In today’s video I explore the idea that we are all energy. Energy that is created by our God (or creator, universe, however you see that).

We know that energy can not be destroyed. It only changes form. This idea in itself is something to ponder.

I hope you enjoy the conversation.


Thank you for listening.

Death Is An Illusion

There was a time when you would be hung for believing anything not sanctioned by the church.

Today however, people are becoming more aware of the state of energy and how it affects the human body. It has been said, we are what we eat. Of course, we can relate to that because food is physical. We can see it, smell it, and taste it. When we consume it, we digest it, and it becomes part of our body. At least temporarily.

If we eat junk food, our body gets sick. If we eat healthy food, we notice we feel more alert and have more energy. Of course, there are exceptions to that, but you understand what I mean.

In recent years, we are hearing more about neuroplasticity, brain waves, and neurotransmitters in the brain. We are learning that we can reprogram our mind,  building or changing those neurotransmitters, to change our habits, and attitude. Now, we hear, you are what you think. We should explore that in another post.

The argument is that everything is energy. Our physical body is energy. It appears to be solid because we are living in a third dimensional space, causing us to vibrate at such a low frequency, that we become solid mass. As we learn to change our way of thinking, and we are able to heal old trauma, we will increase that vibration causing us to eventually transform to light beings. Of course, that will take many lifetimes.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. ~ Nikola Tesla

In any case, the point I’m trying to make is, if we are made of energy, and energy can not be created or destroyed, then we have always existed, and we will never die. We will only change form. Making death an illusion.

This may seem like a wild  concept, but if you think about it it makes sense. Maybe we should reconsider reincarnation. At least those who might discount it as possibility.

We’ve been robbed of many things throughout our lives. The elite have kept much information from us. A means to keep us under control. We are standing on a precipice now. The elite are about to meet their maker. We are about to be free.

I can’t wait to learn more about the human species and what we are truly capable of. One day, we may be like the Marvel characters, able to leap tall buildings, and bend metal, and fly. I know, It sounds much like sci-fi and hard to believe. We’ll see.

Keep digging. The information is out there.

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Detoxification – A Soul Lesson

I’ve been posting information on my blog that will turn heads and shock those who aren’t awake.

Some will shake their heads and deny, deny, deny. They suffer from cognitive dissonance. I’ve been posting all this crazy information, hoping that people will not turn and run. But that they will research and verify what I show. Or prove me wrong.

I’m exhausted for researching the information I’ve posted. I hope you will refer back to old posts and become familiar with the crazy things happening in the world today.

Now, I’m at a point where I need to detox from the negative information. I know it all exists. It’s all happening around me, but now I need to focus on raising my vibration to help the earth raise its frequency, raise it’s vibration so we as a collective can move into the next stage of our existence.

As I talk about this more, I’m sure I will be a target for those who don’t believe in the idea that we as a collective; humans, animals and the earth itself are moving to the next dimension.

Time will change. We are already seeing it as we recognize time speeding up. Days pass in a blink of an eye. Weeks, months and years are moving beyond the speed of light.

Stop and feel the vibration. Sense the change in the frequency as you move through your day. Take a break, move to a quiet space for a few minutes. Sit in silence and feel your body vibrating. Start there.

Remember we all exist as energy. The lower the vibration, the more dense the body feels. The higher the vibration, the lighter the body becomes.

I’ve spent the last couple years sharing what I’ve found about how the NWO is trying to destroy human nature. Moving forward, I will be sharing more about how we can change the world by looking within and changing who we are and how we see the world.

No matter your religious affiliation, we all share the desire to be safe, secure, and loved. We all sense the realization of a Divine Creator who is love. Who wants us to be free. It’s time to set aside our differences and focus on what is love. True unconditional love.

Now is the time.

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Energy and Space the Ultimate Frontier

This might seem like a strange topic for a post, but me, being me, the conspiracy minded individual, leads me to write about it anyway.

Do you ever think about energy? To know energy is to know our existence. We are all energy beings. We create with our mind, which causes us to manifest our reality. We are what we think.

We can manipulate energy. Let’s look at electric energy and how, by manipulating it, we change everything within that field.

I’m not a mathematician, nor am I a physics expert. I’m like you, attempting to understand the mystery that is the energy that moves everything about our existence.

By looking at the Pythagorean Pentagram we see how it illustrates the infinite and multi levels of magnification or fractals. The golden ratio, the 3,6, 9 that Nicola Tesla references and lived by during his life.

By looking at the video below you will watch a clearer explanation of the Golden ratio.

If you take a magnet and break it in half, you end up with 2 magnets. Each magnet illustrating perfect symmetry of magnetism. Each time you divide the magnet, that magnet becomes a replica of the magnet it is taken from. This example works for everything in nature.

The human body is made up of energy. Atoms, protons, electrons, neutrons. We are conceived, we grow and develop through Cell Mitosis. Inside each atom you will note that magnetism props up the inner volume and gives mass and magnitude to every living thing.

This includes everything we see, that which is in the expanse of space before us, resulting in the manifestation of time. We see what we create. We create what we see. Scary huh?


This leads me to another thought. The sixth branch of the US Military, the Space Force. Exactly what is the Space Force? What is Space? We’ll have to watch and see. The definition may not be what you believe.

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