Listen to this video to learn more about how the vaccine is affecting the human body.


Did you hear that? 77 more vaccines under development, 78 under animal studies. We are the experiment.

Listen to what she says about the J&J shot. They shell out the adenovirus and take an already made virus, and place it in the shell. In order to make it grow they are using aborted fetal tissue. That’s just the beginning.

Please know my persistence is only because I love my fellow human beings and want the best health for everyone.

Please set aside ego and educate yourself about this EXPERIMENTAL depopulation jab. I’m sorry I can’t say anything better. I just don’t believe the government should be forcing people to be vaccinated against a virus that the medical community cant even isolate.

I pray for the health of our Nation.

We really need to wake up.

This is not a vaccine!

To quote Dr. Larry, “there is nothing in the vaccine that is designed to protect us from a virus infection”.

So, that out of the way we have to question, why?

Why is the CDC and WHO pushing this jab? Why is it so important to be vaccinated against a virus that no one has be able to isolate?

If there is nothing in the shot that will protect us from a “Covid/SARS virus there must be a nefarious reason for this scam.

Now, fast forward in time. So, Covid-19 isn’t a natural born virus. But hundreds of thousands of people have taken the jab. The results have been eye opening. In addition to blood clots, cardiac, and respiratory illness, we are now seeing something called the “spike protein”.

Hear we go. According t Dr. Larry, the spike protein is a man made weapon. It is not a virus. It may be attached to a virus but is not a virus. It is a poison of the blood. The spike protein can attach itself to cells all over the body. The brain, the heart, the lungs, the kidneys,  the male and female reproductive systems It is a poisoning of the blood.

They now know the spike protein is what is making people sick.

This jab is creating spike protein. Once the spike protein enters the body, it makes more of these spike protein.

Now they are talking about shedding. No one knows what is being shed, but they think it is the spike protein. They don’t know how it’s being shed. What we o know is that it’s producing the following symptoms

  • Covid-19
  • Bleeding
  • Miscarriages
  • Death
  • And more…

This is an experimental injection. It’s not approved by the FDA. It’s never been used in injections before. They are capable of passing any material it’s attached to into the liver, the kidney’s, the brain, the heart the sperm and the female reproductive system.

We have crossed the line. It’s time to admit that this jab is a bio-weapon.

Here is a short video where three medical professionals discuss the shedding and reinforce the statement that this is a bio-weapon.

Here you can listen to Dr. Christiane Northrup talk about shedding and the bleeding women are experiencing based on the shedding of spike protein.

Please take a few minutes to watch the video. Educate yourself on this topic.

Wishing everyone good health.

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Marines Refusing the Vaccine

The vaccine has become quite a topic of conversation. 

I feel the topic has caused more than division among the people. It is beginning to breed hate. Which is what the elite want. If they can divide us, then they can keep us distracted long enough to strike.

By then we won’t know what hit us, and it be too late to realize what their true goal is. Ultimate depopulation.

Well, there are still some of us willing to stand up and say “no”. And according to CNN it looks like 40% of the marines are declining the jab.  Watch the video below.

You can read more here.

I encourage you to read additional resources related to any vaccine related conversation. There is much controversy related to both the virus and the vaccine.

I hope you will all have the conversation and do your research before getting the vaccine. I’m reading a lot of information and have watched many videos of people who have had bad reactions or have been left with serious injuries. There are many doctor’s speaking out now too.

Please see some of my other posts related to the vaccine for more information.

As always do your research. Don’t listen to the MSM when it comes to your health.

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National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program

In 1910 Abraham Flexner wrote and published, under Carnegie Foundation, the Flexner Report. The report compiled findings from medical education facilities in the United States and Canada.

The report was written at the request of John Rockefeller after, in 1910  scientists discovered “petrochemicals and the ability to create many chemicals from oil. The scientists discovered various vitamins and they assumed they could create many pharmaceutical drugs from oil.

Of course, John Rockefeller found this to be a great opportunity to monopolize oil, chemical and the medical industries. So, he contacted Carnegie and the rest is history.

And the history is sorted. It wasn’t long before Rockefeller controlled the medical community through grants. First, He created a “Standard” of medicine. This controlled how doctors treated their patients. Second, he used the grants as a means of control the institutions,the Doctors, and what they taught. Soon doctors were treating patients with pharmaceuticals instead of natural or herbal remedies. It wasn’t long before doctors were prohibited from treating patients with any means other than Rockefeller’s drugs.

Fast forward to 2020 and we are seeing a similar scenario. Doctors are being forced to follow the protocol set by the elite, whose goal is to depopulate the world. I know there will  be those who disagree with me. And that’s okay. We still have the right to an opinion. At least for now.

The point I’m trying to make is we should educate ourselves before we put anything in our body. That includes products labeled as “vaccines”. We should also know how others have reacted to said shot, and if there are deaths associated with it.

Here is the link to the national Vaccine Injury Compensation Program

And here is a video explaining how you can find the numbers, including the adverse reactions and deaths associated with the shot.

Please research this shot. There are many reason’s not to get it. But as I said in prior posts. I respect everyone’s reasons for doing what makes them feel safe.

