Roe v Wade – It’s Time For The Truth

The leak of the century? I don’t know. Maybe. I can’t help thinking that the leak was strategically made public as the war in Ukraine wraps up and the documentary “2000 Mules” comes out. Look this way, not that way. We need to focus on everything. Especially now.

Roe v Wade has been the topic of many debates throughout the years.  It is again the topic of debate. We see gates going up to protect the lawmakers in Washington D.C. as the Supreme Court reviews the case to over turn the original decision.

No matter what side of the argument you take, there is always the matter of the baby. The life that grows and moves and bonds with the woman who holds the life near her heart.

No person knows why people do the things they do. And yes, we should have the freedom the live our lives as we see fit. At least as long as we do no harm to others.

I think the debate as to when a fetus is a viable living being will never be settled.  I can’t say I would judge anyone’s decision related to this subject. I do feel it is too easy to terminate a life. There are so many couples who want families who can’t have them. Why not gift the unwanted life to someone who would love and cherish a child. Instead of sacrificing a baby to an industry that is using the victim as a science experiment.

In many cases women regret their decision to terminate a pregnancy. Often times it is years later. Sometimes, its before she even leaves the facility. Regret doesn’t bring back a precious life.  As is seen by many including Jane Roe.

Below you can hear the deathbed confession of Norma – also known as Jane Roe.

And the next video is an interview with “Baby Roe”, the woman who would have been aborted had the court ruled earlier.

This link exposes the lie that opened the dialog with the courts to allow a woman to terminate a pregnancy.

There are many arguments, both sides, making a point to benefit their convenience or morality.

I pray for all those involved. That ultimately the life they choose to terminate will be spared. Christ calls us all to be childlike. He calls us to love one another, that includes loving the children. “Whosoever shall receive one of such little children in my Name, receiveth me: and whosoever receiveth me, receiveth not s]me, but him that sent me.” (Mark 9; 37,Geneva Bible 1599)

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2000 Mules – Election Fraud Proof

Some people think that those who say there was election fraud during the 2020 election are crazy. They’re just crazy conspiracy theorists that hate the left.

I believe that number has been shrinking as the discussion escalates. We’ve gone from the deafening silence that scream silently, “we’ve been robbed of our right to free and fair election”. To a roar of, “we want our rightful President back”.

That’ right. Each day that passes offers more and more documentation and proof that the election was stolen. “4 million minutes of footage” proving election fraud. This is only one shocking statement made during the documentary.

I know, there are still people out there that think it isn’t true. I don’t know how that is possible, considering the mass of evidence being published that prove the “steal”.

I’m not going on a rant today about how the election was stolen. I am posting here the trailer to the documentary “2000 Mules“. The movie that shows everyone across the world, that the election was fraudulent.

Everyone should watch the movie. We should all be protesting and demanding the truth. We can no longer “turn the other cheek”. For far too many years the people have been assuming the Government has been protecting us. Has been governing in the best interest of the people. There is nothing further from the truth.

The corruption in our government runs deep. Far and wide. It is time WE THE PEOPLE take back the Republic.

Please take the time to watch for the movie. There is no better protection, than educating ourselves so we can defend ourselves.

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Club-K Container Missile System

We’ve lived our whole lives assuming our Government will protect us, look out for our best interests. We’re told we have the strongest military in the world.

Yet, now, with the current Administration, doing the crazy things they’re doing, it makes me wonder. It appears they are intentionally destroying the country. No border protection, attempts to ban our weapons, selling our reserves of food and fuel. They are making it near impossible to function on a daily basis.

Not many people know the agenda that looms over our head. We’ve experienced Covid, mask mandates, and forced jab mandates in some states. The New World Order is being forced down our throat.

We hear that the fake administration is a puppet of the CCP and that they are waiting for the right moment to invade. I don’t have confirmed information that that is true. But I have heard that the CCP had troops on our borders.

I’ve heard that Walmart’s across the country have storage containers stacked and waiting. Are these container missile systems? Who knows. I understand they are placed elsewhere too.

