Standing in Our Truth

I’ve been sharing a lot of information that may be over the top to some. If you’re not ready to hear it, the information will sound crazy.

I’ve been researching history and governments with an agenda for years. I have to be honest with you. It has been depressing. I would dive deep into that which may not be public knowledge. Or is public knowledge, but isn’t easily accessible. After spending hours neck deep in government conspiracy, I would have to take a break for days, sometimes weeks because of the dark nature of the information.

Having shared the above, I must say that even though I write about these things, and think we all need to know the truth. I also believe I need to be compassionate and reach out to, even those who don’t believe what I believe.

Not only that, but what I write is fiction. Not all information in my books is proven fact. I don’t write to brainwash people to believe what I believe. Please always do your research. Question everything.

The main message I want to leave you with today, is this. Consider what you read (of my work) as a light switch. Let it be that which turns on the light within. Not only to shine light on the truth, but to allow the light to shine in the darkness so you can maneuver your way through the mines that have been set to scare and manipulate you. Let it be that which causes you to question everything. Even what I write.

We are learning to stand, independent of the government that wishes to control us. Destroy us, even, in some cases. Our rights and freedoms have been trampled on. We are beginning to discover the truth.

One thing we will all need to remember as we make our way through this “awakening” as some call it. Many will not see what we see. And when they see it, they may not believe. We must be diligent. We must be patient with those who will at some point realize to what extent we have all been duped. It will be up to us to remember to love. We will need to come together to heal. To return our communities to what they were meant to be. It will be up to us to show those just learning the truth, how to be strong, and how to release the pain, knowing that justice will be served.

So much is still unknown to us. Things that we have no control over. The best thing we can do while we wait, is to work on ourselves. We all have wounds. We all need to heal from trauma. No matter the life you live, there are things that have affected each of us, negatively. We can use this time to learn from and heal those areas that have kept us in the dark. True light shines from within. Let’s use this time to learn to be our own beacon of light. Shining brightly, casting out the darkness, exposing our scars and wounds, healing them, so we can return to the greater light.

Writer’s Block – No, Not Again!

Writing will not flow today.
My mind is blocked, it’s lost its way
I have so many things to say
But life has gotten in the way
Do not despair, don’t go away
The blog will return in a couple of days
~Lee Woods

A little humor on a day when I have a case of writer’s block.

The War Within – Ready To Role

I’m ready to publish “The War Within”.

The work is going through it’s final edit and I’m preparing to publish the book by September.

I thought I’d submit this post with the author’s notes so you could become familiar with what will be included in the book.

Author’s Notes

The War Within” is a historical novel that begins during a volatile time in our recent history. It’s a time that most of us will remember. It’s also a time many would like to forget. For fifty years people have fought to make sense of the morality and political gain of this struggle. While the struggle is no longer considered a current event, the lessons are still being learned today; this once war is now one that is the comparison for current wars and struggles in the Middle East. As you read the story, you will see the many similarities shared from generation to generation. If you are of the generation that remembers, you will be able to relate to some of the key points.

The story takes place in Madison, Wisconsin where Kathleen Stewart is a professor of history at the University of Wisconsin. This university gained a reputation for being quite a radical campus during the 1960’s:  students marched in protest, confronted army recruiters, and burned draft cards throughout the war. Teach-ins were organized in 1965 at its beginning. In 1967 UW students protested, against Dow Chemical, the maker of napalm. Both these situations are mentioned in “The War Within”.

By reading “The War Within,” you will be able to revisit the struggle shared on both shores. Military and civilian alike were finding their voice in a time when many fought for rights. Civil rights brought to light a struggle on the home front while our young men fought a war in Southeast Asia that didn’t concern the American people. In Wisconsin alone, more than 57,000 residents served in Southeast Asia. Of those 57,000 1,239 did not return home.

While reading “The War Within,” you will find many intriguing aspects that may require you to ask, “did that happen.” Well, I challenge you to research and explore your history because you may be surprised. Of course, we all remember the sorrow felt with the loss of President John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr., as well as the many other victims of the time. But there were many things going on behind the scenes that some may not remember.

