We the people, have been bombarded with misinformation. We’re fed lies, and manipulated to believe things that are not true. Those of us who take the time to dig are called conspiracy theorists, while those still asleep listen to MSM, allowing the media to pull them further into their web of lies. Their mind control propaganda is dividing our country.
Thankfully, there are still some willing to stand up and speak the truth. There are still some doctors who haven’t forgotten the Hippocratic Oath they took to protect and heal.
Dr. McCullough is speaking out. He’s trying to connect with as many people as possible. He’s trying to save your children!
In the video below Dr. McCullough offers six things you should have in your Covid Arsenal.
We all should arm ourselves with not only the truth, but information that will help us survive the MSM/cabal of misinformation. This is a start.
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On January 15, 2022 The International Law Court Convicted The Vatican, China, and Big Pharma of genocide and criminal conspiracy.
Covid injections have been banned. Hmm??
75 individuals were sentenced to life in prison by the Court. All assets have been seized and companies have been dissolved and they will be banned from further production, sale, of use of their injections which are products of medical genocide and mass murder.
The International Court of Common Justice delivered their verdict after a four month trial. They issued arrests and expropriation orders against the defendants. The following have been convicted:
Pfizer CEO Albert Burla, a Greek Jew from Thessaloniki
GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceutical CEO Emma Walmsley
Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope” Francis)
Queen Elizabeth (Windsor)
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
and more…
The court’s public relations office stated:
“This case is about an egregious generational crime and its equally massive cover-up.
For years, the highest officials of church, state, and corporations personally approved and profited from the systematic torture, trafficking, and murder of children in lethal drug testing experiments to manufacture C*O*V*I*D’s “vaccination” as part of a criminal conspiracy to reduce humanity.
This conspiracy kills innocents, traffics in weapons, drugs, children, and human organs, and silences or destroys those who threaten to expose it.
“Our court has put a legal end to this conspiracy by criminalizing the individuals and companies responsible and prohibiting the further sale and use of the “vac*sins” C*O*V*I*D, which are the product of medical genocide and the mass murder of children” …
Our warrants empower not only our sheriffs and police officers, but people around the world to enforce the Court’s judgment by arresting convicted criminals, seizing their assets, and stopping the sale and use of C*O*V*I*D ‘vac*sins,'” the Court said.
“Child killers can no longer evade justice by invoking executive or corporate privilege or hiding behind the guise of fictitious public health crises.”
Under the auspices of the International Criminal Court for Crimes against Church and State (ITCCS), established under international law on June 15, 2010.
Please note, the opinions and views are not necessarily shared by the author of this post.
I encourage you to research this topic further. verify all resources and form your opinion based on what you learn.
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The laws that are supposed to protect us, somehow have become difficult to understand. A law that applies one person, doesn’t apply to another. It appears that laws are subject to interpretation. It all depends on who you know.
On one hand, the FBI considers any person with an outstanding arrest warrant to be a fugitive. On the other hand, the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives defined a fugitive as someone who has an outstanding arrest warrant and has crossed state lines. Why does each department have different interpretations?
Well, when you’re the President of THE UNITED STATES (notice the caps, I’m referring to the corporation here) you have pull.
I’m sharing an Barack Obama ordered the FBI to remove over 500,000 names of potential murders and pedophiles from the National Instant Criminal Background Check System.
The background check is set in place to secure that fugitives are prevented from buying firearms and from working with children. His action placed dangerous criminals in the path of citizens who should be protected from such criminals.
Are you still thinking the B.O. worked in the best interest of the Republic?
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Some people may read the question and think my statement is crazy. We have all been exposed to electromagnetic energy and waves for decades. From the meters on our homes to the cell phones we carry in our pockets. The power lines to the computers we sit in front of on a daily basis.
Think about it. Our bodies are bombarded with this debilitating force that is slowly disconnecting us from nature. Where we as human beings used to vibrate and resonate on the same frequency as the earth, we now vibrate at such a low frequency that we hardly recognize truth from fiction. In many cases people have become so brainwashed that they can’t function without being told what to do.
The study noted in the article below is proof that magnetic energy can disable parts of the brain and weaken faith in God and change attitudes to immigrants.
As you read through the article, remember the Covid Jab is magnetic.
Remember that the mRNA gene therapy injection is installing nano-particles into the human body and changing the way your body functions. It’s replacing pieces of your DNA. This is a process that has never before been done to human beings. It is a process that through animal trials, killed the animals.
