The Truth About Slavery

If you believe that there were no rich black people during the years where the slave trade was booming, then I have a bone to pick with you. That belief is false, not true, wrong.

We are all going through an awakening process. It is time to see with our eyes. We need to stop seeing the world through the corrupt media who tell what we should see, and hear. And the elite who wrote our history books to suit their agenda. Consider the following.

The African King Ghezo of Dahomey said this:

“The slave trade is the ruling principle of my people. It is the source and the glory of their wealth…the mother lulls the child to sleep with notes of triumph over an enemy reduced to slavery…

Here is some more facts about slavery.

  • The first slave owner in the 13 colonies was a black man named Anthony Johnson.
  • William-Ellison owned a 900-acre cotton plantation in South Carolina (William Ellison 1860 Slave-Census).
  • William Ellison was also the largest of 171 black slaveholders in South Carolina (William Ellison 1860 Slave-Census).
  • Only 384,884 Africans were ever shipped to the US. That is only 3% of ALL the African slaves shipped to the New World. The rest were inherited through the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, annexation of Texas in 1836, and the annexation of New Mexico in 1848. Millions more came from Haiti and other Caribbean islands, as well.
  • According the US Census, roughly 80,000 Jewish men owned slaves, which accounts for at least 26% of total ownership while they were only 0.7% of the total population, but these number aren’t accurate. They are higher. Research is necessary if you want to find the truth.
  • It’s also been stated that 28% of free blacks owned slaves. They’ve concluded that according to the 1860 Census, there were more black slave owners than White.
  • To learn more read the 324 page preliminary report on the census to find this information.
  • There are several sources that reveal the above listed information, but they all reference the 1860 census.

When you do your research, you will find that the Jewish and Black population owned more slaves than did the White population. Additionally, the White people didn’t bring them to this country.  For more information on how one Jewish man in 1654 came to this country from Brazil as a slave trader (John (((Law))). Originally from Scotland and the son of a banker and goldsmith, he moved to New Orleans in the Mississippi Delta. I could elaborate here, but I’d like you to do your research to find what really happened. You can start by watching They Came For Good.

I came across this Capitalism_Slavery which you can read here. Eric Williams describes further in detail, that the first slaves in this country were not the black man, but were first, the American Indian, then the White man. All before the first black slave was sold by a black man to be brought to the new world by a black man.

If you want to research the Jewish connection as slave traders and owners, please know and research the slave trade in the following countries:

  • Barbados (for England)
  • Recife
  • Brazil
  • Haiti
  • Cuba
  • Jamaica
  • St. Thomas
  • St. Croix
  • Gorée Island
  • Curacao
  • Rhode Island
  • New York
  • New Orleans
  • South Carolina
  • Georgia
  • and more

Research the Dutch West India Company in Brazil and Recife.

Look into the Royal African Company and John Locke.

And Antonio Suasso, who financed both The Dutch India Company and the Royal African Company.

And finally Sir Francis Drake and his cousin Sir Hawkins and their connection to the causes of Dom Antonio.

Here are some additional facts related to the slave population in this country by 1860

  • 68% of slave owners in 1860 in the US were Blacks and Mulatto
  • 40% of slave owners in 1860 in the US were Blacks
  • 28% of slave owners in 1860 in the US were Mulatto
  • 32% of slave owners in 1860 in the US were (((White)))

I’d like to leave you with one final piece of information to research. Please look at the connection of Grand Lodge Freemason order under the guidance of the Jewish grand master.

I believe it will become apparent to you that the “White” man isn’t to blame for the slave trade. I also think that you will find that the Jewish (not Israeli) are responsible for shipping in the slaves to this country.

I’d like to make one final comment pertaining to this piece. The information herein is pulled from resources that verify what is posted. What you read is not my personal opinion and I’m not forcing anyone to read or believe what is written in this piece. We should question everything. Verify everything.

Knowledge is power. Up to this point the elite have controlled the information, which has given them power. It’s time we take back that power.

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