Energy and Space the Ultimate Frontier

This might seem like a strange topic for a post, but me, being me, the conspiracy minded individual, leads me to write about it anyway.

Do you ever think about energy? To know energy is to know our existence. We are all energy beings. We create with our mind, which causes us to manifest our reality. We are what we think.

We can manipulate energy. Let’s look at electric energy and how, by manipulating it, we change everything within that field.

I’m not a mathematician, nor am I a physics expert. I’m like you, attempting to understand the mystery that is the energy that moves everything about our existence.

By looking at the Pythagorean Pentagram we see how it illustrates the infinite and multi levels of magnification or fractals. The golden ratio, the 3,6, 9 that Nicola Tesla references and lived by during his life.

By looking at the video below you will watch a clearer explanation of the Golden ratio.

If you take a magnet and break it in half, you end up with 2 magnets. Each magnet illustrating perfect symmetry of magnetism. Each time you divide the magnet, that magnet becomes a replica of the magnet it is taken from. This example works for everything in nature.

The human body is made up of energy. Atoms, protons, electrons, neutrons. We are conceived, we grow and develop through Cell Mitosis. Inside each atom you will note that magnetism props up the inner volume and gives mass and magnitude to every living thing.

This includes everything we see, that which is in the expanse of space before us, resulting in the manifestation of time. We see what we create. We create what we see. Scary huh?


This leads me to another thought. The sixth branch of the US Military, the Space Force. Exactly what is the Space Force? What is Space? We’ll have to watch and see. The definition may not be what you believe.

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