The War Within – Ready To Role

I’m ready to publish “The War Within”.

The work is going through it’s final edit and I’m preparing to publish the book by September.

I thought I’d submit this post with the author’s notes so you could become familiar with what will be included in the book.

Author’s Notes

The War Within” is a historical novel that begins during a volatile time in our recent history. It’s a time that most of us will remember. It’s also a time many would like to forget. For fifty years people have fought to make sense of the morality and political gain of this struggle. While the struggle is no longer considered a current event, the lessons are still being learned today; this once war is now one that is the comparison for current wars and struggles in the Middle East. As you read the story, you will see the many similarities shared from generation to generation. If you are of the generation that remembers, you will be able to relate to some of the key points.

The story takes place in Madison, Wisconsin where Kathleen Stewart is a professor of history at the University of Wisconsin. This university gained a reputation for being quite a radical campus during the 1960’s:  students marched in protest, confronted army recruiters, and burned draft cards throughout the war. Teach-ins were organized in 1965 at its beginning. In 1967 UW students protested, against Dow Chemical, the maker of napalm. Both these situations are mentioned in “The War Within”.

By reading “The War Within,” you will be able to revisit the struggle shared on both shores. Military and civilian alike were finding their voice in a time when many fought for rights. Civil rights brought to light a struggle on the home front while our young men fought a war in Southeast Asia that didn’t concern the American people. In Wisconsin alone, more than 57,000 residents served in Southeast Asia. Of those 57,000 1,239 did not return home.

While reading “The War Within,” you will find many intriguing aspects that may require you to ask, “did that happen.” Well, I challenge you to research and explore your history because you may be surprised. Of course, we all remember the sorrow felt with the loss of President John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr., as well as the many other victims of the time. But there were many things going on behind the scenes that some may not remember.

We all recall “Watergate,” but do we remember MKULTRA, Operation Paperclip, and Operation Bluebird, and the many other programs that were a topic of debate and discussion? What happened and what might be a conspiracy? While MKULTRA is mentioned in “The War Within” I leave to you the broader research where you can confirm or deny the facts related to the mind control experiments that occurred from 1947 to possibly the current day.

Beyond the historical events mentioned in “The War Within”, you will find the story; the story of a family that struggles through this time of change and upheaval. You will read about the loss and pain that was experienced by many during that time in history. You will see the similarities in the emotion that are shared throughout history as war continues to plague our planet and destroy the hope of peace. While the people in the story are fictitious, the pain and suffering are very real. Just ask those who lived through it.

There were many events that I touched on in “The War Within“, but much more that were not mentioned. That is not because they weren’t important. Every incident that occurred, every life affected whether lost or maimed or mental dysfunction, each voice is important. I discount no ones suffering. I had to choose what to include in a novel that would be readable as entertainment rather than a history book that could be studied. So please take from this novel anything that will cause you to desire to help those who suffer from the pain and loss of war, any war. War is a terrible thing. However, it is a reality. So long as we have governments and men who desire power and control, we will experience the pain of war. Let the rest of us help those that suffer from the pain of war to heal. Peace will only come from love. Love will only come if we offer it to the world.

I hope this book will be well received by my readers.

Thank you

You can find the book on Amazon here.

It’s Worth Fighting For

I am compelled to write this post to speak a truth that more and more people are realizing, every day.

Can you hear me. It’s time to unite. It’s time to take a stand against the Establishment, the Deep State, the Cabal, what ever you want to call it.

There are those who adopted this mentality many years ago. They saw this coming for decades. They set aside their lives to bring forth and help us realize true freedom. Freedom like we’ve never known. I thank them here and now for all they have done, and what they continue to do to free the world from tyranny.

We have been existing in a state of sleep for too long. It is time to wake up and live the life God meant us to live. We need to raise our awareness, our vibration, to match the love that God offers us. To live the life he promised us.

In order for that to happen, we must do our part. We must be willing to speak out, remove the masks, and deny the jab. We must demand the return of our civil liberties and protect them moving forward. We must chose love.