I know I’m the ultimate conspiracy theorist. This may be true, however, most of what people thought were conspiracy theories, have now been proven true. So, let’s look at what a container missile system is.

  • The Club-K container missile system is designed for engagement with nuclear capabilities
  • LEGO principal implementation possibility of placing modular components in containers of different loading capacity enabling a number of various configurations dependent of the Customer’s conditions and tasks;
  • storage and transportation reticence components are housed in standard marine containers;
  • portability and mobility – possibility to deliver the system by any kind of transport capable of shipping marine containers using civil logistics;
  • multi-platformity– possibility of the system’s implementation from sea, railway and automobile platforms as well as ground starting positions;
  • autonomy – the system includes intelligence-surveillance means, is capable of launching missiles using target acquisition data from external sources, and all components have self-contained power supply units.

It is a little disheartening to think these containers could be strategically placed across this country. Its unnerving to think that our military, at this very moment might be rooting out these missiles in the dark of night. Protecting the American people from potential casualties.

I hope my post today is just my “conspiracy theory” mind creating what might be a good book one day.

In any case, it will do us all good to keep an eye out for those “truths” between the lines.

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Deep State Money Source – Adrenochrome

For years I’ve been talking about the most horrendous Deep State criminal activity. Yes we know about the drug and gun running, and the fake fiat banking system. What I’m speaking about now is human trafficking.

Though some turn a blind eye, to keep from having to admit to the terrorizing of children. Others are working to bring the evil practice to light in hopes that we can stop the satanic sacrifices.

Human trafficking is the worst of crimes. These crimes against humanity are more involved than many realize.

Children are being trafficked for many reasons, among them sexual abuse and organ harvesting. The torturous practice of removing the organs while the child is still alive brings these evil beings pleasure. While the whole body can’t be consumed or sold, they are able to make use of what they refer to as waste by using the remains in food products, building material, and concrete. All of these are ways to hide their evil crimes.

Child sacrifice is a means to appease their satanic god. They sacrifice the children after torturing; scaring them to near death in order to harvest adrenochrome. A substance that they drink to ensure long youthful life. They torture the child to increase the adrenaline which increases the quality of adrenochrome.

It sounds like something out of a horror movie. Yet it’s happening on mass levels. Explaining why hundreds of thousands of children go missing each year, in the United States alone. Not to mention the millions of children across the world.

The evil runs deep. It has permeated Hollywood, international corporations, and governments. Anyone with any power, wealth or massive success, could be part of the satanic plan. I believe much will eventually come to light regarding these people. It’s all you have to do is open your eyes to see the number of CEO’s, Presidents and heads of corporations resigning. And the many actors who have “retired” from acting. These all may be excuses for arrests for crimes against the children.

Anyone who wants to help end the practice of human trafficking has become a target. President Trump, while in office, made it his mission to end human trafficking. Maybe that’s why they fought so hard to have him removed from office. He knew their secrets and was determined to destroy them. He knows they traffic children. They know he will fight for them, to end child sex trafficking.

I believe we are in the midst of a biblical war, the fight against good and evil. We’re all called to do our part. Prayer may be your contribution. Not all of us can wield a sword. However, we can pray. “Pray without ceasing” [1 Thessalonians 5:17].

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The Real Truth Behind the American Civil War

The “Titles of Nobility Amendment” (TONA) was ratified in Virginia in 1819. This became the 13th amendment and it prohibited any Bar Attorneys who accepted the title “Esquire” from holding any public office in the US Federal Government.

This may surprise you. But if you understand that Bar Attorneys are accepting dual allegiances between the United States and Britain, it makes sense. The acronym BAR written out is British Accreditation Registry. By accepting the title and swearing allegiance as a member of the BAR, you are swearing allegiance to the British King.

Although the 13th amendment prohibits attorneys from working for the United States Government, it does not prohibit attorneys from working for the British Territorial Government operating under the Constitution of the United States of America, nor is it applied to the Vatican (Papist Municipal Government) under the same.

