Can Magnets Weaken Faith In God?

Some people may read the question and think my statement is crazy. We have all been exposed to electromagnetic energy and waves for decades. From the meters on our homes to the cell phones we carry in our pockets. The power lines to the computers we sit in front of on a daily basis.

Think about it. Our bodies are bombarded with this debilitating force that is slowly disconnecting us from nature. Where we as human beings used to vibrate and resonate on the same frequency as the earth, we now vibrate at such a low frequency that we hardly recognize truth from fiction. In many cases people have become so brainwashed that they can’t function without being told what to do.

The study noted in the article below is proof that magnetic energy can disable parts of the brain and weaken faith in God and change attitudes to immigrants.

As you read through the article, remember the Covid Jab is magnetic.

Remember that the mRNA gene therapy injection is installing nano-particles into the human body and changing the way your body functions. It’s replacing pieces of your DNA. This is a process that has never before been done to human beings. It is a process that through animal trials, killed the animals.

Read the article to learn how choosing the jab, may change more than your belief in God.

You can also review the video below to see that there are those who believe they have isolated the God gene.

Another reason we need to wake up.

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