The deep sleep I speak of was induced by those who are determined to bring us to our knees and keep us in a state of sleep so we wouldn’t know what they were doing. Over the next few days, weeks, months, possibly years, we will see things we never thought we’d see, hear things we never thought we’d hear. We need to prepare ourselves mentally and spiritually for what is to come.

We have an opportunity to live a wonderful life, but that can’t happen unless we open our eyes and see the reality that we have ignored for decades. Please take this opportunity to realize the truth. Don’t let ignorance or pride keep you from searching for the truth. That could be your downfall.

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: (Matthew 7: 7-8)

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What Happened to the Constitution?

We live in a country that, has lost it’s moral compass. I don’t mean to say that everyone has lost their way. But based on what I see in the world today, something is just not right.

When I was in junior high school (what they now call middle school) we had to study American History. We were required to learn about the Constitution. We memorized the Preamble, which I still remember to this day. We had to memorize the Bill of Rights (first 10 amendments) and learn about the history of the remaining amendments.

If the schools teach their students about our American history in this way today, I wonder why so many people can’t tell you anything about our founding fathers, our Constitution, and the truth behind the fight.

I don’t mean to be critical but if we as Americans don’t have an understanding of where we came from and what we represent, we are doomed.

How many people do you know who can tell you about the Revolutionary War, The War of 1812, or the Civil War? How many people know what really happened during that time. What about the Paris Peace Treaty, or the Treaty of Ghent? How about the Geneva Conventions, or the Treaty of Versailles? What do they represent?

Do any of you know how the United States became part of the corrupt United Nations? Do you realize that we didn’t win World War II? Yes, Japan surrendered, but we were at war with Germany, among others in Europe too. What happened? If you begin your search, you will learn about the United Nation Charter, where Roosevelt sold out America. He handed the united States of America to the organization that would become the New World Order, on a silver platter. Do some research on Roosevelt and his policies. Plans he put in place to protect the American people, were plans to weaken the country and its people. Remember the old saying. Beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing.

The UN was created to prevent future wars, so they say. Since the creation of the UN how many wars have there been? I’d say they didn’t succeed. I might go so far as to say they create wars to divide the people of the world. Did you know that the united States of America has only been at peace for 21 years since its birth? There have been over 251 wars since 1945, when the UN was created. That doesn’t include smaller conflicts. Amazing.

This post provides a small bit of information. Placed strategically, to entice you to research what I wrote. Find out what is truth and what is fiction by putting on your thinking cap. And digging deep.

We are all learning to be responsible Americans. We can start by reeducating ourselves on who we are and what Natural Law means. We need to be secure in our papers, know who we truly are. Myself included. Let’s take back the Republic.

Hitting The Nail on The Head

Should we be ruled by the criminal (bankrupt) corporation?

Now that I have your attention I’d like to speak to you a bit about the crazy world we live in. The world where our organic history has been kept from us, and modern advancements have been squandered so, the population would remain sick and dependent on drugs that shouldn’t be put in any human body.

I keep writing about the Great Awakening. Some people may think that makes me some new age hippie that sits in mediation half the day. Well I’m not. I’m as normal as any person who reads this post.

I mentioned the bankrupt corporation at the beginning of this post. How many of you know that this Nation was hijacked not long after the ink was dry on the Constitution? You can read this post to learn about that criminal act.  The point I make here is, most of us didn’t even realize there was a hijack.

Well, thankfully, there are still patriots out there who think fast on their feet.

That’s not what I want to talk about in this post.

I came across the video below and wanted to share it. We as a collective, as a Nation, as a world  are standing on the precipice of our existence. We are at the crossroads of good and evil. And it is only in opening our eyes and ears to make the right choice, that we will survive.

We must chose between the rise of the bankrupt corporation or the return of the Republic. Personally, I’m choosing the Republic.

Watch the video, listen to one of many voices of reason.

There are many underlying issues with taking the path of least resistance, the failed corporation. It may be easier to continue moving in that direction but when you arrive at your destination it won’t be anything like what was promised. We can see that by the choices the current administrator is making. He certainly isn’t putting the people first.