We all recall “Watergate,” but do we remember MKULTRA, Operation Paperclip, and Operation Bluebird, and the many other programs that were a topic of debate and discussion? What happened and what might be a conspiracy? While MKULTRA is mentioned in “The War Within” I leave to you the broader research where you can confirm or deny the facts related to the mind control experiments that occurred from 1947 to possibly the current day.

Beyond the historical events mentioned in “The War Within”, you will find the story; the story of a family that struggles through this time of change and upheaval. You will read about the loss and pain that was experienced by many during that time in history. You will see the similarities in the emotion that are shared throughout history as war continues to plague our planet and destroy the hope of peace. While the people in the story are fictitious, the pain and suffering are very real. Just ask those who lived through it.

There were many events that I touched on in “The War Within“, but much more that were not mentioned. That is not because they weren’t important. Every incident that occurred, every life affected whether lost or maimed or mental dysfunction, each voice is important. I discount no ones suffering. I had to choose what to include in a novel that would be readable as entertainment rather than a history book that could be studied. So please take from this novel anything that will cause you to desire to help those who suffer from the pain and loss of war, any war. War is a terrible thing. However, it is a reality. So long as we have governments and men who desire power and control, we will experience the pain of war. Let the rest of us help those that suffer from the pain of war to heal. Peace will only come from love. Love will only come if we offer it to the world.

I hope this book will be well received by my readers.

Thank you

You can find the book on Amazon here.

The Private Federal Reserve System

I haven’t written about the Federal Reserve Banking System in a while. I’d like to provide a bit more information about how the crime syndicate took over our economy and made debt slaves of all of us.

I’m posting a short video below for you to hear a short history of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

The “Fed” is not a government agency. It’s a private bank that prints its own money and lends it to the United States for which the taxpayers (yes, that’s us) pay interest. Our Constitution is written in such a way that allows our government to print American money backed by gold as a means of currency. By voting to approve the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, our Congress in a slight of hand, on December 23, 1913, committed treason against its sovereigns. Are you shocked?

Eustace Mullins describes the Federal Reserve System as a criminal syndicate. A central bank is a private group of bankers who have total control of the country’s economy. They print as much of their own money as they want. They pump that money into our economy then charge interest on that money, forcing us further and further into debt. Until we are where we are now, so far in debt that we will never see the light of day,

He also states that war is the most profitable enterprise. So guess who finances BOTH sides of every war. Guess who instigates these wars and causes them to drag on sometimes for years. That’s right the Federal Reserve, Rothschild’s, Rockefeller’s, Morgan’s, etc.

When you watch the video you will learn more about J. P. Morgan. He spear headed many multinational corporations including General Electric and US Steel. He had controlling interest in AT&T, Western Union, and 24 railroads across the country. JP Morgan funded and built the Titanic and the Olympic. It is said that the Olympic was sunk, not the Titanic. The speculation that JP Morgan was involved in an insurance scam where Morgan passed off the Olympic, whose hull had been damaged, as the Titanic has been circulating for many years.

Conveniently, three men who opposed the Federal Reserve Act were on that maiden voyage of the Titanic. Jacob Astor, real estate investor and friend of Telsa ,  Benjamin Gugenheim who came from a wealthy mining family, and Eisadore Strausee who was the owner of Macy’s. Another coincidence, there were no red (warning) flags on the ship to signal for help in the event of an accident. These men were invited on the maiden voyage of the Titanic by JP Morgan who cancelled his plans the day before to celebrate the maiden voyage along with Astor, Gugenheim, and Strause.

With these men out of the way and unable to convince Congress that a central bank was a bad idea, the Federal Reserve Act passed on December 23rd during the Christmas break.

This left the central bank with the power to print as much money as they want, lending it to the US government, which by the way was hijacked in 1871 and existed as a corporation at the time, leaving the US taxpayers obliged to pay interest on the notes.

