The Private Federal Reserve System

I haven’t written about the Federal Reserve Banking System in a while. I’d like to provide a bit more information about how the crime syndicate took over our economy and made debt slaves of all of us.

I’m posting a short video below for you to hear a short history of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

The “Fed” is not a government agency. It’s a private bank that prints its own money and lends it to the United States for which the taxpayers (yes, that’s us) pay interest. Our Constitution is written in such a way that allows our government to print American money backed by gold as a means of currency. By voting to approve the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, our Congress in a slight of hand, on December 23, 1913, committed treason against its sovereigns. Are you shocked?

Eustace Mullins describes the Federal Reserve System as a criminal syndicate. A central bank is a private group of bankers who have total control of the country’s economy. They print as much of their own money as they want. They pump that money into our economy then charge interest on that money, forcing us further and further into debt. Until we are where we are now, so far in debt that we will never see the light of day,

He also states that war is the most profitable enterprise. So guess who finances BOTH sides of every war. Guess who instigates these wars and causes them to drag on sometimes for years. That’s right the Federal Reserve, Rothschild’s, Rockefeller’s, Morgan’s, etc.

When you watch the video you will learn more about J. P. Morgan. He spear headed many multinational corporations including General Electric and US Steel. He had controlling interest in AT&T, Western Union, and 24 railroads across the country. JP Morgan funded and built the Titanic and the Olympic. It is said that the Olympic was sunk, not the Titanic. The speculation that JP Morgan was involved in an insurance scam where Morgan passed off the Olympic, whose hull had been damaged, as the Titanic has been circulating for many years.

Conveniently, three men who opposed the Federal Reserve Act were on that maiden voyage of the Titanic. Jacob Astor, real estate investor and friend of Telsa ,  Benjamin Gugenheim who came from a wealthy mining family, and Eisadore Strausee who was the owner of Macy’s. Another coincidence, there were no red (warning) flags on the ship to signal for help in the event of an accident. These men were invited on the maiden voyage of the Titanic by JP Morgan who cancelled his plans the day before to celebrate the maiden voyage along with Astor, Gugenheim, and Strause.

With these men out of the way and unable to convince Congress that a central bank was a bad idea, the Federal Reserve Act passed on December 23rd during the Christmas break.

This left the central bank with the power to print as much money as they want, lending it to the US government, which by the way was hijacked in 1871 and existed as a corporation at the time, leaving the US taxpayers obliged to pay interest on the notes.

Another stipulation which stockholders include in the “Act,” stated that no Federal Reserve stock could be bought or sold on the stock market. Meaning the stock is owned by the Rothschild’s, Rockefeller’s and remaining 13 families. This conveniently enough leaves these families in complete control of the greatest Republic in the world. Listen to the video closely.

So, here’s another example of how we have been manipulated to believe the lies our government keeps pumping out. This along with , NASA, the CIA, FBI and IRS are all examples of how our Constitution has been hijacked and we’ve been enslaved to do the will of the global elite.

For those who have yet to see the truth, it’s time to wake up.

Stay safe and healthy.

Photo by Museums Victoria on Unsplash

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