Listen to what Jeremy Elliot has to say about what’s really happening this year. Hopefully his words will bring you to realize the best option is to work together to restore the Republic.

Everyone has a role to play. We may not know what that is right now. In the meantime we can share with each other as much information as possible.

Together we can sort through information and realize the truth that will set us free.

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D.C. What?

What did you say? Why is everything always Trump’s fault? Maybe in this case it is. I wonder though?

I’d like to comment on this further, but I need to wait until I have more information. I will say I’m confused about the insurrection claim. I listened to the speech and I distinctly recall the President telling the crowd to protest peacefully.

Trump supporters gathered on Wednesday, Jan. 6, to show support for the President, as he and many others voiced claims of election fraud following the November election. Trump spoke as Congress met to certify the votes of the Electoral College.

Demonstrators stood outside the Capitol building displaying both Trump flags and American flags as they waited, supporting Trump, as Congress began the process to certify the vote. I’m curious why Pence would stand with Congress when he knew fraud was involved in the election process. Sounds like a red flag.

I’m curious why DC Mayor would tell law enforcement to stand down the day before the supposed riot. You can read about that here.

I think I smell a rat.

For now I’ll remain open minded. Let’s watch how things unfold.

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Project Paperclip

When I wrote “War Within” I started going the proverbial “rabbit hole”. I was writing a book about the MKUltra program and as I began my research, I came across documentation on Operation Paperclip. I have to tell you I wasn’t prepared for what I found. I know many people think I’m a conspiracy theorist, but most of what I found and continue to find shows me that while these events might be conspiracies, they are certainly not theories. Much of what I found can be backed up in declassified government documents and interviews done with victims of these crimes or their families. Today I want to share with you a video about Project Paperclip. Before You watch it I want to give you a brief overview of the Program. At the end of World War II, when we all though the Germans surrendered, they were really performing a mass exodus. There were some 9000 scientists and doctors who left Germany and found a new home in the United States of America. That’s right. Those who should have been tried for crimes against humanity for the role they played in their experiments on human beings, were continuing their research in the USA on American citizens. Some Germans escaped Germany and went to Argentina where they prepared themselves for a new life. New identities, plastic surgery, whatever was necessary to remain under the radar. You should research the bush family. President George Bush Sr, I don’t believe should have been President of the the United States. According to our Constitution an anchor baby can’t be president nor can an immigrant. Research the Scherff family. George Bush Sr was really George Scherff Jr. Could be true could be a conspiracy theory. Do your own research. Many of our military were subject to experimental studies. Some involving LSD. Others involving shock therapy and other torturous methods. Some people who searched out medical care for depression found themselves used as guinea pigs in the MKUltra program. Children too, became a target. Today we are seeing the result of torture and mind control programs that targeted children and adults for the CIA. We are living in a world of chaos. Some people might not know it because the media isn’t reporting many things happening around the world. You might say this is another “conspiracy”. Much will come to light in the near future. I hope you are all researching the many odd things going on. I will leave you with one final thought. Before you believe what you see in the sky or around your community, you should research Project Blue Beam”. Have fun with that. Stay safe and healthy.Fair Use Notice: This article could contain some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add their photo.

What Am I Thankful For?

