Challenge The Establishment

There are many unsettling things going on in the world right now. And in the united states of America those same things have been flying under the radar for years. I know there are many people who think anyone who claims these things are going on, must be a conspiracy theorist. There are some day’s I don’t know what to write about. We all want to take a stand against evil; do the right thing. The safety of children has always been a concern of mine Human trafficking is a horrendous crime against our greatest resource. It makes me sick to watch and listen to those who tell the story about the torture and murder of which these children are subjected.

Sometimes I think people discount the violence or look the other way because if they pay attention, they have to admit it’s not only a problem, but global bloodshed. If there were ever a pandemic (figuratively speaking), it isn’t COVID-19, its child trafficking. I think COVID-19 is a smokescreen to take away the attention from the real problem, human trafficking.                                                                     Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash

It’s time everyone opens their eyes to the facts. Yes, the facts that expose media conglomerates and the the corporate elite. It’s time to recognize that politicians on both sides of the isle and that some in Hollywood are doing horrific things to children. They’ve been sacrificing children for their vanity and to sooth their sense of power for decades (even longer). Even worse, they’ve been sacrificing children to their evil deity. Yes, I hear you, “she’s a conspiracy theorist. That can’t be happening” you say. That’s exactly the response they are depending on. The media has been desensitizing the public since the fifties. The television, after all, according to the government, is “for entertainment purposes only”, so how can even the news be true? I guess it’s fake media after all. I’m not asking you to believe me, I’m asking you to wake up and do your research. Don’t believe the fact checkers. They’re paid by the people who have been brainwashing the public for years. If you don’t believe Operation Mockingbird exists, look up the Church Commission. Back in the early 1970s Congress did an investigation on the MKULTRA programs, one of which was Operation Mockingbird. We’ve become a society that is compaisant. We assume our local, state and federal representatives are protecting us. Well, they’re not. They’re protecting the special interests and their satanic cults by taking our tax dollars to fund their perversions. I’m telling you this because there will come a day when all of this could spill into the public eye. Some of it already has. Check out some of the links below. Then research what you see. Don’t take my word for what I present here. Look up court records and news articles. You will find some of what I mention buried in the news, because they don’t want you to pay attention. They don’t want you to pay attention, because if you do, they won’t be able to control you. Human Trafficking Concerns D.C. Documentary – Pray Wiki-Leak Documents People of the united states of America against Guess Who? Human Rights Tribunal Case Washington D.C. Disclosure What Eyes Would See D.C Tunnels If you don’t do this to educate yourself, do it for the children. You need to challenge everything you read, even what I post. When you wake up, remember those who have been working day and night for the last four years (at least) to clean out the tunnels and bases where these children are being rescued. Pray for them because what they are exposed to daily is terrible. They need our prayers. It’s time to wake up. Fair Use Notice: This article could contain some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add their photo.