Patriots Day – April 19

The shot heard around the world.

The catalyst that birthed our Nation. One that protects life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

In 1775 on a bridge in Menotomy Massachusetts between Concord, Lexington and Boston history tells us of the first bloodshed of the Revolutionary War; the first shot that began a war that lasted for seven years. If you’re a faith driven person you may find a reference to that number. Seven, the number of perfection. The perfect amount of time to cleanse the people of the evil connection to a mad king. Not to mention the Masonic law that ruled the world up to that point.

Unfortunately, our Constitution would not allow for the disconnect from king and Crown. We would be held captive until 2019 when the corrupt corporation would be dissolved through bankruptcy (are you surprised?). To know more about this you will have to review my post about the act of 1870 (1871). There you will find a brief history about the lies we’ve been told. The lie goes far beyond that though.

Today we will focus on Patriots Day, so we can revisit for a moment the sacrifice made to ensure we could live as a free Nation. I could discuss the Battles of Lexington and Concord and the Battle of Menotomy (now Arlington). I could mention that it also was where the American Civil War lay claim to it’s first victims in the Baltimore riot of 1861. It’s a good research project.

The history this still young country has to share is extensive. Yet, I fear that to many are blind to it’s existence. Some want to wipe out our history completely. I’m hoping that the situation we are living through today will change the lack of interest in our history.

I believe that those who want to wipe out our history or any connection we have to it, are trying to destroy any evidence of hope for a better life. They don’t want to know the truth. They are driven by those who are using them to destroy that truth, so they can rewrite history as they want us to see it. If you don’t believe me tell me who owns McGraw Hill?

Our forefathers took up arms because they had a vision of living a good life. One that was disconnected from taxation without representation. They saw people keeping what they worked for and living free from a tyrannical government. They had a vision of a Nation prospering and enjoying their lives, not living to support the elite.

Today I look around me and see us experiencing exactly that for which those who lived before us, lost limb and life.

In a way, we’re in a similar position today. If we don’t stand up now to defend ourselves and the liberty we believe we possess, we’ll lose all hope of ever being able to get back those liberties for which so many gave their lives. Even today we have family members defending our Constitution so we can be a free nation. We owe it to those men and women to do our part and help them defend our freedom. We must or we will perish.

Take some time to research some of the topics I mention in this post. Get to know your country through its history.

It’s time to wake up.

Photo by Matt Briney on Unsplash

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What Happened to the Constitution?

We live in a country that, has lost it’s moral compass. I don’t mean to say that everyone has lost their way. But based on what I see in the world today, something is just not right.

When I was in junior high school (what they now call middle school) we had to study American History. We were required to learn about the Constitution. We memorized the Preamble, which I still remember to this day. We had to memorize the Bill of Rights (first 10 amendments) and learn about the history of the remaining amendments.

If the schools teach their students about our American history in this way today, I wonder why so many people can’t tell you anything about our founding fathers, our Constitution, and the truth behind the fight.

I don’t mean to be critical but if we as Americans don’t have an understanding of where we came from and what we represent, we are doomed.

How many people do you know who can tell you about the Revolutionary War, The War of 1812, or the Civil War? How many people know what really happened during that time. What about the Paris Peace Treaty, or the Treaty of Ghent? How about the Geneva Conventions, or the Treaty of Versailles? What do they represent?

Do any of you know how the United States became part of the corrupt United Nations? Do you realize that we didn’t win World War II? Yes, Japan surrendered, but we were at war with Germany, among others in Europe too. What happened? If you begin your search, you will learn about the United Nation Charter, where Roosevelt sold out America. He handed the united States of America to the organization that would become the New World Order, on a silver platter. Do some research on Roosevelt and his policies. Plans he put in place to protect the American people, were plans to weaken the country and its people. Remember the old saying. Beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing.

The UN was created to prevent future wars, so they say. Since the creation of the UN how many wars have there been? I’d say they didn’t succeed. I might go so far as to say they create wars to divide the people of the world. Did you know that the united States of America has only been at peace for 21 years since its birth? There have been over 251 wars since 1945, when the UN was created. That doesn’t include smaller conflicts. Amazing.

