview will go. There is so much information to consider when looking at the truth of God’s law. There is one thing to remember though. Congress made the Bible public law on October 4, 1982 (97-208). That should speak volumes.

We only need to remember that God gave man dominion over the land, air, and water. (Gen 1:26-28). God gave free men and women dominion. He didn’t give corporations or corrupt governments dominion. Yeshua despised governments, banks, doctors, and lawyers. What does that tell us?

Anyway, I look forward to the round table with Brice and Emmie. I hope you will tune in.

I’ll post the link when the interview goes live.

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Interview With Brice – Esoteric Atlanta

I’ve been writing post on this site for a few years, now. What started out as a blog to provide updates to my readers, fast turned into my posting about the conspiracies that though once some thought were “theories”, now we know them to be true.

So, I set aside the book updates for something I felt was more important. The Great Awakening.

Well, I’m not saying I will stop posting about the corruption of the Cabal. But for today I wanted to let you all know I will be talking to Brice about my work. The interview will be aired on her YouTube Channel. But I believe it will be moved to her Rumble Channel due to the sensitive topic.

It will be the first time for me to be in front of a camera so it should be interesting. I hope you will take a listen and offer your support.

I know I share some pretty intense information. Information that some might disagree with. And that’s OK. We should be able to voice our opinions, constructively. That’s what living in a Republic is all about.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy the interview.

Thank you for your support.

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Shadow Work Challenge

Anyone who follows this blog knows that I’m an author of fiction. If you’ve been reading my posts, you also know I’m big on talking about conspiracies.

Well, today I’m going to do something a little different. I’m joining Esoteric Atlanta’s Brice Watson as she guides us through her 30 Day Shadow Work Challenge.

If you’re not familiar with the term “shadow work”, then let me help you understand. Some of you may not subscribe to this mindset, and that’s okay. You can let go of what doesn’t resonate with you, and politely read the post while being respectful to those who find value in what I write.

We are all born into this 3D matrix by our design. We plan out the lessons we want to learn. We participate in a soul contract whereby we will experience ideas, places, and lesson so our soul can grow and learn. We come into this world in a state of amnesia, which gives us the opportunity to experience this life without prejudice.

Included in this decent into 3D, is the memory of all that is experienced in all our incarnations. Those memories and experiences, which we agreed to, now leave a shadow on our soul. This is our shadow work. We listen to our body, we experience pain and heal it so our soul can move up and we can complete the lessons.

While this is only a summary of how I see the idea of shadow work, it is a starting point. Anyone who wishes to join us on this journey can do so by contacting Brice at

I am excited to uncover and bring into the light that which has remained hidden. That which is keeping me from moving to the next phase of my life.

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Detoxification – A Soul Lesson

I’ve been posting information on my blog that will turn heads and shock those who aren’t awake.

Some will shake their heads and deny, deny, deny. They suffer from cognitive dissonance. I’ve been posting all this crazy information, hoping that people will not turn and run. But that they will research and verify what I show. Or prove me wrong.

I’m exhausted for researching the information I’ve posted. I hope you will refer back to old posts and become familiar with the crazy things happening in the world today.

Now, I’m at a point where I need to detox from the negative information. I know it all exists. It’s all happening around me, but now I need to focus on raising my vibration to help the earth raise its frequency, raise it’s vibration so we as a collective can move into the next stage of our existence.

As I talk about this more, I’m sure I will be a target for those who don’t believe in the idea that we as a collective; humans, animals and the earth itself are moving to the next dimension.

Time will change. We are already seeing it as we recognize time speeding up. Days pass in a blink of an eye. Weeks, months and years are moving beyond the speed of light.

Stop and feel the vibration. Sense the change in the frequency as you move through your day. Take a break, move to a quiet space for a few minutes. Sit in silence and feel your body vibrating. Start there.

Remember we all exist as energy. The lower the vibration, the more dense the body feels. The higher the vibration, the lighter the body becomes.

I’ve spent the last couple years sharing what I’ve found about how the NWO is trying to destroy human nature. Moving forward, I will be sharing more about how we can change the world by looking within and changing who we are and how we see the world.

No matter your religious affiliation, we all share the desire to be safe, secure, and loved. We all sense the realization of a Divine Creator who is love. Who wants us to be free. It’s time to set aside our differences and focus on what is love. True unconditional love.

Now is the time.

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Our Cosmic Origin – Ishmael Perez

Imagine an existence where we as humans experience a love so deep that we move through time and space not in the linear sense, but as energy does. With an uninterrupted flow that completes us.

To live in a time where polarity no longer exists, as we ascend to a level in our development where we vibrate at a place where everything is pure love.

It sounds like science fiction. Well, maybe in a polarizing way. We often experience science fiction as a negative thing. Maybe I should say fairy tale, with its happily ever after.

For years humanity and our mother earth has been moving toward the true light of the Creator. We’ve been climbing out of the depths of darkness that has held humanity prisoner for eons. We have been on a path of ascension. The book of Revelations in the Bible tells of a time when the old earth will pass away, and the new earth will emerge (Heaven on Earth). I believe that time is near. I think we have been on that path for a while now.

I recently read, “Our Cosmic Origin” by Ishmael Perez. Such a deep subject for a people in a time that is on the brink of going mad.

Ismael most certainly has tapped into a sense of himself with the assistance of his guides and angels. He is a man who as you will learn in his book, is a conduit, a means to assist in the great awakening.

In the beginning there was God, the infinite Creator who exists as eternity, ever and always. Ishmael walks the reader through a time when there was the Infinite, all that exists. When there was only Creator energy. He navigates his way through the creation of the mother universe, to the galaxies that make up the Meta-Verse we are part of today.

It’s time we remember we are part of something bigger than we’ve ever been told. We are not just one universe, or the only planet that sustains life form. I think we all know by now that science has produced enough evidence to discount that idea.