You can also review the video below to see that there are those who believe they have isolated the God gene.
Another reason we need to wake up.
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There are many products on the market that people use without realizing they are not good for the human body. Vicks Vaporub has been around many years. And while the menthol, rubbed on the chest seems to open the air passages, allowing you to breath better, it is also poisoning you.
Remember petroleum products are toxic to the human body. There are many safe and effective products that can provide the same, or better result than adding more toxins to your already taxed body system.
Interestingly enough, researchers from the Wake Forest University School of Medicine point out that Vicks VapoRub does not actually remove congestion, but only makes the brain think the airways are open by use of menthol, camphor and eucalyptus oil. If this is the case, why use it?
Vicks Vaporub is a product produced by Vicks Chemical Company. Yes, chemical company. It contains Petrolatum, which is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons derived from the distillation of petroleum (also known as crude oil which is refined into various kinds of fuel). Laureth 7 is another ingredient in Vaporub. It’s derived from ethylene oxide, is used in pesticides and considered a cancer-causing substance.
I could go on, but as always I like to leave some research for my readers. Check out the active and inactive ingredients in all products you use. You might be surprised to find that many cosmetics, and over the counter skin care products contain ethylene oxide, Sodium-lauryl-sulfate, and Polysorbate 80.
Vicks is a chemical company, like many companies, such as the pharmaceutical industry, they pose as companies that want what;s best for the consumer. What they really want is what’s best for their pocket book. Protect yourself and your family. Research the ingredients in any product you put on or in your body.
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I’ve been sharing a lot of information that may be over the top to some. If you’re not ready to hear it, the information will sound crazy.
I’ve been researching history and governments with an agenda for years. I have to be honest with you. It has been depressing. I would dive deep into that which may not be public knowledge. Or is public knowledge, but isn’t easily accessible. After spending hours neck deep in government conspiracy, I would have to take a break for days, sometimes weeks because of the dark nature of the information.
Having shared the above, I must say that even though I write about these things, and think we all need to know the truth. I also believe I need to be compassionate and reach out to, even those who don’t believe what I believe.
Not only that, but what I write is fiction. Not all information in my books is proven fact. I don’t write to brainwash people to believe what I believe. Please always do your research. Question everything.
The main message I want to leave you with today, is this. Consider what you read (of my work) as a light switch. Let it be that which turns on the light within. Not only to shine light on the truth, but to allow the light to shine in the darkness so you can maneuver your way through the mines that have been set to scare and manipulate you. Let it be that which causes you to question everything. Even what I write.
We are learning to stand, independent of the government that wishes to control us. Destroy us, even, in some cases. Our rights and freedoms have been trampled on. We are beginning to discover the truth.
One thing we will all need to remember as we make our way through this “awakening” as some call it. Many will not see what we see. And when they see it, they may not believe. We must be diligent. We must be patient with those who will at some point realize to what extent we have all been duped. It will be up to us to remember to love. We will need to come together to heal. To return our communities to what they were meant to be. It will be up to us to show those just learning the truth, how to be strong, and how to release the pain, knowing that justice will be served.
So much is still unknown to us. Things that we have no control over. The best thing we can do while we wait, is to work on ourselves. We all have wounds. We all need to heal from trauma. No matter the life you live, there are things that have affected each of us, negatively. We can use this time to learn from and heal those areas that have kept us in the dark. True light shines from within. Let’s use this time to learn to be our own beacon of light. Shining brightly, casting out the darkness, exposing our scars and wounds, healing them, so we can return to the greater light.
What a year it’s been. From mask mandates to forced jabbing, it’s never ending. Yet I chose to ignore the madness.
I will not comply. I will stand my ground and protect my family whether they share my view or not.
While it’s been a struggle to live under this cloud, I have chosen to find the silver lining.
My grandson met his first big milestone. We celebrated his first birthday in style. He was surrounded by his family, who showered him with gifts, yes. But more importantly, love.
He is growing so fast. I watch him with wonder, knowing he will have a major role in our great awakening. He is still a baby, even at one year old. Yet, as I watch him, I see the wheels turning. I see in his eyes a strong soul who will do wonders in this world that needs healing.
I continue to watch him grow. Knowing he is a wonder. He is a blessing that will continue to surprise all of us as the years pass.
I started working on the second book in the “Operation Mind Crime” series, “A Dangerous Truth”. It picks up where “The War Within” left off.
