The UNITED STATES versus the united states of America

Do you understand what this means? You will when we’re finished walking through the web of lies that became The UNITED STATES. I will first begin with a business lesson. When articles of incorporation are written the name of the corporation is written in all capital letters. That is your first clue to the rabbit hole that we will will be exploring. Next, you might remember from your junior high history lessons that the the District of Columbia is not part of the united states of America. it was set up in 1790 and fully chartered by 1801. The Act of 1871 created a foreign nation within the District of Columbia. It is it’s own separate territory. Similar to the Vatican. The country of Italy gave the Vatican it’s own land within their borders so the Catholic Church could operate within the country of Italy outside the laws of the country. And another thing, the Vatican has it’s own banking system and military. Have you ever heard of the City of London? Same thing. It is a foreign country within the boarders of England. Again it operates outside the laws of Great Britain. And is controlled by the Bank of England which is  owned by the Rothschild family.  Keep reading. Did you know that in 1870 the international banking community (Bank of London; Rothschild family) sabotaged our country with their sneaky business deal that was supposed to finance our country, get us back on our feet after we spent ourselves into poverty which was the result of war. The Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the Civil War, to name a few. Did you know the Civil War was financed on both sides by these central banks? Think about that as we continue. The Forty-First Congress is where the majority of the fraud started. It has been suggested that the deceit began as far back as 1856 (remember what I said about the Civil War). But I will use the Forty-Forth Congress as the launching date for our demise. That is the year our Representatives weaved the web that formed illegal corporations in a foreign State (the District of Columbia), that allowed for fictious power over the people. Now listen to this statement. There has been a Breach of Trust which renders any action taken since the inception of said Corporation as null and void, fraud, and is in violation of the Constitution of the united states of America. In plain language, the people never gave the fraudulent corporations the power to create such corporations. There’s more, but it will have to wait. You may have heard of the Act of 1871, which wasn’t actually an “Act”. It was a series of “Acts that together in 1871 set in motion a series of illegal events that brings us to the financial state we find ourselves in as a country.  Notice I said ILLEGAL. Lets revisit the international bankers who so kindly “bailed us out.” At least that’s what they wanted us to believe. To make a long story short, they created a corporation which they called THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (notice all capital letters).  Within that corporation there are many sub-corporations which I won’t go into here. This process took some time which is why there were many “Acts” in 1871. The Act of 1871 was repealed in 1874, but was replaced by others until the Federal Reserve was create. When a bank lends money, there is always a catch. They want to secure that loan with some form of collateral. We are that collateral. Do you have a birth certificate? No. If you want your birth certificate, you request a certified copy from vital statistics within your state. You don’t hold your birth certificate. The Central Bank does. That’s another story for another time. Now we go deeper. Through out the remainder of the 1800s and the early 1900s, the banks manipulated the people through the Great Depression(s) and World War I until the Federal Reserve was born. So we’re clear, the Federal Reserve is not part of the government of the united states of America. And our sovereign nation is no longer in operation. The illegal corporation has been running the country. Are you surprised? I’d like to clarify something else. the united states of America elected eighteen presidents. All remaining presidents were voted in under the corporation of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. We the people haven’t elected a president in over a hundred years. Also, the last amendment to the Constitution of the united states of America was the 13th amendment, that which abolished slavery. Let me remind you that the 16th amendment permits Congress to levy income tax. I’d say since the amendment is written under the Constitution of the corporation, and the corporation is illegal, then the income tax is illegal. Thoughts? We have been living under a corrupt constitution. We have allowed an illegal corporation to rule over us when government in the united states of America was never meant to rule over the people. Well, things are about to change. But only if we the people stand up. In a nutshell, the corporation of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (and it’s sub-corporations) can only operate if we allow it. Have you heard of Civil Roman Law. Let me explain. It allows deceit and doesn’t punish the deceivers as long as the victim remains deceived. When the fraud is discovered and the victim objects to it.. well lets say then the shoe is on the other foot. Now that we know their secret fraud we can invoke their own law against them. We can do that by speaking up. There is so much more that needs to be discussed to be able to answer questions that should come up. Like the voting process.  If we were living as a sovereign nation we wouldn’t vote. Voting is for corporations. We would “elect” those to represent us. That is another conversation. One that should be discussed considering the fraudulent voting practices we are experiencing today. I’d like to continue this conversation. If anyone would like to know more, please politely comment and we can start a dialogue that will hopefully teach us all  something we didn’t know (me included). Photo by Anthony Garand on Unsplash Photo by Caleb Miller on Unsplash Fair Use Notice: This article could contain some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. 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We Have Become Complacent – Our Constitution

