Vaccine Research – Save The Children

I’ve spent many hours researching childhood vaccines. The below video is not new but it offers information that remains true today.

Listen to the doctor’s who tell you that there is no proof that these vaccines are effective. In many cases the the child develops physical and mental disorders that destroy the quality of natural normal life.

It doesn’t seem normal to put 62+ substances in a petri dish on a bird embryo, to grow a poisonous virus to inject it in a human being so they can get sick.

Doctor Suzanne Humphries, (M.D) tells us that it’s estimated that 1/3 of the population contains one very potent cancer virus (SP-40 virus) that came in through the polio vaccine (47:33).

Today we have the same poison’s in vaccines affecting the mental state of our children.

Childhood depression, anxiety, ADHD, ADD, autism and other mental issues are causing the children to develop inflamed brains causing autoimmune reactions to brain tissue. The children don’t stand a chance of normal development. ~ Nancy Banks, M.D. M.B.A. (22:37)

Today we are looking at an experimental vaccine being pushed by the CDC. Vaccinations are being forced on the children. Parent’s are threatened and told they have to immunize their children. Most parents are not given the proper education on the reactions associated with vaccination. I feel the doctor’s are violating their code of ethics by forcing vaccinations on children when they know the results can be detrimental.

Now we have the CDC pushing flu vaccines on our senior citizens. These vaccines contain mercury and aluminum which are cellular toxins. Mercury and aluminum cause dementia. (36:10) You might be surprised to know that aluminum can remain in the brain for up to eight years.

If you research the CDC you will find that they hold many patents to vaccines. Because of this, there is a conflict of interest as relates to the CDC representing or advising the United States government. Many aren’t aware that the CDC is NOT a government agency. What gives the CDC the power to be able to force the American people to do anything? I fear they force the vaccinations on us because they make money on them.

We need to educate ourselves better on vaccines before we inject these foreign substances into our bodies. We need to depend less on those who say they’re experts and lean more toward research and talking to virologists and doctors educated in the science of vaccinations.

It’s time to take back our independence. It’s time to let the government know they work for us.

It’s time to wake up.

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