Reality Sets In – Election Process

I can’t believe the information that is being suppressed by the MSM. I feel like my head will explode! I’m bating you. This is where you start to research EVERYTHING. How many of you are researching what you see in the news? It’s become somewhat of a game to me lately. I watch the news, then I go to the internet and do a search over multiple search engines. You won’t believe what I find. I’m hoping you will be seeing the same thing. What I find doesn’t make me happy. The MSM of the world really is feeding us a line of bull. I suppose we can’t expect anything else. They did warn us decades ago that the media was nothing but a form of entertainment. I guess that includes the nightly news. Operation Mocking bird at its finest. I know, some of you are saying, “not another conspiracy theorist”. I tell you no. I’m looking at actual documents, declassified and referenced in hearings and government documents. If you do your research you’ll be surprised what is real. We have many examples of “fake news” that can clearly be debunked such as:
  • Joe Biden is most popular president in history.
  • The claims of election fraud are not true
  • President Trump should be impeached (we know what happened there)
  • COVID-19 is a pandemic
  • We should all be isolating and wearing masks
Should I go on. Now, I know my statements will cause some to get angry. They may want to lash out. If you are one of those people, will you please stop for a moment. Take a deep breath and try to see the other side. As I said earlier, do some research. What I’m finding is that those who get angry, and start yelling trying to defend policies and ideas that don’t typically make sense, are only deflecting from the truth. They may believe what they say, and I’m not saying they don’t contribute value to a conversation. Everyone deserves to speak their mind. I must warn you though, you won’t have that right for long under the current administration (notice I didn’t say president). Just look at Fox news. Chris Stewart has reported that Biden’s team is spying on all of us. They want you to believe they represent you. But there will come a day when those that side with Biden will no longer have the freedoms they currently have. I encourage everyone to search for the truth. Not through the MSM, and unqualified fact checkers. Go to the source. Look to historians and study geological research. Look at declassified documents. Talk to experts. We have been asleep for too long. It’s time to wake up, and realize we have been duped. Slowly, our rights have been taken from us.  I want our children to grow up in a free society. I’m willing to step out of my comfort zone to help make that happen. That starts with finding the truth. You know what they say. The truth will set you free. Fair Use Notice: This article could contain some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add their photo.