If you know the history of the man behind the Open Society Foundations, you’ll realize he has an agenda that is not good for America.
When you look at the OSF you’ll find that he donated $220 million to kick start the racial equity agenda. Don’t get me wrong I completely believe in equality for all. We are all equal in the eyes of God. However, the agenda that Soros’s has isn’t to provide minority groups with equal rights. Soros’s goal is to get the minorities the rebel and riot. To destroy their neighborhoods so he can go in and buy up those devalued properties and drive out the minorities, so he can build high rises that benefit the elite. He stands with the elite, agreeing that depopulation will benefit the 1%.
In this N.Y.Times article final paragraph they state clearly that “The Open Society Foundations will invest an additional $70 million in local grants supporting changes to policing and criminal justice. This money will also be used to pay for opportunities for civic engagement and to organize internships and political training for young people.” Is the political training of young people teaching natural law and civics or is the training geared to support his agenda?
His grant supports the de-funding of Law Enforcement across the board. Do you know why? So they can bring in the UN peace keepers and finalize the New World Order.
Soros’s goal is to have two classes. The ultra rich, and the poor. The middle class will disappear. His actions are criminal.
It appears that the Military Junta in Myanmar feels the same way. They seized the assets of George Soros Foundation’s Bank Accounts. There must be a reason. You can read about it here.
We need to be careful what we believe. Who we put our trust in. The ultra elite, the 1% are using the MSM (which they own) to manipulate us so we feed into their agenda, without realizing we have sold out.
Keep doing your research. Learn more about George Soros, the Rockerfeller’s, Rothschild’s, and Bushes. You will be shocked when you research the Clinton’s, the Obama’s and many of the elite (such as many in Hollywood).
I know, right now you think I’m a conspiracy theorist, but when the truth is completely exposed, you may think differently.
Time to wake up.
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