Our Cosmic Origin – Ishmael Perez

Imagine an existence where we as humans experience a love so deep that we move through time and space not in the linear sense, but as energy does. With an uninterrupted flow that completes us.

To live in a time where polarity no longer exists, as we ascend to a level in our development where we vibrate at a place where everything is pure love.

It sounds like science fiction. Well, maybe in a polarizing way. We often experience science fiction as a negative thing. Maybe I should say fairy tale, with its happily ever after.

For years humanity and our mother earth has been moving toward the true light of the Creator. We’ve been climbing out of the depths of darkness that has held humanity prisoner for eons. We have been on a path of ascension. The book of Revelations in the Bible tells of a time when the old earth will pass away, and the new earth will emerge (Heaven on Earth). I believe that time is near. I think we have been on that path for a while now.

I recently read, “Our Cosmic Origin” by Ishmael Perez. Such a deep subject for a people in a time that is on the brink of going mad.

Ismael most certainly has tapped into a sense of himself with the assistance of his guides and angels. He is a man who as you will learn in his book, is a conduit, a means to assist in the great awakening.

In the beginning there was God, the infinite Creator who exists as eternity, ever and always. Ishmael walks the reader through a time when there was the Infinite, all that exists. When there was only Creator energy. He navigates his way through the creation of the mother universe, to the galaxies that make up the Meta-Verse we are part of today.

It’s time we remember we are part of something bigger than we’ve ever been told. We are not just one universe, or the only planet that sustains life form. I think we all know by now that science has produced enough evidence to discount that idea.

In “Our Cosmic Origin,” Ishmael walks us through how the Multi-Verse was created, who contributed to its expansion and the beings that share the reality that has been kept from us.

Some of you reading this may think I’m doing the “conspiracy theory” thing again. It’s time to release that term, a term coined by the CIA to discount what those critical thinkers uncovered in the early days.

Yes, I write fiction. But I do a great amount of research, reading historical documentation. Some of which I will admit, I now believe was made up. Hopefully, someday we will know the truth about our existence. “Our Cosmic Origin” may assist in finding that truth.

Ismael has done an amazing job breaking down the ages. He explains the ultimate history, covering millions of years of creation, wars, and gods and goddesses (beneath the true Creator Trinity). You will be fascinated by the information he shares.

Some of you may feel that reading this book may go against the grain of your religious doctrine. I suggest you read this book for that very reason. Your eyes may be opened to the possibility that things are not what you were brought up to believe. Ishmael shares with the reader the history of not only the Creator, our God, in Heaven. He also explains the role Jesus plays in the ascension process. Expanding on the mysteries of eternal life and the reality of ascension.

There are many facets to this life we live. A life that is connected to a much larger picture. We are energy beings having a human experience. One day we will all vibrate in a state of love where we will live as we should, in Heaven on Earth.

I will end my review here. I have not the words Ismael has used to guide you through our true history. I only hope I’ve piqued your curiosity enough to move you to read “Our Cosmic Origins”.