Think back two hundred forty four years. Do you think the Revolutionary War was won by being complacent?

I don’t think so.

The men who created our Constitution put their whole life experience into that document. They not only considered their vision for what we know as the United States of America, but they also looked at the tyranny that they left behind in England. Our forefathers weren’t only creating a form of government, they were putting into action a force that couldn’t take down our great nation. The only thing they couldn’t foresee, is that the people they would give life and limb for would become complacent. I’m sure they never believed that could happen.

But it has.

Through the centuries we turned a blind eye to our Constitution. We handed over the keys to the country to the same people that terrorized the world for thousands of years.

What do you know about our Constitution? What do our schools teach our about it? When I was a child, we had to study the document. I remember my teacher assigning us the task of memorizing the “Preamble to the Constitution” and Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg address, among others. That was over forty years ago. Guess what. I still remember them. “We the people of the United States…”. “Four score seven years ago today…”.

I believe my teachers did us a great service, teaching us about our country. But one thing they failed to remember, or for other reasons intentionally omitted, was the fact that in 1871 our country was highjacked by a group that was out for blood.

We survived the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, and the Civil War, only to lose the Republic to a group of thugs who incorporated the UNITED STATES and created the Federal Reserve Banking system. Which by the way is not part of the United States of America. And another thing, the incorporation was specifically an illegal action according to our Constitution. I would argue that would make the Internal Revenue Service unconstitutional too (we’ll save that for another blog).

Are you surprised? Did you know that the united states of America was bankrupt in 1871. Did you know that those who we consider the one percent are the same people who committed this crime. Yes, that’s right. Talk about conspiracy.

Do I have your attention? I hope so. Come back next week and I’ll tell you more.

Photo by Anthony Garand on Unsplash

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The Deeper Issue is…


They who have control have power. They who have power have money. They who have money have control.

I know many will agree when I say the one percenters who have the money, the power, and the control, have the ability to remove the suffering of the world. Many people before me have said this. So it may not hold much weight. I’m only repeating what has been said.

I’m asking each of you to look into the foundations and organizations that provide services to ease human suffering. If so much money is being dumped into their programs why do we still see such poverty. I can’t provide an answer to you here. I’m hoping you will research one foundation or organization and comment below. Let me know what you find.

Now I return to the plight of human trafficking. There is a connection here. We only need to connect the dots. While you do your research I will remind you that we are talking about hundreds of thousands of children.

I have been following the blog published on the Underground Railroad site. I want to open your eyes to what most people still have yet to understand. In a one week period of time (March 1 – 7) by US Law Enforcement and citizens. There were four operations that took out perpetrators and contributors to human trafficking listed in the blog. This is in only one week. The posts are listed below and link back to the original post.





Keep your eyes open. Watch that which goes on around you. Listen. If you see something that looks or feel “off”, it probably is. We all become important in breaking the chain of terror that has become human trafficking.

I mentioned in an earlier blog. I am a small voice. I may not be heard around the world. But if one person hears me and shares what I say here, I have made a difference. You to can make a difference by sharing information and asking those you share with to do the same.

