I Will Rescue You – Save the Children

Many people are still in the dark about what has been going on underground on our planet. Some may have heard the term deep underground military bases (DUMB). Yet, may not know what goes on in the deep caverns of the earth.

These bases have been used for decades, no centuries. Some are older than that. Think back through history, back to Babylon and the pagan rituals of child sacrifice. There is your first clue. It is a horrifying concept but the reality is, these satanic rituals are still being practiced today. The Satanic cults of the elite are sacrificing children at an alarming rate. This video shows images of of the tunnels that lead to the bases. You’ll see the equipment used to power through the earth to connect tunnels to bases around the world. Then you’ll see images of military rescues.

It is terrible to think that people don’t know this is going on. Yet, it’s true. Think of Haiti. All the children who were taken from their homes to adopt out after the earthquake. The story of children without parents being scooped up to be “adopted”. Those children were not going to be adopted. They were to be taken to these places and tortured for adrenochrome to feed the addiction of the Hollywood elite, politicians and global elite whose desire to stay young over powered there sense of morality. You may think I’m crazy as you read this, but the truth will be exposed. Where are all your favorite stars?

Eight million children go missing every year. They are being abducted and placed in cages and tortured, scared almost to death until their adrenaline is ripe for the harvesting.

There are many things going on around the world right now. Little of which is being reported through the media.  Much of what I’ve been writing about relates to these atrocities.

We need to be praying for our military. The war they are fighting is nothing like anything we have ever witnessed. We need to pray for them and their families. Pray for their safety and health, and their sanity.

Some people don’t like President Trump but he has done much to combat the problem of child trafficking. Here are a few executive orders  he signed during his first term to protect human life.

·         Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Improvements
·         Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States
·         Enforcing Federal Law With Respect to Transnational Criminal Organizations and Preventing International Trafficking
·         Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption
·         Protecting America Through Lawful Detention of Terrorists
·         Protecting Vulnerable Newborn and Infant Children
·         Strengthening the Child Welfare System for America’s Children

You can find a complete list of President Trump’s executive orders here. 

By year, below.

Remember none of what is going on in the world is about President Trump. It is about fighting the evil that has infiltrated the earth. Don’t turn your back on your family, friends and neighbors because you don’t like a person. That person may be the one who turns out to be the good guy. None of us are perfect. Would you want your peers to disregard all your good qualities and contributions because you don’t sugar coat what you say?

We need to take back our planet. For our children and the sovereigns of the world.

Stay safe and healthy.

I didn’t create the video in this post. I don’t have the name of the person who created it. If you created the video, please let me know so I can give proper credit. Thank you.

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Hear The Plea of The Children

I know I keep repeating myself, but I have to say it again. Our children are our most precious resource.

I’ve written many posts about the child trafficking that has been taking place for hundreds of years. Yes, I said hundreds but it’s been longer than that. More like thousands of years.

We live in a society where these things shouldn’t happen. The rights of every human should be secured.

The video below is a short clip about s young boy who survived being trafficked. It stands a a wake up call to those who can’t or won’t see the GIGANTIC elephant in the room.

Child trafficking is a sensitive subject to discuss. For too many years the sacrificial rituals have been taking place. Millions of children go missing to support the evil agenda of those who feed off the blood of our youth. I don’t mean that figuratively either.

The global elite have been performing horrific rituals and experimenting on children. They are harvesting adrenochrome from the veins of children who have been terrorized to the brink of death, so they can cut their neck from ear to ear and drain them of their life blood that, because of the fear instilled in them, has been packed with adrenaline. The adrenochrome, as it is called, is sold to global and Hollywood elite. They consume it. It is a drug to them. One that keeps them looking young and full of energy. I know what I say is terrible to hear. I’m sorry for the shock but people need to know the truth.

Not only are the children being harvested, they are also being sexually abused. You can watch the below video to understand this terrible, terrible reality.

