Conspiracies Proven

I’m an author of fiction. When I wrote my first book it started out to include exposing some of the secrets revealed during the Church Committee. These were very real secrets that today most people brush off as a conspiracy theory. Well, once a theory is proven it becomes truth. You can read the Church Committee Report here.

Frank Church led the investigation that began on January 27, 1975. The committee was formed to investigate the allegations made that the US Government was spying on its citizens. I bet they were surprised to find  that those who claimed to have our best interest at heart were really plotting against us.

Well, the truth revealed during the investigation of the Church Committee showed the existence of mind control programs that used drugs, torture, and sexual abuse as a means to control those who would carry out an agenda. These people might be referred to as sleepers because it could be years before the mind control victim would carry out the plan instituted by those in charge. The handler would make sure the plan was carried out. Imagine all the shootings and terrorist acts we’ve seen. Could the shooters all be mind control victims? Could they all be part of the MK-Ultra program?

It all sounds so science fiction. Yet, it is real. The more I researched, the more I realized the idea or plan was more global than I initially thought. Much of the information was destroyed prior to the investigation but some documents that revealed information related to the MK-ULTRA program were recovered at a later date and confirmed some of what many knew to be true. Little by little the truth is revealed. Listen to Clinton in the clip below. He admits to the experimentation on human subjects without their consent.

I believe we all come to the truth when we are psychologically able to process information that might otherwise cause cognitive dissonance if the person is not able to accept the truth. I’m hoping the information I share will create enough doubt in others, to cause them to question the world we live in. If each person slowly comes to the reality of each lie. The shock will be somewhat bearable.

I’m not telling you  that I’m right about anything. I’m telling you I’ve researched this information and what I found leads me to believe we are all being played.

This is just one of the many lies that we have been told. You can look at Project Mockingbird if you want to learn about how the general public has been manipulated as the CIA recruited journalists to produce propaganda or fake stories to manipulate the way we perceive the world we live in.

There is a whole world of misinformation out there waiting to be uncovered. I believe much of what we have been taught about history might have to be rewritten once the cat is out of the bag.

I’ll say it again, as I do at the end of each of my posts. I’m not asking you to believe me, I’m asking you to take the time to do your research. Prove me wrong.We’ve been asleep far too long.

It’s time to wake up.

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