The statue of Lincoln at the Lincoln Memorial.

Now we get to the point. In 1836 President Lincoln was admitted to the Bar and accepted the title “Esquire”. He legally practiced international corporate law in Illinois. Because he accepted the title “Esquire” he couldn’t run for President of the United States of America according to the 13th amendment.

This didn’t stop Lincoln from running but he had to run for office of President of the British Territorial Government instead. Meaning he ran for the President of the United States Corporation, acting under the Constitution of the United States of America. He wasn’t President of the Federal Republic, therefore he bypassed TONA. This outraged the southern states who saw it as an invasion of the Constitution and an emasculation of the Presidency,

Millions of Americans voting in 1860 were unaware of this act of treason so Abraham Lincoln and his British compatriots pulled off the scam. This is the real reason the South seceded, withdrawing from the Federal Union. This is the real reason for the beginning of the conflict.The southern states refused to be part of a foreign government. The Corporation used the excuse of abolishing slavery as a reason for the war. Most slave owners weren’t even white.  And slaves in the United States at that time were of many colors and nationalities.

The Civil War was never declared by an American congressman, nor did it end by a peace treaty. Confederate General Lee surrendered and an armistice was established. President Andrew Johnson declared “Peace on the Land” through three public declarations. No treaty.

Because there was no legitimate basis to establish a peace treaty, he created a contract instead while operating in the Foreign British Territorial (Commonwealth) Office as President of the United States Corporation.

The undeclared war (similar to Vietnam) ended in a fraudulent public declaration of peace.The north was bankrupt, the south lay in ruin and the Foreign British Territorial Contractors of the United States Corporation  made out like a bandit, making money hand over fist. As usual.

After the War Ulysses S Grant was placed in office. He may have been a great General, but he knew little of politics which allowed the Crown to continue the corruption and abuse of power under the “color of law” as it does to this day.

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The Truth About Slavery

If you believe that there were no rich black people during the years where the slave trade was booming, then I have a bone to pick with you. That belief is false, not true, wrong.

We are all going through an awakening process. It is time to see with our eyes. We need to stop seeing the world through the corrupt media who tell what we should see, and hear. And the elite who wrote our history books to suit their agenda. Consider the following.

The African King Ghezo of Dahomey said this:

“The slave trade is the ruling principle of my people. It is the source and the glory of their wealth…the mother lulls the child to sleep with notes of triumph over an enemy reduced to slavery…

Here is some more facts about slavery.

  • The first slave owner in the 13 colonies was a black man named Anthony Johnson.
  • William-Ellison owned a 900-acre cotton plantation in South Carolina (William Ellison 1860 Slave-Census).
  • William Ellison was also the largest of 171 black slaveholders in South Carolina (William Ellison 1860 Slave-Census).
  • Only 384,884 Africans were ever shipped to the US. That is only 3% of ALL the African slaves shipped to the New World. The rest were inherited through the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, annexation of Texas in 1836, and the annexation of New Mexico in 1848. Millions more came from Haiti and other Caribbean islands, as well.
  • According the US Census, roughly 80,000 Jewish men owned slaves, which accounts for at least 26% of total ownership while they were only 0.7% of the total population, but these number aren’t accurate. They are higher. Research is necessary if you want to find the truth.
  • It’s also been stated that 28% of free blacks owned slaves. They’ve concluded that according to the 1860 Census, there were more black slave owners than White.
  • To learn more read the 324 page preliminary report on the census to find this information.
  • There are several sources that reveal the above listed information, but they all reference the 1860 census.

When you do your research, you will find that the Jewish and Black population owned more slaves than did the White population. Additionally, the White people didn’t bring them to this country.  For more information on how one Jewish man in 1654 came to this country from Brazil as a slave trader (John (((Law))). Originally from Scotland and the son of a banker and goldsmith, he moved to New Orleans in the Mississippi Delta. I could elaborate here, but I’d like you to do your research to find what really happened. You can start by watching They Came For Good.