Photo by Dmitry Demidko on Unsplash

Photo by Francesco Ungaro on Unsplash

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Wake Up: Human Trafficking is Real

I’d like to say I’m taking on a cause. But the cause is so great that I can only hope to make a small dent in what, over the last few years has come to light. Human trafficking.

I’m only one voice, and my voice isn’t an important one. At least as far as compares to those who many think are important because of their social status. I don’t believe social status matters. We can be deceived by smoking mirrors. Look deep into what on the surface may appear to be goodness.

Photo by Muhammadtaha Ibrahim Ma'aji on UnsplashWe have all taught our children not to talk to strangers. Don’t take candy from strangers and never get in the car of someone who offers you something or says they are bringing you to your mom. I think we can agree we have each used the lines I mentioned. 

But think of those children whose parents are absent in some reason from the life of their son or daughter. Those children are usually living in despair. They don’t have anything to look forward to, so any offer may sound better than what they are experiencing in their life. They jump at the chance for a better life. And to their demise. They disappear never to be seen again.

Today we know where those children have gone. We know that children are the prey of a dark plan that uses our greatest resource to feed their excesses.

In my blog on March 8, 2020 I mentioned the good work being done by the Underground Railroad. They set out to rescue children from their captors. The task turned out to be greater than anyone imagined. The evil greater that most thought humanly possible.

Nothing is as it seems. It is in the darkness that the crime is committed. The torture begins and end for a small child in a death that we can’t imagine. I can’t tell anyone what to think or do. I will ask you to visit The Underground Railroad and help in what ever way possible. If we don’t save the children we will be condemning the world to darkness.

Photo by Muhammadtaha Ibrahim Ma’aji on Unsplash

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Operation Paperclip – A Reference Point

I think I mentioned in a prior post, when I wrote “The War Within”, it was supposed to be  a romance novel. Well, that didn’t happen. Obviously.

Research began with that which I needed to feel comfortable writing about the military service of my main character’s husband. I started with the internet. One thing led to another, and soon I had opened a can of worms.

Then down the rabbit hole I went. I’m still there. My head is still spinning from the information I found. Some people call me a conspiracy theorist because I continue to discuss the  manipulation and criminal activity of not only the American government, but governments and NGO’s across the world too.

One of the resources I used when writing “The War Within” was “Operation Paperclip” written by Annie Jacobsen.

“Operation Paperclip” was one of the many covert operations hidden within the Intelligence community and the military complex. It was what began the mind control programs on American soil. In addition to many other experiments on human subjects.

Annie Jacobsen goes into great detail about what the CIA tried to brush off as a “conspiracy theory”. She showed how the American government brought to the States all the German scientist after World War II, who should have been tried under the Nuremberg Trials or were tried and released. Originally, the operation was called Operation Overcast but it became more commonly known as Operation Paperclip.

The scientists were brought to the USA for many reasons. Some specialized in aerodynamics and rocketry. Others worked specifically with weapons and chemical reactions technology and medicine. All these scientists were secretly brought to the States, along with their families. This without State Department review or approval. Approval would never have been granted because of the association of these scientists  to Hitler’s Third Reich, many who were considered war criminals.

Almost 500 scientists were deployed to White Sands Proving Ground, Fort Bliss in New Mexico. Others were sent to Texas and Huntsville, Alabama to work with the guided missiles program which later became NASA.

Annie Jacobsen, through many hours of interviews, and after reviewing the archives, and reviewing files made available through the Freedom of Information Act, along with other archived government documents, has compiled a work that is eye opening and informative.

Anyone who wishes to know more about the crimes committed by governments and other institutes within the States, should read “Operation Paperclip”. It was quite helpful to me while I wrote “The War Within”.

What Happened to the Dream?

Watch as Martin Luther King Jr, stands and speaks peacefully to the masses. The speech, broadcast during a time of civil disobedience, a time of upheaval and inequality, not only by color but by creed and gender. Look into the crowd of people who stand and listen peacefully.

“Let freedom ring,” he says.

