Justice For The Children

There isn’t anything that makes me more angry than when the rights of children are violated.

I’m not talking about what the left calls “rights”. They are pushing their agenda of children being sexually active to protect their evil agenda. They don’t do this because they believe children are of the mind to make that decision, or to decide whether they want to be boys or girls. They want us to  think they are old enough to decide if they want to have sex with adults. There is a reason for this manipulation.

How many of you adults remember being a child? How many of you EVER thought about sex at all when you were five, six, seven, and so on? I venture to guess the answer to be none. At least not in normal circumstances.

So what makes people today think that things have changed?

They haven’t. Those who want to make pedophilia legal are pushing this agenda. They want  to make it legal so they can abuse and torture your child. Because they are abusing and torturing children. And worse.

People turn a blind eye to this fact. Not because they think pedophilia is okay but because they think if they don’t acknowledge the fact, then it isn’t a reality.

Wake up.

All this CRT, transgender, LBGTQ (etc) talk, isn’t about an adults right to choose the lifestyle they want to lead. As an adult that’s your business, as long as you’re not hurting another human being or pushing your agenda on anyone. Do what you want, but leave the children alone.

Watch this video and tell me that it’s okay to allow the schools to push the criminal agenda they are forcing down the throats of every person.

We are called to be tolerant of others lifestyle, yet our lifestyle is not allowed to be discussed.

When President Trump took office, he promised to address the human trafficking issue.  Whether you like him or not, he’s kept his promise. You can read more about that here. and here. You can search the blog for other posts written about child trafficking.

Enough is enough.

I posted this video in the past. It’s still a reminder that child trafficking is as real today as it has ever been.

Whether you want to see it or not, there is a major child trafficking problem, not only in our country, but across the world. The elite of the world have been producing adrenochrome by torturing to near death children, so they can stay young. It all may sound impossible, but it’s true. And it’s been going on longer than any of us have been alive.

It’s time to end this evil. We take back our planet now, and save future generations from the corruption and abuse that has plagued the world.

We don’t want a new world order. We want freedom from tyranny.

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