I came across this Capitalism_Slavery which you can read here. Eric Williams describes further in detail, that the first slaves in this country were not the black man, but were first, the American Indian, then the White man. All before the first black slave was sold by a black man to be brought to the new world by a black man.

If you want to research the Jewish connection as slave traders and owners, please know and research the slave trade in the following countries:

  • Barbados (for England)
  • Recife
  • Brazil
  • Haiti
  • Cuba
  • Jamaica
  • St. Thomas
  • St. Croix
  • Gorée Island
  • Curacao
  • Rhode Island
  • New York
  • New Orleans
  • South Carolina
  • Georgia
  • and more

Research the Dutch West India Company in Brazil and Recife.

Look into the Royal African Company and John Locke.

And Antonio Suasso, who financed both The Dutch India Company and the Royal African Company.

And finally Sir Francis Drake and his cousin Sir Hawkins and their connection to the causes of Dom Antonio.

Here are some additional facts related to the slave population in this country by 1860

  • 68% of slave owners in 1860 in the US were Blacks and Mulatto
  • 40% of slave owners in 1860 in the US were Blacks
  • 28% of slave owners in 1860 in the US were Mulatto
  • 32% of slave owners in 1860 in the US were (((White)))

I’d like to leave you with one final piece of information to research. Please look at the connection of Grand Lodge Freemason order under the guidance of the Jewish grand master.

I believe it will become apparent to you that the “White” man isn’t to blame for the slave trade. I also think that you will find that the Jewish (not Israeli) are responsible for shipping in the slaves to this country.

I’d like to make one final comment pertaining to this piece. The information herein is pulled from resources that verify what is posted. What you read is not my personal opinion and I’m not forcing anyone to read or believe what is written in this piece. We should question everything. Verify everything.

Knowledge is power. Up to this point the elite have controlled the information, which has given them power. It’s time we take back that power.

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Congress Bans arms to Ukraine – Read on

The secrets continue to be revealed to the world. We’ve all been living in darkness for far too long. It is time we all return to the light, become the light, that we were meant to be.

The Ukraine has been in the fore front of the fake media. They have been showing images of war, that in many cases aren’t images of Ukraine at all. They are images recycled from Syria, Lebanon and other war-zones over the years.

I’m not saying that Russia isn’t in Ukraine. What I am saying is, you should do some research related to that area of the world. There are many amateur videos circulating that show that the Ukrainian military are killing their own people. Mostly those who claim Russian heritage.

Today’s post isn’t meant to debate these facts. It is meant to help to open the eyes of those who still fail to recognize the corruption in the corporate government. The government that is now bankrupt.

Read the article below to learn how Biden is committing treason right now.

“House-passed spending bills for the past three years have included a ban on U.S. aid to Ukraine from going to the Azov Battalion, but the provision was stripped out before final passage each year.” [The Hill]

I point to this article today hoping to bring your attention to the treason that is taking place by those who claim to be working in our best interest.

See the following links to view the Executive Orders for more information. In particular EO 13818

It’s time to take back the Republic. Learn about all the things that have been taken from us. From our national status, to the theft of our personal property. There is much to learn. Today is a good day to begin.

