I Am Arjuna – Bhagavad Gita

I am Arjuna. I am he, who’s called to fight. To kill. To liberate.

The image that stares back at me is fighting with she who studies that body, that spirit, that soul. The soul that signed the contract that would teach her who she truly is.

My dark night of the soul pulls me into the depth of my inner self. It struggles with the lives I have lived in this one lifetime. My soul now calls me to see myself, not as the flesh and blood that walks the earth today. But to see my divine nature.

I am now called to the struggle between life and death. No, not suicide. I am called to awaken. It is time to see my soul self and be that which the creator created me to be.


I am Arjuna. I am he, who listens to the teacher.

When I study the image of the face looking back at me, I stare into the eyes that are the window to the soul.

I am called to fight, yet I love. How can I destroy that which I have become comfortable with, that which I have grown to know so intimately.

The struggles I’ve lived with and survived, are now part of me. I cling to them as a drowning person would cling to the life vest. It is all I know.

I am Arjuna. I am he, the brave warrior.

I am called to face my fears. To stare down that which challenges me. That which stirs within me, the ultimate fight or flight nature.

The longer I stand in front of the image, the greater the need to know the truth.

I am love, yet I am called by the inner stirring to fight. I now fight for the love that is buried deep within, waiting to be rescued.

I long to breathe the fresh air and feel the warmth of the sun shining on my face. I long to be released from the prison of which I place myself. It is time to be released from the dark night that has held me in a state of nothingness.

I am Arjuna. I am he who rejoices in the light.

Darkness recedes as the light fills my soul. Beckoning me to shine, a light so bright it lights up the world.

I am the expression of my soul. My true divine self has risen and continues to shine bringing forth a love so great it will never be contained.

I am Arjuna.

We are all Arjuna.