He is a man who had a message. He got his message across by peacefully addressing the crowd. In earlier times, police arrested him in his protesting efforts; however, it was when he gathered peacefully in our Nation’s Capitol to share his vision for our country that the people heard him!

He had a dream rooted in the American dream.

“One day this nation will rise and live out the true meaning of its dream ‘we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal.’”

He stood in front of the monument of President Lincoln that only days prior protester defiled for what it represents, I’m sure he chose that spot because of the message President Lincoln tried to communicate many years earlier, one of which he quoted.  

He had a dream that the content of their character, not the color of their skin, would judge people. Today people protest and defile the monuments and statues that represent our history. A history that our forefathers suffered, so we could grow into the country we were so close to becoming.

What does that say about the character of those that spread such hate?      

We are living in a time of great disrespect, not only for one another but our history. You can’t erase history by removing the evidence of what occurred. In removing and defiling and denying, we only prolong the inevitable.

Turn your back on what was, and it will be again.

Hate and dissension will rear its ugly head. It will fester and infect our society and cause the dis-ease of what we are trying to eradicate. People protest in the name of peace and equality, yet they project and infect the country with hate. Hate does not encourage dialog; it causes the human mind to shut down to reason; it breeds more hatred. If people think by removing our countries monuments, it will cause people to change their views; I believe they are nieve. Here is an example. I use it because it has been in our faces for weeks. If we remove Confederate monuments, does that change history? Does that negate the struggle? Does it remove the lesson learned? Removing the statue does not change the story.

Did the Romans remove the Colosseum because of what it represented, the inhumane treatment of both man and animal? No. They left it as a reminder of what went on. They left it so that generations to come could tell the story and remember what not to do or how to behave.  

By removing the monuments in the South, does it remove the Confederate conflict? If so, it must also remove the struggle experienced by the slave? Do we so want to disrespect the suffering on both sides?    

In this lesson, I think we are failing to remember something. Behind the monuments are men, women, children, families, and communities. Each one suffered in their way. Each one had an experience that was not conducive to love or kindness or fairness.

They continued to live. Our forefathers erected monuments to remember what happened and to facilitate healing. Just because a man fought for slavery, doesn’t mean he believed in it. Men fight for their state or country. When they go to war, they go because their government calls them. They go because they respect their state and want to be obedient.

It isn’t always a personal preference. By erecting monuments, they are offering respect for those that fought and died as human beings. They are mourning the loss of human life.

Remember… All lives matter. Take it down to a personal level. Every human being suffers and deserves to heal. We need to come together as a country as one people. The world is watching us. We, who once was a great example to the world, have become a joke. We no longer deserve the respect we once had. If we can’t play nice in the sand, how can we expect the rest of the world to do so?  

The War Within – Operation Mind Crime – Book I

The War Within was supposed to be a a romance novel. I started writing the novel and found the more I wrote, the more research I needed to do, to make sure I was being accurate in my portrayal of time.

What started out as a romance, ended being what I consider historical fiction with a twist of suspense. That’s quite a leap. Why you say?

Well, the more research I did, the more I kept running into terms like MK Ultra and Operation Paperclip. When I looked at the riots that occurred, I began to wonder if the CIA had anything to do with behavior that prior to the sixties was unheard of. So I dug deeper.

Katherine was a new mother who’s husband died in Vietnam. Death is a life changing event, one that sent Katherine back to work at the local University . Where she stumbled upon the program that we know as MK-ULTRA.

The Church Commission supposedly investigated programs such as MK-Ultra and Operation Mockingbird. In the end the people were lied to and told such programs were no longer operational. I think we know different. Or do we?

The War Within is not only the struggle for mankind to survive the scourges of war, but it also looks at the inner struggle we all face when we realize the ravages of evil really do exist in the dark recesses of space and time.

I continue to research the topic of MKULTRA and other programs that I’ve been told are conspiracy theories. When you read The War Within you can decide.