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Cestui Que Vie Trust

In my last post we talked about the birth certificate system. Today we’re going to review the Cestui Que Vie Trust. Cestui que vie is French for “he who lives”. In 1933 the UNITED STATES (INC) government created the birth certificate system. From that point, every baby born was issued a birth certificate. We have all come to believe the birth certificate was basically to record our live birth. Little did we know it was a scheme to enslave us for eternity. So, now we take a look at the Cestui Que Vie Trust. When each of us was born we were registered and given a CUSIP number, through our birth certificate.  I know, I’ve already mentioned that. So let’s talk about how the Crown enslaved the men and women to make money off the sweat of their brow. First, you must know that in 1666 the Crown enacted the Cestui Que Vie Act (1666).  It was enacted during the Black Plague and Great Fire of London. I have a theory about both of these instances, but we’ll save them for another post. The Act was put in place to subrogate the rights of the men and women of England (and later the world). This meant that all men and women were considered lost at sea or beyond the sea. The term lost at sea is better understood when you understand Admiralty law, which is the law of the water. We’ll talk about that in another post too. By enacting the ‘Act” all property was confiscated in a sense and placed in “trust”. The State became the “trustee”holding all titles and all property until (they claim) a living man comes back to reclaim his trust. Up to this point we have been talking about England, but the corruption doesn’t end there. Because, the Crown of England came back to claim the united States of America. And only three years after it declared its independence. We’ll talk about that more later. If you’ve read prior posts, you will remember my discussing the “Empire State. Have you ever looked at the flag of Washington D.C (District of Columbia)? The three stars on the flag represent the three city states. The Vatican, The City of London, and Washington D.C. The Vatican controls the world through the maritime legal system. Everything is a bank so to speak. When the State created the birth certificate system, they took away the God given rights of the free men and women (as defined by the Constitution). they created citizens (municipal employees), persons, and residents. The State took the free men and women and create vessels of fiction. We’ll learn about how the Court has used this system to entrap men and women and get their tacit agreement without their (free will) consent in another post. You will notice anytime you get anything in the mail from the State, it is always in all CAPITAL letters. That’s your vessel. A legal entity. Fiction. The legal fiction is has no consciousness. It is a name on a piece of paper (ALL CAPS). Once your vessel is registered, a Cestui Que Vie Trust (see Cestui Que Vie Act (1707)) is set up in your name. A loan is taken from the International Monetary Fund and put into the Public Charitable Trust. They then place (depending on the year of your birth) a certain amount of money in your Trust. We can use me as an example. Anyone born between 1933 and 1975 is bonded for $600,000 which is placed in the Trust. The State then would insure you for one million dollars. In case you die. A little interruption here. I mentioned the CUSIP number earlier. That CUSIP number is used to trade you on the stock market. If you want to see how well you’re performing, go to, type your social security number in the search box and when you hit enter, a list of companies will be populated. To show you what companies are buying and selling you. Now back to the Trust. The money sits in the Trust and grows until you are of the age when you begin to make purchases. Then, let’s say you take out a mortgage. When you sign the mortgage application you are not signing as a debtor. You are signing as a creditor. Once you sign, they take the money you “borrowed” through the mortgage, out of your CQV Trust. Paying off the property. You then pay AGAIN through mortgage payments. It’s a scheme. By the way, the definition of mortgage is “death pledge”. Every loan you take out works the same way. When you die, they pay off anything you may still “owe”. Then the remainder of the money sits in the Trust forever…in perpetuity. The Trust continues to earn interest and the government skims money off your Trust to pay for their elicit government practices. So to answer the unasked question. This is what funds government. Not your taxes. Those go to the Federal Reserve. Which is a private family of bankers who have schemed to steal our gold and remove our treasury note. Only to hand us a fiat currency that isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on. The final thing I’d like to mention about your Cestui Que Vie Trust, today is this. You can access your Trust. You only need to go through the process to become a State National. Renounce your citizenship in the De Facto fraudulent government and return to the Republic the De Jure form of government that our forefathers fought so hard to put in place for We The People. Well, I guess that’s enough on that for today. Hope fully this has opened your eyes to why we need to take back our country. It’s time to stand for the Republic.All the information I post related to becoming an American State National comes from my personal research and listening to those who have made it possible for me to learn what I’ve learned. I’m including links to clips to some of the seminars available where you can learn about what it means to be an American State National.
You can do a search on YouTube to find Many of David Straights Videos
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The Theft Of The American State National

I’ve been doing a deep dive into what it means to be a State National. My head is spinning.

We have all been duped. Made slaves. And we don’t even know it.  On December 15, 2020, I posted a video on my blog, called “War Castles”. This video opened my eyes to what has been going on in our country for hundreds of years. And thousands across the world.

Within the video Robert-Leroy: Horton disclosed the whole of Masonic law and how it has destroyed the lives of all of us.

