The leak of the century? I don’t know. Maybe. I can’t help thinking that the leak was strategically made public as the war in Ukraine wraps up and the documentary “2000 Mules” comes out. Look this way, not that way. We need to focus on everything. Especially now.
Roe v Wade has been the topic of many debates throughout the years. It is again the topic of debate. We see gates going up to protect the lawmakers in Washington D.C. as the Supreme Court reviews the case to over turn the original decision.
No matter what side of the argument you take, there is always the matter of the baby. The life that grows and moves and bonds with the woman who holds the life near her heart.
No person knows why people do the things they do. And yes, we should have the freedom the live our lives as we see fit. At least as long as we do no harm to others.
I think the debate as to when a fetus is a viable living being will never be settled. I can’t say I would judge anyone’s decision related to this subject. I do feel it is too easy to terminate a life. There are so many couples who want families who can’t have them. Why not gift the unwanted life to someone who would love and cherish a child. Instead of sacrificing a baby to an industry that is using the victim as a science experiment.
In many cases women regret their decision to terminate a pregnancy. Often times it is years later. Sometimes, its before she even leaves the facility. Regret doesn’t bring back a precious life. As is seen by many including Jane Roe.
Below you can hear the deathbed confession of Norma – also known as Jane Roe.
And the next video is an interview with “Baby Roe”, the woman who would have been aborted had the court ruled earlier.
There are many arguments, both sides, making a point to benefit their convenience or morality.
I pray for all those involved. That ultimately the life they choose to terminate will be spared. Christ calls us all to be childlike. He calls us to love one another, that includes loving the children. “Whosoever shall receive one of such little children in my Name, receiveth me: and whosoever receiveth me, receiveth not s]me, but him that sent me.” (Mark 9; 37,Geneva Bible 1599)
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