As Thanksgiving approaches, and I begin the ritual of pie making, I take a moment to consider that for which I have to be thankful.
So Many Struggles
It’s been a tough year for many people. The signs of struggle are everywhere. Some struggle with employment or housing. Others fight addiction or abuse. And still, others have been victims of unnecessary violence. When I stop and think of those that have run head-on into obstacles that prevent them from being happy I will be thankful that I can consider my troubles and realize that they are minor in comparison to many others.
Finding Thankfulness in Family
This Thanksgiving I give thanks for my family even though we can’t all be together this year. I’m thankful we each share the day with loved ones and that we are all healthy. I hope each of you has someone special with which to share your day.
And the Kindness in the World
I’m also thankful for the kindness I see in the world. It is a shame that the media doesn’t promote more of what we see as the good in our neighbors. In my neighborhood, we see a local restaurant open for the day specifically to prepare a wonderful meal for the homeless and less fortunate in our community. There are many people in communities around the country offering the same charity. What beautiful souls exist in our midst. Thank you for sacrificing your holiday to share with those in need.
Thankfulness in Hope
Finally, I’m thankful for the hope that exists in the world. It’s the hope we share that binds us together and offers us the chance to make a difference in the world. Hopefulness breeds kindness and love. We could use more of those gifts in our world.
Thanksgiving Wishes
I hope each of you is with loved ones on this Thanksgiving day. I’m grateful for each person who has touched my life this year, and I hope each one recognizes those that have touched your life and made it a little better. It has been a year of blessing for me. I have come across obstacles that have challenged me and forced me to grow. I’m thankful for those that have walked with me and helped me on my journey. I look forward to continuing my journey and welcome the company as I travel.
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We Remember – The Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Veteran’s Day isn’t to be a memory,  but a day to commemorate those who sacrificed their lives and livelihood. We may not set aside the memories and respect we expressed only days ago. The gestures may remain silent for another year, but they remain in our hearts. As we step ahead in time, we look at this day November 13, 2020, as we remember another milestone in history. We look upon this day as a day when veterans of one era finally receive the respect they deserve. They receive the respect that for more than a decade was silenced, by a narrow-minded view, that certain men and women didn’t deserve respect because they fought an unpopular war.
It is on this day in 1982 that the Vietnam Veterans Memorial was dedicated. The “Wall” as people commonly refer to it has become an icon. The black granite “v” shaped wall is a symbol of love and loss, war and peace, and the unending cycle of war. The Memorial is inscribed with 57,939 names of those who never came home from Vietnam.  The “Wall” has become a gateway to forgiveness. It is a place where the protesters and defenders meet and remember a time of turmoil that separated a people who before the war were friends. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial is a place that offered the initial healing. It is one of the most visited memorials in the nation’s capital. I will take a moment today to remember not only the sacrifice our military endured in Vietnam but the humiliation people subjected them to when they returned home. I salute each of you today; those who look upon the names on the Memorial, and those whose names are inscribed within the black granite. Thank you for your service and your sacrifice. My heart goes out to you who suffered in silence. I wish peace for you in your lives.Fair Use Notice: This article could contain some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add their photo.

A Sacred Salute

We offer our veterans a salute of respect and honor today. Let‘s salute all those who sacrificed their existence to secure our freedom, and give thanks to those who endured the pain and hardship of war, so we may feel secure.

Many people blindly walk through life. They go about our day not thinking about the choices they have and the voice they take for granted. We have a voice because of our veterans. Each of us is endowed with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; freedoms secured by our original forefathers. We enjoy these rights at the expense of those who live if not fearlessly; they live sacrificially.

From, the Revolutionary War to the Wars in the Middle East that continue to plague the world. Our Veterans along with our Allies, continue to police the world and offer a choice to those willing to step up and defend the freedoms we often forget about.

Today we offer our thanks to the men and women who keep the peace. I offer my gratitude along with thanks to all our service people. I thank their families too, for their sacrifice.

May your sacrifice be the light that shines in the darkness and spreads love across the globe. 

Photo by Holly Mindrup on Unsplash

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It’s A Boy!

We live in a crazy world. So many things are in our face, going wrong, and worse, we’re being manipulated to comply with an agenda that is not in our best interest.

Throughout all this craziness, there remains one constant.


Life is precious. In a world where some have a complete disregard for the miracle of life, we must know, there is still hope.

Life continues. Humanity still finds a reason to hope for the best. This as seen as young couples around the world prepare to expand their families with the birth of the next generation.

Today, I see in the eyes of my grandson, the hope that burns eternal. The idea that we as a people will persevere.

We have a beautiful baby boy to show for all my daughter’s hard work and sacrifice (my son-in-law too).

I never thought I’d say it, but, I’m officially a grandma. A role that I will take on with gratitude.

Today I’m thankful for the safety of my family, and the birth of my healthy grandson. A beautiful starseed, who, along with other’s born at this time, will save the world.