In “Our Cosmic Origin,” Ishmael walks us through how the Multi-Verse was created, who contributed to its expansion and the beings that share the reality that has been kept from us.

Some of you reading this may think I’m doing the “conspiracy theory” thing again. It’s time to release that term, a term coined by the CIA to discount what those critical thinkers uncovered in the early days.

Yes, I write fiction. But I do a great amount of research, reading historical documentation. Some of which I will admit, I now believe was made up. Hopefully, someday we will know the truth about our existence. “Our Cosmic Origin” may assist in finding that truth.

Ismael has done an amazing job breaking down the ages. He explains the ultimate history, covering millions of years of creation, wars, and gods and goddesses (beneath the true Creator Trinity). You will be fascinated by the information he shares.

Some of you may feel that reading this book may go against the grain of your religious doctrine. I suggest you read this book for that very reason. Your eyes may be opened to the possibility that things are not what you were brought up to believe. Ishmael shares with the reader the history of not only the Creator, our God, in Heaven. He also explains the role Jesus plays in the ascension process. Expanding on the mysteries of eternal life and the reality of ascension.

There are many facets to this life we live. A life that is connected to a much larger picture. We are energy beings having a human experience. One day we will all vibrate in a state of love where we will live as we should, in Heaven on Earth.

I will end my review here. I have not the words Ismael has used to guide you through our true history. I only hope I’ve piqued your curiosity enough to move you to read “Our Cosmic Origins”.

Standing in Our Truth

I’ve been sharing a lot of information that may be over the top to some. If you’re not ready to hear it, the information will sound crazy.

I’ve been researching history and governments with an agenda for years. I have to be honest with you. It has been depressing. I would dive deep into that which may not be public knowledge. Or is public knowledge, but isn’t easily accessible. After spending hours neck deep in government conspiracy, I would have to take a break for days, sometimes weeks because of the dark nature of the information.

Having shared the above, I must say that even though I write about these things, and think we all need to know the truth. I also believe I need to be compassionate and reach out to, even those who don’t believe what I believe.

Not only that, but what I write is fiction. Not all information in my books is proven fact. I don’t write to brainwash people to believe what I believe. Please always do your research. Question everything.

The main message I want to leave you with today, is this. Consider what you read (of my work) as a light switch. Let it be that which turns on the light within. Not only to shine light on the truth, but to allow the light to shine in the darkness so you can maneuver your way through the mines that have been set to scare and manipulate you. Let it be that which causes you to question everything. Even what I write.

We are learning to stand, independent of the government that wishes to control us. Destroy us, even, in some cases. Our rights and freedoms have been trampled on. We are beginning to discover the truth.

One thing we will all need to remember as we make our way through this “awakening” as some call it. Many will not see what we see. And when they see it, they may not believe. We must be diligent. We must be patient with those who will at some point realize to what extent we have all been duped. It will be up to us to remember to love. We will need to come together to heal. To return our communities to what they were meant to be. It will be up to us to show those just learning the truth, how to be strong, and how to release the pain, knowing that justice will be served.

So much is still unknown to us. Things that we have no control over. The best thing we can do while we wait, is to work on ourselves. We all have wounds. We all need to heal from trauma. No matter the life you live, there are things that have affected each of us, negatively. We can use this time to learn from and heal those areas that have kept us in the dark. True light shines from within. Let’s use this time to learn to be our own beacon of light. Shining brightly, casting out the darkness, exposing our scars and wounds, healing them, so we can return to the greater light.

Another Milestone!

What a year it’s been. From mask mandates to forced jabbing, it’s never ending. Yet I chose to ignore the madness.

I will not comply. I will stand my ground and protect my family whether they share my view or not.

While it’s been a struggle to live under this cloud, I have chosen to find the silver lining.

My grandson met his first big milestone. We celebrated his first birthday in style. He was surrounded by his family, who showered him with gifts, yes. But more importantly, love.

He is growing so fast. I watch him with wonder, knowing he will have a major role in our great awakening. He is still a baby, even at one year old. Yet, as I watch him, I see the wheels turning. I see in his eyes a strong soul who will do wonders in this world that needs healing.

I continue to watch him grow. Knowing he is a wonder. He is a blessing that will continue to surprise all of us as the years pass.

A Dangerous Truth – Operation Mind Crime – Book II

I started working on the second book in the “Operation Mind Crime” series, “A Dangerous Truth”. It picks up where “The War Within” left off.

The novel continues to expose some of what we know is going on in this country. The public is aware that hundreds of thousands of children go missing each year. However, they may not realize the source of those abductions. I have discussed this in prior posts, but will be posting more as time passes. I will touch briefly on this in “A Dangerous Truth”. The third book will expose to a greater extent these crimes.

The novel, continues to expose not only the trafficking of children (toward the end of the book), but also the crimes against humanity committed by experimenting on human subjects without their consent.  There is a major issue with human experimentation on our military. The greater part of the story deals with this topic. The Stewart family continues to be the conduit this information passes through.

I tell the story through the family unit to help us normal people understand what has happened without putting people in a state of shock. The truth is coming out, but I’m not sure how the public will take it.

I’m hoping to have the book published by next fall. I hope many will read it. Not because it’s good for me, but because it will prepare the public for what is to come. If you haven’t read “The War Within” you may want to read it first as it is a prequel to ” Dangerous Truth”.

Remember, always do your research. Information is being made available every day. So, even my view could change.

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Writer’s Block – No, Not Again!

Writing will not flow today.
My mind is blocked, it’s lost its way
I have so many things to say
But life has gotten in the way
Do not despair, don’t go away
The blog will return in a couple of days
~Lee Woods

A little humor on a day when I have a case of writer’s block.