Russia Finds Biden’s Bio-Weapons

Remember when President Bush was looking for weapons of mass destruction, bio-weapons that were threatening the world? Well, it appears that they’ve been found. And guess where they were hiding?

In UKRAINE. Yep, that’s right. Biden had them the whole time. It appears there are 30 bio-weapons labs in Ukraine along the Russian border.

“Their attempts, while spilling blood, to find biological and chemical weapons throughout the world. We have found your own products. We have found your biological material. As it turns out it was all happening in Ukraine.”

On Twitter You can find this…

It looks like Oliver Stone has jumped on the bandwagon too. He posted a video to YoTube, which they promptly removed. It now can be found on Rumble here.

If you look at the video below, you can see that the U.S. has been supporting Neo-Nazis & Anti-Semitic Nationalists In Ukraine Since 2014. The video will give you a little history, a background story if you will, that will show who the real bad guy is. The video is compliments of The True Reporter.

And finally, at least for now, Here is an article from the true reporter that exposes the documents that were “scrubbed” from the U.S. Embassy website.

Keep doing your research. I’m still waiting for the shocker. What else are the Deep State hiding?

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