Wake Up: Human Trafficking is Real

I’d like to say I’m taking on a cause. But the cause is so great that I can only hope to make a small dent in what, over the last few years has come to light. Human trafficking.

I’m only one voice, and my voice isn’t an important one. At least as far as compares to those who many think are important because of their social status. I don’t believe social status matters. We can be deceived by smoking mirrors. Look deep into what on the surface may appear to be goodness.

Photo by Muhammadtaha Ibrahim Ma'aji on UnsplashWe have all taught our children not to talk to strangers. Don’t take candy from strangers and never get in the car of someone who offers you something or says they are bringing you to your mom. I think we can agree we have each used the lines I mentioned. 

But think of those children whose parents are absent in some reason from the life of their son or daughter. Those children are usually living in despair. They don’t have anything to look forward to, so any offer may sound better than what they are experiencing in their life. They jump at the chance for a better life. And to their demise. They disappear never to be seen again.

Today we know where those children have gone. We know that children are the prey of a dark plan that uses our greatest resource to feed their excesses.

In my blog on March 8, 2020 I mentioned the good work being done by the Underground Railroad. They set out to rescue children from their captors. The task turned out to be greater than anyone imagined. The evil greater that most thought humanly possible.

Nothing is as it seems. It is in the darkness that the crime is committed. The torture begins and end for a small child in a death that we can’t imagine. I can’t tell anyone what to think or do. I will ask you to visit The Underground Railroad and help in what ever way possible. If we don’t save the children we will be condemning the world to darkness.

Photo by Muhammadtaha Ibrahim Ma’aji on Unsplash

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