Graphene Oxide, 5G, and the Jab

The video I’m sharing is not of great quality but I feel compelled to share it because it communicates important information about Graphene Oxide which is present in the jab, that is all injections including Moderna, Astrazeneca, J&J, and Pfizer.

There is a connection between the jab, Graphene Oxide, and 5G. Yes 5G is a weapon. Our cell phones could be used to control us. I know this all seems like a Sci-Fi movie but we are now living in an era where we will see more and more things presented and introduced that will confirm our sci-fi society.

Graphene Oxide is present in more than the jab

  • The masks people have been purchasing contain Graphene Oxide
  • The PCR/Swab used to test for Covid-19 contain Graphene Oxide
  • All Vaccines Astrazeneca, Pfizer, Moderna, Sino-vac, and J&J (Jansssen) contain Graphene Oxide
  • The flu shot (2019) also contains Graphene Oxide (Researching this further)

Graphene Oxide is a toxin that is used as a weapon to depopulate the world.

  • Graphene oxide is what is causing the blood clotting we are seeing as side effects to the jab
  • It also causes auto immune disorders. With each additional dose, the immune system will collapse causing cytokine storm
  • Graphene Oxide causes a metallic taste
  • It also causes inflammation of the mucous membrane loss of taste and smell (partial or complete)
  • Powerful magnetic properties within the body could explain the magnetic phenomena within the body of those receiving the jab

COVID-19 is the result of introducing Graphene Oxide through different roots of administration.

  • Graphene Oxide has an electronic and social band. A second frequency from which the material is excited and oxidized quickly, breaking the balance with the proliferation in our body of the toxic vs our natural antioxidant reserve of glutagen. This frequency band is broadcast in the band-with of the new 5G wireless technology. This is why the installation of these antenna was never stopped during the pandemic.
  • It is suspect that during the 2019 anti-flu campaign that Graphene Oxide was introduced into these vials. Or was already used as an adjuvant.
  • It all started in Wuhan, and Covid-19 that was first seen in the world where the 5G pilot test was held around November 2019.

The purpose for introducing Graphene Oxide into the body gets darker. It is important you understand this information.

  • It is important to understand that the cause of COVID-19 is the result of a chemical toxicant not a biological adjuvant.
  • The interaction between Graphene in inoculated humans and 5G could result in a fatal event when 5G will be fully enabled in July 2021, so we would be in a short period of time to stop this madness and abort vaccination programs for once and all.*

As you understand this you will know how to protect yourself by increasing glutagen levels. It’s an antioxidant we have in reserve in our body.

  • Glutagen levels are high in children. This is why they are less likely to contract Covid-19; mild impact
  • Glutagen drops increasingly after the age 65. This is why the elderly are at a higher risk of dying from Covid-19
  • High levels of glutagen are found in those who practice sports intensively.
  • Graphene could be flushed naturally out of the body, because there is an enzyme called myeloperoxidase that apparently disintegrates graphene molecules. Surprisingly alcohol consumption or even tobacco can help to increase this enzyme. That’s why they want the population to be vaccinated each 6-12 months and sober.*
  • Click here to see an article that shares how to make NAC naturally, To rid your body of any graphene.  It wasn’t written for the sole purpose of the jab but the information in the article is relevant to the situation.

Discovery of Graphene Oxide shows an intentional act of bio-terrorism against the entire global population. And should be considered as crimes against humanity. This could affect those closest to us.

  • Our medical community; Doctors and nurses.
  • Health services
  • Local regional print media
  • Along with those who coheres, manipulate, and threaten people into taking the jab.

Our humanity is at stake when it comes to this jab. We all need to be responsible as we navigate this EXPERIMENTAL jab. The globalist’s intent is to depopulate the world. It’s all you have to do is read the Georgia Guidestones to see that. There are many other places where you can find information that points to their intent to depopulate the world.

We need to protect ourselves, our families and our communities. Many of our elderly received the flu vaccine in 2019. When you add to that the Covid-19 jab, the levels of Graphene Oxide increase making the elderly at great risk of dying from the coming flu season or new variant of Covid-19 that is introduced into our communities.

This article is not meant to be a political statement. It’s an attempt to get the masses to take the time to research what they are putting in their bodies. We only have one life. We should do what we can to remain healthy. We should do what we can to save future generations.

Please see the video here:

I did my best to interpret (above) so you might get the most out of the video. Please educate yourself and stay healthy.

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