I’m praying more people wake up soon.

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No Jab For Me

I know there are many people who feel that getting the vaccine will make or keep them safe. I don’t share that view, but I respect them for theirs.

I don;t believe that by respecting them, I must bow to the will of the NWO and get the jab. I stand firm. I will not be inoculated. There are many reasons for this. I’m going to share a few videos and articles to show why I feel the way I do.

I share this article because I believe the author speaks reason. Even if you’re mind is made up, you should read it. It may help you understand those who don’t share your view.

18 Reasons I won’t be Getting a Covid Vaccine – Christian Elliot

Aborted Baby Parts   – MRC-5 in COVID (and childhood) vaccines pituitary gland, lung, skin, kidney, spleen, heart, tong  – see video below

This video explains how to access the CDC web site to see the vaccine reactions, disabilities, and deaths

The information above should be enough to get you started in your research. Maybe you’ve seen some of what I’ve included in the post. If so, great. I’m glad you’re being informed.

I hope readers don’t think I’m being a bully about the vaccine. If you think that getting the vaccine will protect you then I respect your decision. I put this information out there for those who want to research, but are not sure where to begin. If you look as the above information you may find information within that will prompt you to dig further.

You can also look at other posts to find additional information.

Keep digging. We can never have too much information.

We’re all waking up.

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updated 4/21/21

Mask Hoax

I continue to voice my opinion about forced mask wearing. If you dig, you will be able to find proof that masks are not what we are forced to believe. Check out the links below to see more about what masks are doing to the public.

Here is another professional’s point of view as relates to masks. Pay special attention at 7:24 into the video where she says it’s illegal to force people to mask up. “It violates our civil liberties and is dangerous”.

At 10:16 minutes in we see where the CO’2 levels become dangerously high, which can cause headaches and illness if the person wears the mask for an extended period of time.

And this from the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

The above links and video’s show proof that the mask issue is one that needs to be addressed. We need to stop the madness and dispose of the masks.

It’s time to wake up.

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updated April 21, 2021

“Authorisation to Supply or Administer a Poison [SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) VACCINE”

No, I didn’t spell “authorisation” wrong. The above post title comes from a Public Health Act 2016 (WA) and is an instrument of authorization to supply or administer a Poison or SARS-COV-2 (Covid-19) Vaccine (please see link below). Today’s post is short. I only want to bring your attention the strange things being said about this jab. Don’t you think it odd that government agencies refer to a vaccine that should be safe to inject in the human body as a “poison”? You can go here to read the guidance related to the Chief Health Office under the s. 197 and s.198 Public Health Act 2016 (WA) to authorize relevant Australian Defense Force employees to supply and administer the COVID-19 Vaccine. I continue to find proof that shows the Covid-19 jab isn’t safe for human injection.. I realize some people are afraid of getting Covid-19, but the rate of survival from Covid-19 is higher than the survival rate from the jab. I wish more people would do their research before risking their lives further. Photo by Daniel Schludi on Unsplash Fair Use Notice: This article could contain some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add their photo.

Vaccine Research – Save The Children

I’ve spent many hours researching childhood vaccines. The below video is not new but it offers information that remains true today.

Listen to the doctor’s who tell you that there is no proof that these vaccines are effective. In many cases the the child develops physical and mental disorders that destroy the quality of natural normal life.

It doesn’t seem normal to put 62+ substances in a petri dish on a bird embryo, to grow a poisonous virus to inject it in a human being so they can get sick.

Doctor Suzanne Humphries, (M.D) tells us that it’s estimated that 1/3 of the population contains one very potent cancer virus (SP-40 virus) that came in through the polio vaccine (47:33).

Today we have the same poison’s in vaccines affecting the mental state of our children.

Childhood depression, anxiety, ADHD, ADD, autism and other mental issues are causing the children to develop inflamed brains causing autoimmune reactions to brain tissue. The children don’t stand a chance of normal development. ~ Nancy Banks, M.D. M.B.A. (22:37)

Today we are looking at an experimental vaccine being pushed by the CDC. Vaccinations are being forced on the children. Parent’s are threatened and told they have to immunize their children. Most parents are not given the proper education on the reactions associated with vaccination. I feel the doctor’s are violating their code of ethics by forcing vaccinations on children when they know the results can be detrimental.

Now we have the CDC pushing flu vaccines on our senior citizens. These vaccines contain mercury and aluminum which are cellular toxins. Mercury and aluminum cause dementia. (36:10) You might be surprised to know that aluminum can remain in the brain for up to eight years.

If you research the CDC you will find that they hold many patents to vaccines. Because of this, there is a conflict of interest as relates to the CDC representing or advising the United States government. Many aren’t aware that the CDC is NOT a government agency. What gives the CDC the power to be able to force the American people to do anything? I fear they force the vaccinations on us because they make money on them.

We need to educate ourselves better on vaccines before we inject these foreign substances into our bodies. We need to depend less on those who say they’re experts and lean more toward research and talking to virologists and doctors educated in the science of vaccinations.

It’s time to take back our independence. It’s time to let the government know they work for us.

It’s time to wake up.

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