It pains me to speak of these things. Every time I see a child wandering from their parent or playing in their yard alone, I worry that that child could be the next victim. Keep your children close to you. Be always alert, not only for your children but for others. We must protect them.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel. We have an army of soldiers working to rid the world of this evil. The DUMBS (deep underground military bases) are being cleaned out and destroyed so this can never happen again. President Trump made this a major focus of his first term. It has taken all these years to expose this evil. Now is the time to finish it.

Be diligent. Stay safe, keep your children safe, and stay healthy.

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More Child Trafficking Arrests

I wish I could say there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I have no way of knowing that. I’m praying that the large number of arrests we’re seeing in recent months is an indication that we are moving in the right direction.

Below you will find another list of arrests related to child trafficking. Included you’ll see the links to articles about each arrest.

I know it’s a difficult topic, but please remember the children. Thank you for those who work to make the arrests and convictions a reality.

Photo by Bill Oxford on Unsplash

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Challenge The Establishment

There are many unsettling things going on in the world right now. And in the united states of America those same things have been flying under the radar for years. I know there are many people who think anyone who claims these things are going on, must be a conspiracy theorist. There are some day’s I don’t know what to write about. We all want to take a stand against evil; do the right thing. The safety of children has always been a concern of mine Human trafficking is a horrendous crime against our greatest resource. It makes me sick to watch and listen to those who tell the story about the torture and murder of which these children are subjected.

Sometimes I think people discount the violence or look the other way because if they pay attention, they have to admit it’s not only a problem, but global bloodshed. If there were ever a pandemic (figuratively speaking), it isn’t COVID-19, its child trafficking. I think COVID-19 is a smokescreen to take away the attention from the real problem, human trafficking.                                                                     Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash

It’s time everyone opens their eyes to the facts. Yes, the facts that expose media conglomerates and the the corporate elite. It’s time to recognize that politicians on both sides of the isle and that some in Hollywood are doing horrific things to children. They’ve been sacrificing children for their vanity and to sooth their sense of power for decades (even longer). Even worse, they’ve been sacrificing children to their evil deity. Yes, I hear you, “she’s a conspiracy theorist. That can’t be happening” you say. That’s exactly the response they are depending on. The media has been desensitizing the public since the fifties. The television, after all, according to the government, is “for entertainment purposes only”, so how can even the news be true? I guess it’s fake media after all. I’m not asking you to believe me, I’m asking you to wake up and do your research. Don’t believe the fact checkers. They’re paid by the people who have been brainwashing the public for years. If you don’t believe Operation Mockingbird exists, look up the Church Commission. Back in the early 1970s Congress did an investigation on the MKULTRA programs, one of which was Operation Mockingbird. We’ve become a society that is compaisant. We assume our local, state and federal representatives are protecting us. Well, they’re not. They’re protecting the special interests and their satanic cults by taking our tax dollars to fund their perversions. I’m telling you this because there will come a day when all of this could spill into the public eye. Some of it already has. Check out some of the links below. Then research what you see. Don’t take my word for what I present here. Look up court records and news articles. You will find some of what I mention buried in the news, because they don’t want you to pay attention. They don’t want you to pay attention, because if you do, they won’t be able to control you. Human Trafficking Concerns D.C. Documentary – Pray Wiki-Leak Documents People of the united states of America against Guess Who? Human Rights Tribunal Case Washington D.C. Disclosure What Eyes Would See D.C Tunnels If you don’t do this to educate yourself, do it for the children. You need to challenge everything you read, even what I post. When you wake up, remember those who have been working day and night for the last four years (at least) to clean out the tunnels and bases where these children are being rescued. Pray for them because what they are exposed to daily is terrible. They need our prayers. It’s time to wake up. Fair Use Notice: This article could contain some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add their photo.

It Was Never About The Election – It’s About The Children

The world is waking up. If you are are still asleep, here is your red pill.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words.

Time to wake up.

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Human Trafficking – Another Rescue

Here is another act of human trafficking. They seems to be no end to the madness. Houston police rescue 29  people from house allegedly involved in human trafficking operation. A 36 year old Honduran man , Mauro Dominguez-Maldonado, was arrested. 

The criminal action was revealed when one of the hostages escaped and ran down the street yelling for help. 