This post provides a small bit of information. Placed strategically, to entice you to research what I wrote. Find out what is truth and what is fiction by putting on your thinking cap. And digging deep.

We are all learning to be responsible Americans. We can start by reeducating ourselves on who we are and what Natural Law means. We need to be secure in our papers, know who we truly are. Myself included. Let’s take back the Republic.

It Was Never About The Election – It’s About The Children

The world is waking up. If you are are still asleep, here is your red pill.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words.

Time to wake up.

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Electing vs Voting

I suppose today is as good a time as any to bring up this topic. Do you know there is a difference between voting and electing? I hear the arguments already.

The two words are generally interchangeable according to Webster’s dictionary. But when it comes to our “organic” Constitution, there is a difference.

When do you cast a vote? You cast a vote when you are looking for consensus in the board room. You vote when it relates to a corporation.

When do you “elect’? Well, you elect, choose or select someone to represent you as a “public servant”. A public servant is someone who represents their constituents. That person is elected. They are placed in a position to represent the voice of the people who elect him/her. The government is subject to the consent of the governed.

Well, as you may recall from my post From April 18, 2020 you will remember that we had a little trouble with our Constitution in the 1870s. Well the problem has been resolved and we the People need to know the truth. For the first 95 years our country existed as a free Nation. Our forefathers “elected” their “public servants” and the “public servants” represented the people who elected them.

The original (or organic) Constitution wasn’t perfect and our forefathers knew this which is why they required the Bill of Rights to be part of the initial Constitution, to protect the People. That imperfection has kept us from being truly free People. Thankfully, that has been rectified by Russell-Jay-Gould (and David-Winn-Miller). He saved us by taking control of the title 4 flag and logging it in with the United Nations. Becoming sovereign successor to Great Britain. Here is a video that explains exactly what happened.

For more details about how the old (as in exists no longer) Masonic global construct worked Watch this video. You won’t believe the mentality of our global system. They don’t want us to know about anything that gives the People power.

I decided today would be a good time to discuss this topic because we in the united states of America are suffering from another form of fraud. Whether you want to believe it or not, there is plenty of information out there to back up the claims made related to voter fraud.

My hope is that each of you will take the time to do your research. Don’t believe everything you are told. Verify your facts. Don’t trust fact checker sites. Find the information on your own. I continue to dig daily.

We the People of the united states of America in order to form a more perfect Union need to wake up. Please wake up. If not for you, do it for your children. Whether it be your children, your nieces and nephews, you grandchildren or the children who have no voice. Never in the history of the world has it been more important to wake up.

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The Battle Hymn of The Republic

I realize “The Battle Hymn of the Republic” was written over one hundred sixty years ago and at the time held great significance related to the American Civil War. But I believe the song is no less important or relevant today than it was then. Nor less significant.

“The Battle Hymn of the Republic” was written by the abolitionist writer Julia Ward Howe in November 1861 and first published in The Atlantic Monthly in February 1862. The song links the judgment of the wicked at the end of the age with the American Civil War.

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword His truth is marching on, His truth is marching on

So, yes this song is as significant today as it ever was. Today we are fighting an evil that is greater than any faced in the past. We are facing our final battle. The battle that will determine not how we will live in the future, but if we will survive, if our children will know peace and prosperity. What we do today will determine if there is a future.

“I have seen Him in the watch fires of a hundred circling camps They have builded Him an altar in the evening dews and damps I can read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps His day is marching on”

We are fighting a global war, not on terror as our prior president’s wanted us to believe. We are fighting a greater evil. We are fighting for the existence of good. Of love.

“In the beauty of the lilies, Christ was born across the sea With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me As He died to make men holy, let us live to make men free While God is marching on”

So, while each of us struggles to find our place, our voice, in a world that is censuring us more and more, let’s remember we are all in the same boat, and it’s going down. We need to set aside our differences today and work together toward the common goal that is our existence, our freedoms, our ability to be who we were meant to be, and to save our Republic.

