Nitric Acid and Covid… Hmmm.

There is always an agenda. The elite can’t let anything go.

We’ve been bombarded with Covid this, and Covid that for the last two years. The world population has been coerced and in some cases forced to follow the NWO mandates. Some to the detriment of their health.

While the Covid Nazi’s have been brainwashing some to follow their path to depopulation, there are others who have been doing their research.

I recently learned, that COVID-19 severity is directly linked to Endothelial Dysfunction, (which is the reduction of Nitric Oxide Synthase) & the antioxidant capacity of the body. It shouldn’t surprise you to find that older people who have more oxidative stress have less Endothelial Nitric Oxide in their bodies.

Nitric Oxide relaxes & dilates blood vessels to increase blood flow, BOOSTS oxygen from the heart into the lung tissue & distributes it throughout every cell & organ in the body.

Nitric Oxide (iNO) has been shown to inhibit the multiplication of the respiratory coronavirus, a property that distinguishes it from other vasodilators (medications that dilate blood vessels).

This information should show that because the elderly have less Nitric Oxide in their bodies, they would be more prone to getting Covid-19.

If Nitric Oxide is a naturally occurring property in the human body, doesn’t it make sense to assist the elderly and compromised with additional Nitric Oxide. 

Plus, it should help relieve some of the symptoms related to C-19.


I’m no doctor, and I’m sure there is a better way to explain all this but here it is in a nut shell. You can research further.


NIH / Pub MD Website

1998 : Nitric Oxide & SARS-CoV-2


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