Police responded around 9p.m. to 48000 block of Raven Ridge Drive. Neighbors were shocked by what police found.

You can read more here.

I can’t stress how important is is for us to keep our eyes open. I’m not preaching to the choir. I’m reminding each of us to remain vigilant in the fight against human trafficking. Remember, if you see something, say something.

Unfortunately, we fight against a dark enemy. The evil they perpetrate is dark and the criminals keep their crimes hidden well. In the months to come I’m afraid we will be seeing more stories like this one.

I know we are all doing our best to assist in this war. I want to thank everyone who continues to make a difference. I pray you all stay safe and remain strong for the children.

God Bless you.

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Who Are the Peacekeepers?

Human trafficking has been a problem for centuries, I bet, even longer. I’ve been writing to you about the horror that remains hidden from us hoping we will all open our eyes to the truth.

Every year the rate of pedophilia, sex trafficking, and sexual abuse increases. It’s difficult to near impossible to provide accurate data related to Human Trafficking because so much of what happens is kept in the dark. I always suggest you do your research. You can click here for 2019 statistics per the US National Human Trafficking hotline. I’m always hesitant to believe just one source, because so many organizations are claiming to rescue children, when in reality they are part of the problem. Please research the topic.

Below is a video showing one instance where those who are called to keep the peace have been using their positions to rape women and children in the communities they are supposed to be protecting.

This video was recorded in 2017.

You might be surprised to know that it is the people we should be able to trust the most that are part of the problem. Suspect those that you would least expect like wealthy business people, politicians, the elite, people who head organizations or foundations that are put in place to protect human life. It’s scary to think that we have put our trust in these people and places. Again, do your research.

In the case of the above video we find the UN peacekeepers, people who were supposed to be protecting and keeping the peace, were inflicting pain and suffering on the communities they swore to protect.

You can refer to this Associated Press investigation where they revealed that over more than ten years there have been around 2,000 allegations of sexual abuse and exploitation by UN peacekeepers. It has been estimated that over 300 have been cases that involve children. And are you surprised? Not many of the perpetrators were arrested and convicted of their crimes.

Even more shocking is the child sex ring run by UN peacekeepers in Haiti. Poor children are left to scavenge for food, making them the perfect target for peacekeeper’s crimes. Children were enticed by food. Bribed with something so simple and necessary for survival, in exchange for sex from children as young as 12 years old. I won’t go into details of what these men did here because the details are shocking and horrific. I repeat do your research.

I keep saying “do your research” because you need to read for yourself what has been happening. So many people read articles and brush off the information, saying it can’t be true, because the information seems so horrific. It is because of the horror that you should question and start digging.

We have been asleep for too long. It’s time to wake up realize the truth and find a way to help end the evil that is taking our children. I like you am only one person, but you as an individual has a gift, a way that you could help, even in a small way. So, please take the time to find out what is happening to the children.

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Human Trafficking

I’ve been discussing the horror that is Human Trafficking. Sometimes it’s difficult to find the words to communicate to the world about the topic.

Today I am sharing this video for you to watch. Two million child slaves and this is only the tip of the iceberg (so to speak).

We must wake up and do our part. You may not know what that looks like today, but think about the role you might be able to play to help.

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Understanding Human Trafficking

I’m posting this video as a service to our children. We need to wake up.

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25 Children Located as Sex Trafficking Busts Continue

Operation Safety Net recovered 25 missing children during a two week stretch in Ohio. Operation Safety Net has been operating for two weeks and will, with local law enforcement, continue to carry out their rescue mission.

You can read the article here.

Each time I hear about a rescue I feel relief. Yet I know there are hundreds of thousands more children that need to be saved. We can help by keeping our eyes open. Recognizing when something doesn’t look right. Reporting what might look suspicious.

Our military and law enforcement agencies are working to save the children. President Trump early in his term promised to do all he could to bring to justice those who participate in this horrible crime. No matter their station in society.

“We have things happening that you don’t want to know about.” ~ President Trump

We may not want to know about what’s happening but we can’t turn our back on the children.

Save The Children.

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