Another stipulation which stockholders include in the “Act,” stated that no Federal Reserve stock could be bought or sold on the stock market. Meaning the stock is owned by the Rothschild’s, Rockefeller’s and remaining 13 families. This conveniently enough leaves these families in complete control of the greatest Republic in the world. Listen to the video closely.

So, here’s another example of how we have been manipulated to believe the lies our government keeps pumping out. This along with , NASA, the CIA, FBI and IRS are all examples of how our Constitution has been hijacked and we’ve been enslaved to do the will of the global elite.

For those who have yet to see the truth, it’s time to wake up.

Stay safe and healthy.

Photo by Museums Victoria on Unsplash

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Taking Inventory

It has been a long year. And it’s not over yet. I’m sure anyone who reads this blog will agree with both of those statements. It has been a year of struggles, disappointments, and challenges. I have not been immune, and I’m sure I share many of your frustrations that come on the heel of such a year. I’m finally catching my breath. I’ve been fortunate enough to remain employed and in my home. These are blessings. And I’m grateful. I remain in a place where I wonder and worry about my family and friends as they continue to muddle through the mess that, it has become evident, isn’t going away any time soon. Like many of you, my parents aren’t getting any younger and am concerned for their health. I have adult children who are out in the world, working. One is a nurse. Need I say more. I may not need to, but I will. She works tirelessly each day to comfort and heal the sick. She councils and calms those who are concerned about the current COVID-19 situation. She is brave and beautiful. Oh, and did I mention, she and her husband are pregnant. Someone’s getting old (Hint, it’s not me). In November I will be writing another blog about the latest addition to my family. My younger daughter spends her days making the world more beautiful by helping others feel better about themselves, working as a hair stylist. She is becoming a creative genius. She is a beautiful soul, usually sacrificing herself and her needs to make others feel better. I am blessed to have such wonderful children. The point of my blog today isn’t to brag about my family. I love my family. I know they’re not perfect, but what family is? We work to support and help each other when we can. What more can we ask of each other? So, the point of today’s blog is to mark this day as a new beginning for me. It is a means of holding myself accountable. To be a compass for my thoughts and actions. I’ve written three books all complete and edited. I have been querying agents. I continue to query agents. My blog is my accountability partner. Or should I say the readers of my blog are my accountability partner. I haven’t been assertive or diligent in blogging and trying to create a fan base or group of followers, because to be honest, I’m scared. I guess I’ve been afraid of rejection. Today that stops. Today is day one of what will become a life filled with hope and an opportunity to meet new people. It’s a day that brings with it the chance to connect with others. Whether a writer or reader or just a fellow human being searching for the silver lining in this life we live. I hope my beginning will prompt you to begin again too. Life is what we make it. Let’s make it wonderful together. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. I look forward to getting to know all who choose to interact.Fair Use Notice: This article could contain some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add their photo.

Days Gone By – I Miss My Dancing Girls

I thank God everyday that I was able to keep my children safe as they grew up. I wish every child could grow up in a safe environment.

It’s been a while since I shared poetry. When I read this one, I can’t help but smile. My children have long since grown and are living lives of their own. But when I read this it brings back fond memories of childhood dancing shoes. I love my dancing girls.

  Dancing Girls  

I watch you dance around the room
I say to you “it’s bedtime soon”
You giggle as you twirl away
I laugh as I try to say
The day is gone, It’s time for bed
You look at me and shake your head
The day has ended night has come
The time is now you must succumb
So put away your dancing shoes
And take your tutu to your room
But mom
We want to dance all night
We want to dance to get it right
Someday we’ll be upon the stage
I’m thinking now “What is their age”?
I smile again but with the eye
You look at me as you sigh
You bow your head and drag your feet
But at the stairs, we meet
I smile at you as I say
Tomorrow is another day
You can dance again and dream
You can laugh and play and scheme
But for now, it’s time for bed
I know it’s something you both dread
I watch as you climb the stairs
The stairs are steep but you don’t care
I smile as you climb into bed
As I think I shake my head
You’re growing fast time’s racing by
I tuck you in and release a sigh
As I recall your giggles and twirls 
You are my beautiful dancing girls.