The novel continues to expose some of what we know is going on in this country. The public is aware that hundreds of thousands of children go missing each year. However, they may not realize the source of those abductions. I have discussed this in prior posts, but will be posting more as time passes. I will touch briefly on this in “A Dangerous Truth”. The third book will expose to a greater extent these crimes.
The novel, continues to expose not only the trafficking of children (toward the end of the book), but also the crimes against humanity committed by experimenting on human subjects without their consent. There is a major issue with human experimentation on our military. The greater part of the story deals with this topic. The Stewart family continues to be the conduit this information passes through.
I tell the story through the family unit to help us normal people understand what has happened without putting people in a state of shock. The truth is coming out, but I’m not sure how the public will take it.
I’m hoping to have the book published by next fall. I hope many will read it. Not because it’s good for me, but because it will prepare the public for what is to come. If you haven’t read “The War Within” you may want to read it first as it is a prequel to ” Dangerous Truth”.
Remember, always do your research. Information is being made available every day. So, even my view could change.
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Remember when the twitter world went crazy because President Trump spelled coffee wrong? Well, for those of us who are awake, we know he is far to intelligent to make a mistake like that. At least not without it having a deeper meaning.
One of the thing President Trump is good at, is making people think. That is, if they are awake enough to realize there could be an alternate explanation to what he is saying.
The meaning behind CoVFeFe in his comment(s) refers to a soft magnetic alloy made up of COBALT (Co), IRON (Fe) AND VANADUIUM (V) (CovFeFe) Covfefe is a FORMULA!
CoVFeFe is already used in TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEVICES, and also in Directed ENERGY WEAPONS and other MILITARY DEVICES that use electromagnetic radiation. TO REDUCE THE HARM AND PROMOTES HIGHER ENERGY USAGE: (IE; 5G)
So what is CoVFeFe, and what is the connection? Cobalt (Co-49%) – Iron (Fe-49%)–Vanadium (V-2%) together makes a soft magnetic alloy with the highest flux density of any strip core alloy, making it ideal for use in tape cores and magnetic cores in many innovative technologies.
The magnets clean up the impurities from 5G working on an ionic level. This keeps oxygen from being depleted, making harmless, the high radio frequency radio waves (mmWave).
Other linear formula names for this compound are: FeCoV, CoVFe, CoVFeFe, VCoFe, FeVCo, etc. CovFeFe is to protect us from 5G.*
The lesson here is, question everything. Research everything. If something looks off, it may be intentional, and might be begging for further explanation.
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The original Constitution of the united states of America was suspended in 1871. Upon which the fraudulent corporation UNITED STATES OF AMERICA was put in place. The Constitution of The united states for America was replaced with “THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA”. Capitalization is NOT insignificant when one is referring to a legal document.
How did this happen? Well, The Revolutionary War took it’s toll on the new Colonies. First the founding fathers allowed the French (versus Spain) to bail out the newly free states. As the years passed, the debt grew.
As time passed descent grew in the small nation and the struggle between freedom and slavery caused a division between North and South. History tells us that the struggle to free slaves from the white man resulted in the Civil War. I believe there is another side to this story, which we’ll save for another post. The descent was intentionally created by the international bankers so as to prompt war, which they would benefit from by supporting both sides financially, ensuring they would win economically.
The States became embroiled in a battle that would break the Union. While the North won the War, they lost financially. The only way to keep the country going, Lincoln believed, was to borrow, again. This time Congress made a deal with the devil. They borrowed from the international bankers (Rothschilds of London), which our forefathers agreed never to do, thereby increasing the debt to a degree that would be difficult to repay.
Of course the bank wasn’t about to lend to a nation so far in debt without some form of collateral. Or stipulation, you might say. Enter the brainchild of the Rothschilds. The act of 1871 which Congress passed, with no constitutional authority to do so.
They created a separate government for the District of Columbia, a city state. Ten square miles of land in the middle of Washington was created. It had it’s own flag and its own independent constitution. What would become known as the secret second constitution. The flag has 3 red stars, each to represent a city state within the 3 city empire (Washington D.C., Vatican City, and City of London representing the corporate center). The city of London controls the world, economically. That’s right. The united states were now under the thumb of England again. All done without drawing a single weapon.
Washington D.C. became the military center charged with controlling the world by force if necessary. Vatican City controls spiritual guidance (or appears to do so). The three together are known as “Empire of the City”. The constitution operates under the Vatican.