We in the united states of America have been deemed the light for the world as represented by the Statue of Liberty (“I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”) If we allow that light to be extinguished, what message do we send to the rest of humanity? Pick up your torch and fight. Light the world with your love. Don’t let yourselves be manipulated by those that live in the shadow. Don’t go there. Step into the light. Be the light.

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Controversial or What?

Okay, I’m going to be brave today. Or stupid. I’m going to post a couple of links within this post.

I’d like you to watch them and let me know what you think. I don’t claim to have answers to anything. But I try to keep an open mind when I hear or read information that I doesn’t fit in with my perception of what life is supposed to be.

These videos are available in many areas across the internet and I’ve watched them a few times. I’m still not sure how to communicate the information so that people won’t think my research has gotten out of control.

The first link relates to controversial situations in the world today, both politically and morally. Here is the link.

The second link, is related to the first but it is more a history lesson. That link is here.

Please remember everything I post is only information for you to research and discern. As we get older life continues to prove that though we acquire wisdom with age, there are some things that we just don’t see coming.

Remember, I’m only putting the information out there for you to research.

Boy, we certainly are waking up.

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The Plot Thickens

By now I feel as though I’m being pulled in multiple directions. So much is going on in the world I don’t know what to write about first. I remain awake. I write these posts in hopes that those who read them will question what I write.

I’m hopeful people will research, not attack. We all see things differently. We all process information at a different pace. Some see the truth sooner than others. Some read into things that aren’t there. We should work together to get to the truth.

Some of the things I want to write about today are:

  • Human trafficking (specifically the tunnels and bases that are being cleaned out)
  • The claims of fraud in the election process
  • The robbing of the American people through the incorporating of the District of Columbia
  • Cloning (You say what? Yes, it’s happening and not just dolly the sheep)
  • COVID -19 the scam to instill fear in the population of the world
  • The vaccination that won’t save the world, but destroy it.

Can you see my dilemma?

How many of you are looking at the above options and saying “What to h@#$?” Well, I reacted the same way when I learned about each one of the above evils? I’ll tell you each one was difficult to digest. I needed to slowly work my way through the horrors and corruption. I didn’t want to believe it, but it’s true.

I’m not going to go into detail about these very real situations today. But I suggest you chose one and research it. Take your time and verify facts. You may have time to digest what you learn before it is all made public.

I have written novels about situations that I’m now finding are real. I’ve been researching some of this for years. Please, don’t discount anything. Don’t push aside something because you think it might be a conspiracy theory or because someone else told you it was. Don’t ignore things because they don’t fit into what you might consider normal.

The world is changing at an ever increasing pace. And as it changes we too must adapt. Not only to the changes but to the situations we learn about and all the information that has been kept from us. Some good, some not so good.

It’s time to wake up. We’ve been living in a dream, a nightmare, really. Only we didn’t realize it. Many people say we are living in the time of the Great Awakening. The age of Aquarius. Whether you believe in any of that, you have to admit something is happening. Let’s find out together.

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D.C. What?

What did you say? Why is everything always Trump’s fault? Maybe in this case it is. I wonder though?

I’d like to comment on this further, but I need to wait until I have more information. I will say I’m confused about the insurrection claim. I listened to the speech and I distinctly recall the President telling the crowd to protest peacefully.

Trump supporters gathered on Wednesday, Jan. 6, to show support for the President, as he and many others voiced claims of election fraud following the November election. Trump spoke as Congress met to certify the votes of the Electoral College.

Demonstrators stood outside the Capitol building displaying both Trump flags and American flags as they waited, supporting Trump, as Congress began the process to certify the vote. I’m curious why Pence would stand with Congress when he knew fraud was involved in the election process. Sounds like a red flag.

I’m curious why DC Mayor would tell law enforcement to stand down the day before the supposed riot. You can read about that here.

I think I smell a rat.

For now I’ll remain open minded. Let’s watch how things unfold.

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