What’s Next?

Writers block isn’t the friend of any writer. I’m no different than anyone else. When I find myself unable to focus, I take a break. Sometimes I paint. I often find myself painting scenes from Alaska. Such as this one. I call it driftwood (I wonder why). 

Well, my break is over and it’s time to get back to work on the next book. The tentative title is “Murder in My Hometown” and it takes place on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, the area where I grew up. This work, like the others is a novel. A book of fiction, with no similarities between the characters and anyone I may have known back in the day.

I tell you this, to prompt your curiosity. I suppose if you have no desire to know about the state of Alaska, you might not be interested. However, if you love the State as I do, you may want to know a little about the area.

Alaska is as beautiful as it is isolated. While the flight into the state may not take more than hours it can turn into a full day, depending on your flight and the weather.

Writing about Alaska has caused me to be a little homesick. I haven’t lived in the state since 1992 and I’ve only been back to visit a few times since. But that doesn’t matter. You can remove the person from Alaska, but you can’t remove Alaska from the heart.

It’s true, everything is bigger in Alaska. The mountains, the oceans, and the fish. The summer days are long, and the winters are as long and dark. It takes a special person to be moved by such majesty. I’m one of them.

So, “Murder in My Hometown” is born. Another project, another book another story to tell. Another query to write. Thankfully, that is on the back burner for now.

I hope you’re all having a wonderful week, and you’re realizing your dreams.

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A Storm is Brewing

This morning I turned on my computer and stepped away for a moment while the programs loaded. When I returned good, old Windows 10 had once again given me an image to contemplate. Maybe it’s a sign.

I wasn’t sure what I would write about, but when I saw the image in front of me, it became clear. I saw before me nature unfolding dramatically. I saw in the distant a storm brewing. The clouds were accumulating; gathering as if preparing a scheme, planning its attack. As the clouds became darker and darker, the rumble began. The orchestra of sound was escalating and bringing to life the air that had become stagnant. The change became more than clear as the lightning struck the rocks below.

The clouds rolled in faster and faster, and the sky grew dark, and the rains fell. The pitter-patter of rain slowly became a pounding that drowned out the sounds of the birds as they scattered to find a haven from the storm. The lightning followed by the booming crash of thunder that resonated across the sky; the vibration absorbed by the earth below.
As I studied the image, a thought came to my mind. This scene that played out in front of me was so similar to the life we are experiencing today. As we sit back and study, the course of recent time we see the parallel between the storm in the sky and what we are living through right now. Stormy energy has been brewing for a long time. Humanity is about to unleash its wrath just as the lightning emitted in the sky. The booming anger of humanity is drowning out the beautiful sounds of nature. We can’t see the forest through the trees because we have become so focused on negative energy we can’t let our guard down and let in the light.
What a comparison. Think about it. As the clouds accumulate and absorb the negative energy; humankind is absorbing all the surrounding negativity. Negativity begets negativity. It grows like a plague unleashing itself on society and kills the kindness we have been ignoring. The storm in the sky unleashed on the earth, and we have natural catastrophes all over the globe. On a human level, we are doing the same thing. We have unleashed the negativity on each other, and there is very little peace.

I believe the calm before the storm is long gone now. We are amid a storm that is out of control. Maybe if we change our energy, it will affect the surrounding energy. We as humans have a responsibility to love and protect. We have forgotten that as we sling negativity at one another. Maybe it’s time the tides turn. If nature can do it, we can as well.

Photo by Max LaRochelle on Unsplash

A New Journey

I step into the arena of a new existence. The path in front of me is vast, with many twists and turns. It’s a road that leads to nowhere and everywhere. Adventure awaits. Walk with me as I step into the land of the living and dead. Journey with me to a time where truth, lies, love, hate, and suspense each touch the heart, mind, and soul. Let me tell you a story about…