THE UNITED STATES and corporate government for the District of Columbia were created when congress passed the Act of 1871. The Act of 1871 was a treasonous act the allowed the District of Columbia to operate as a corporation outside of the united states original Constitution. And it didn’t act in the best interest of the American Sovereigns.
On a corporate level The President (or chief executive) of the UNITED STATES (corporation) operates with a board of directors which we know as cabinet officials. And managers which we know as Senators/Congress. The president operates as “vassal king”. He takes orders from “the City of London” through the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA),
It gets darker. The Illuminati, which was founded by The Society of Jesus (or Jesuits) is the largest Religious Military Order and is headed by the Black Pope. They created the RIIA in 1919. In the UNITED STATES we have Council of Foreign Relations. It was all set up based on the myth of King Author.
As I mentioned above, The ACT of 1871 put the united states back under the control of Great Britain, which is controlled by the Vatican. THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is the constitution of the incorporated UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. It has been used to fool the American sovereign since it’s inception. We aren’t governed by the Republic. We are ruled by the “Empire of the City”.
When Congress passed the Act of 1871 it created an entirely new document, a constitution for the government of the District of Columbia, an INCORPORATED government. We no longer have unalienable rights which were guaranteed under the organic Constitution, but we have “relative” rights and privileges. Our right to travel has now become a privilege that requires a drivers license.
Congress committed TREASON against the Sovereign People who were protected under the Declaration of Independence and our organic Constitution, when they passed the Act of 1871. As of 1871 the united states of America isn’t a country, it’s a corporation. As of 1871 we became a Crown colony once again. We have a shadow government that rules for financial gain, and control of the people.
This video explains the usurpation in a way we can all understand.
Points to research:
The U.S. has always been and remains a British Crown colony.
King James I, signed the “First Charter of Virginia” in 1606 — which granted America’s British forefathers license to settle and colonize America.
The charter guaranteed future Kings/Queens of England would have sovereign authority over all citizens and colonized land in America.
The Treaty of Paris was signed on September 3, 1783 after America declared independence from Great Britain,
The Treaty of Paris identifies the King of England as prince of U.S. “Prince George the Third, by the grace of God, king of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, duke of Brunswick and Lunebourg, arch- treasurer and prince elector of the Holy Roman Empire etc., and of the United States of America”. Article 5 of that treaty gave all British estates, rights and properties back to Britain.
Think about this.
“It is agreed that Congress shall earnestly recommend it to the legislatures of the respective states to provide for the restitution of all estates, rights, and properties, which have been confiscated belonging to real British subjects; and also of the estates, rights, and properties of persons resident in districts in the possession on his Majesty’s arms and who have not borne arms against the said United States. And that persons of any other description shall have free liberty to go to any part or parts of any of the thirteen United States and therein to remain twelve months unmolested in their endeavors to obtain the restitution of such of their estates, rights, and properties as may have been confiscated; and that Congress shall also earnestly recommend to the several states a reconsideration and revision of all acts or laws regarding the premises, so as to render the said laws or acts perfectly consistent not only with justice and equity but with that spirit of conciliation which on the return of the blessings of peace should universally prevail. And that Congress shall also earnestly recommend to the several states that the estates, rights, and properties, of such last mentioned persons shall be restored to them, they refunding to any persons who may be now in possession the bona fide price (where any has been given) which such persons may have paid on purchasing any of the said lands, rights, or properties since the confiscation. And it is agreed that all persons who have any interest in confiscated lands, either by debts, marriage settlements, or otherwise, shall meet with no lawful impediment in the prosecution of their just rights.”
You now know the history of the Act of 1871, in a nutshell. We have been duped. For over a hundred years, we believed we lived in a free country where we have the liberty to pursue happiness. When in reality we have been manipulated to believe we don’t want to be free. Well maybe some people believe that.
We do know it it the elite that run the show. They have destroyed not only our country, but countries across the world. The shadow government has taken all rule and order and thrown them out the window. They make their own rules and rule in chaos.
But we, as Americans won’t give up. We are the rebel. We will fight for God and Country.
There is one particular person who has done just that. His fight has saved the united states of America. Most people don’t know it yet, but his actions saved our country from the third bankruptcy. He has captured our flag for us, the Sovereign of this beautiful land.
You may be thinking I’m talking about Donald Trump. While he has done many great things for our country, it is not he who saved our Constitution.
It is :Russell-Jay-Gould: – I will save that for another post.
Until then, continue to do your research.
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