Electing vs Voting

I suppose today is as good a time as any to bring up this topic. Do you know there is a difference between voting and electing? I hear the arguments already.

The two words are generally interchangeable according to Webster’s dictionary. But when it comes to our “organic” Constitution, there is a difference.

When do you cast a vote? You cast a vote when you are looking for consensus in the board room. You vote when it relates to a corporation.

When do you “elect’? Well, you elect, choose or select someone to represent you as a “public servant”. A public servant is someone who represents their constituents. That person is elected. They are placed in a position to represent the voice of the people who elect him/her. The government is subject to the consent of the governed.

Well, as you may recall from my post From April 18, 2020 you will remember that we had a little trouble with our Constitution in the 1870s. Well the problem has been resolved and we the People need to know the truth. For the first 95 years our country existed as a free Nation. Our forefathers “elected” their “public servants” and the “public servants” represented the people who elected them.

The original (or organic) Constitution wasn’t perfect and our forefathers knew this which is why they required the Bill of Rights to be part of the initial Constitution, to protect the People. That imperfection has kept us from being truly free People. Thankfully, that has been rectified by Russell-Jay-Gould (and David-Winn-Miller). He saved us by taking control of the title 4 flag and logging it in with the United Nations. Becoming sovereign successor to Great Britain. Here is a video that explains exactly what happened.

For more details about how the old (as in exists no longer) Masonic global construct worked Watch this video. You won’t believe the mentality of our global system. They don’t want us to know about anything that gives the People power.

I decided today would be a good time to discuss this topic because we in the united states of America are suffering from another form of fraud. Whether you want to believe it or not, there is plenty of information out there to back up the claims made related to voter fraud.

My hope is that each of you will take the time to do your research. Don’t believe everything you are told. Verify your facts. Don’t trust fact checker sites. Find the information on your own. I continue to dig daily.

We the People of the united states of America in order to form a more perfect Union need to wake up. Please wake up. If not for you, do it for your children. Whether it be your children, your nieces and nephews, you grandchildren or the children who have no voice. Never in the history of the world has it been more important to wake up.

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