We first saw how as an infant we are dragged into the corrupt system of the City Empire by the scheme of Parens Patre. Whereby the State created the birth certificate system to enslave us. The process goes something like this.

Our mother went into a foundling hospital (definition of foundling – to give up your child) to have her baby (major medical procedure). The baby is birthed, tugged through the birth canal by the “dock tender” (doctor) who take the blood (placenta)  and the soul prints (foot prints of the baby) and upon registration the baby (now a vessel) is sent out to sea where he or she is presumed dead or missing until he or she returns to claim it’s minor estate.

Under duress of pain, exhaustion and medication the mother signs the birth certificate as an informant (informant – one who gives up someone to another), thereby giving the State “title” to her baby.

The mother takes the baby home. The baby is then registered as a vessel with the State. A process that takes anywhere between 3 days to a month. The baby is registered as a vessel, an entity a transmitting utility. It’s bonded and insured and placed into a Cestui Que Vie public trust. And is bought and sold as US Treasury bonds forever under LEI’s through it’s CUSIP#. The baby becomes the full faith and credit of the UNITED STATES INC. (Yes I said incorporated)

Can you see the corruption here?

The mother not knowing what she was doing and without explanation from the hospital was not given FULL AND HONEST DISCLOSURE of what occurred. The State through a fraudulent TACIT Agreement of the mothers consent through lack of knowledge, presumes and assumes to have title to all your property and your children and jurisdiction over your everyday life.

And then there is this.

On March 4, 1997, then President William Clinton signed EO#13707, taking out a 14 Quadrillion 300 Trillion loan against “all men with arms & legs”. The Organization  ID # is AG 59880464  A- U.S. Securities  and Exchange  Commission which is defined as a TRUSTEE. These UCC-1 Financing  statements  own the following  COLLATERAL-  “All men with arms & legs” It’s an AGRICULTURE  Lien.

I’m attaching a copy of the UCC Approval sheet along with the UCC Financing Statement.

Also, under the Dept. of Agriculture people are designated as CHATTEL…Public Law  …103-354 & 7 CFR § 1962.1 and CFR 7§1962.6 LIENS and ASSIGNMENTS  on CHATTEL Property …1962.34- Transfer of chattel security… 1962.40- LIQUIDATION 1962.42- SALE OF CHATTEL SECURITY.

This is the tip of the ice berg. The Cestui Que Vie public trust which every “citizen” has is going to make your head spin. What if I told you you all had millions and millions of dollars, or more sitting in a trust, that the government steals from everyday?

That’s a topic for the next post.

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Deep State Stronghold Seized

Many people consider me to be a conspiracy theorist. I would call myself a realist.

There are many conspiracy theory’s that have been proven to be true in the last few years. If you review the archives you will find that many FBI and CIA files have been declassified. Proving that things like MK Ultra mind control programs and false flag events are not only real. But have been conspired into existence by what many of us call the “Deep State”.

I came across this article today. It will be an eye opener for anyone who will set aside their doubts to read it.

Delta Force Seizes Deep State Stronghold

The article is lengthy but worth the read.

In a nutshell, Delta Force along with additional military units seized a major Deep State “stronghold”. Hidden away in the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia they stormed the Biden regime’s police force, FEMA, and what is the secret headquarters in Virginia, and has been there since the 1950s.

They found many amenities and life support systems, including water, generators, radios, a hospital and television broadcasting facilities. All of which would maintain the Deep State players for five years.

There’s much more to the article. take the time to read it. As always do your research. There may be more to this story than we will ever be told.

I can’t help wonder what would become of us if we hadn’t received the help of a group of what many are calling “White Hats”. For most of the years this country has existed, there has been a plan to destroy the Republic. From what I can tell, we were only free State Nationals for 3 years before the Crown through the Central Banks, swooped in and took control again.

Thankfully, there are those who still care about us and want us to take back the Republic. President Trump gave us back the keys to this Nation. Its up to us to wake up and make it happen.

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