Crimes Against Humanity

I’m thinking about the children again.

How do eight million children a year go missing? Where do they go? I’ve written about and shared video footage, and news clips about the real pandemic; CHILD TRAFFICKING.

The children are being moved right before our eyes. Most people don’t even realize it. I’ve spoken to people about the clip I’m sharing in this post, and it amazes me that most quickly brush off what I say. They defend the corporations and media outlets that perpetrate these crimes. They say it isn’t true. They claim that it is a story cooked up by conspiracy theorists to make these companies look bad.

I have one question as relates to that statement. Why? Why would anyone use such a heinous crime to discredit anyone or any business? It doesn’t make sense. Our children are our most precious resource. Why would anyone make ups such a story?

I suppose if you look at those who commit these atrocities, and see the lies that they’ve been shoving down our throats for centuries, you might believe anything is possible. We’ll save this for another conversation.

Please watch the video above (at 1:39 if you don’t want to watch the complete video). I’m not asking you to believe what it tells you. I am asking you to be open minded. I’m asking you to question what you see. I’m asking you to consider the possibility that our children are being trafficked across the globe as though they were a piece of furniture, or worse yet a piece of meat that will be sacrificed to appease someones evil perversion.

I know well enough to not believe everything I hear and see. But I also know that we must question these things. We must consider the possibilities that these things could be happening. For years, no centuries, we’ve been lied to about many things. We need to question everything we are told. If you watch the video below you will see some of the manipulation we have been subjected to. This is not a Conspiracy Theory. It’s a conspiracy to destroy the free world.

The Illuminati By End Times Production

I ask you again, to research what you see. Check multiple sources and search engines. Please don’t brush of what many people are now speaking of openly. When you feel the urge to dismiss the information, consider the possibility that you could be experiencing cognitive dissonance.

I’m hoping many people will read my post, if for no other reason, then to open their eyes to the truth that has been kept from us.

We have falsely believed that we are free people living in a free nation. Nothing could be further from the truth. I’ll save that for another post.

Rise and shine. It’s time to save the children, and the world.

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